Lab Exercises Week 03



Deadline: 11:59pm Tuesday 5th January 2016

Total Marks: 3

Related Chapters of textbook

Chapter 12


For this lab, you will be required to work in pairs

Setting up

Change into your lab03 directory and run the following command:

cp /home/cs1927/public_html/17x1/week03/lab03/files/* .

Note the "." at the end of the command, meaning "into the current directory".

If you've done the above correctly, you should find the following files now in the directory:


A BST implementation that has functions called countLeaves and searchInsert and countIf that need to be completed


A BST interface that does not need to be modified

Task 1: Binary Search Tree Functions 2 marks

Each function is worth 1 mark

You have been provided with a binary search tree implementation in BST.c.

Task 2: Binary Search Tree Functions with function pointers 1 mark

Write a function countIf
int countIf (treelink tree, int (*pred)(TreeItem));

which traverses a binary tree and counts the number of items in the tree for which the application of *pred returns a non-zero value. For example, given the tree

         / \
        2   8
       / \
      1   4  
and a function
int isEven (TreeItem n);

which returns 1 if n is even, 0 otherwise. Calling

noOfEvenElems = countIf (tree, isEven);

assigns the value 3 to noOfEvenElems. Write an appropriate test cases to test your function and test your implementation for at least 2 different predicates ( isNegative, isOdd ). You will lose 0.5 marks if you do not do a decent attempt at this.


When you are happy with your work, please show it to your tutor to get it marked. Before you leave your lab, remember to submit your lab via the give command

1927 classrun 17x1 give lab03 BST.c testBST.c