COMP 1917 Computing 1
Session 2, 2016
Tutorial - Week 12
This page was last updated: 10/13/2016 13:40:13
Presentation Topic for Week 12
Explain Type Conversion in C. In what situations does type conversion occur?
Write a C program, thousand.c which when run creates a file named "1000.txt" containing the first 1000 integers, one per line.
Write a C program,
which generalizes the program in the previous exercise. It should take 3 arguments. The first & second arguments will specify the range of integers to be placed in the file. The third argument will specify the file to be created.
./numbers 40 42 1000.txt
cat 1000.txt
Write a program, head.c, which given a filename as argument prints the first 10 lines of the file. If the file has less than 10 lines the entire file should be printed.
- Write a function that recursively sums all the elements of an array.
- Write a recursive function to find the maximum element in an array.
- Write a recursive function
int length(List l)
to calculate the length of a linked list
- In previous lab you had to implement a function that prints a list in reverse order. Discuss how you can achieve that task with recursion.
- Write a recursive function
int search(List l, int val)
that returns 1 if val is in the linked list and 0 otherwise.
- What are some advantages and disadvantages of using recursion to solve a task?
Presentation Topic for Week 13
For many of you the next step will be taking COMP1927(COMP1521???) where you will learn about data structures and some well known algorithms. One of the crucial concepts in that course is complexity.
Explain to the rest of the class what is "big O notation" and give example of programs running in O(1), O(n) and O(n^2).