COMP2521 ♢ Week 01a ♢ Course Introduction ♢ (19T1)

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❖ People and Website

Lecturer-in-charge: Dr Ashesh Mahidadia Email:

Course Admin: Jashank Jeremy Email:

♢ Primary entry point is WebCMS,
        Course Website is:

Login to WebCMS using your zID and your zPass, and is needed for

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❖ Course Goals

COMP1511 ...

COMP2521 ...
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❖ COMP1511 vs COMP2521

COMP1511 ...


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❖ ... COMP1511 vs COMP2521

COMP2521 ...


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❖ Thinking like a Scientist


observe → hypothesize → experiment → analyse → repeat
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❖ Course Context

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❖ Pre-conditions

♢ At the start of this course you should be able to:

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❖ Revision (material from COMP1511)

Important: Make sure you can properly understand and effectively use the following topics (covered in COMP1511):

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❖ Post-conditions

♢ At the end of this course you should be able to:

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❖ Data Structure Viewpoint

COMP1511 considered ...


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❖ ... Data Structure Viewpoint

COMP2521 also considers ...


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❖ COMP2521 Themes

♢ Major themes ...

  1. Analysis: correctness, performance, usability
  2. ADTs: sets, lists, trees, graphs, dictionaries
  3. Operations: building, sorting, searching, traversing

For data types: alternative implementation of operations

For algorithms: complexity analysis, performance analysis

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❖ Credits for Material

♢ Always give credit if you use someone else's work.

♢ COMP2521 material is prepared by John Shepherd, and ideas are drawn from

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❖ Textbook

♢ Textbook is a "double-header"


Good books, useful beyond COMP2521, but code style .....

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❖ Lectures

♢ Four scheduled hours of lectures.

♢ Lectures will contain ...

♢ But without any "background noise" :-)

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❖ Tutes and Labs

♢ Tutorials ...

♢ Labs ...

♢ Tutes/labs will run from week 01 to 10.

♢ Exercises for Week X available in Week X-1

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❖ ... Tutes and Labs

♢ Lab exercises contribute 8% to overall mark.

♢ The lab exercises for Week X must be

♢ Total mark for all the labs is greater than 8 (and they are scaled to 8).

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❖ Practical Midterm Exam

♢ Practical Midterm exam contribute 10% towards final mark.

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❖ Assignments

♢ Two assignments ...

♢ Two assignments contribute 22% towards final mark,
         subject to the conditions outlined in the section named "Course Assessment".

♢ Total marks for the assignments is greater than 22 (and they are scaled to 22).

♢ Late penalties apply if you miss the deadline.

♢ Good time management avoids late penalties!

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❖ Plagiarism

♢ Just Don't Do it


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❖ Final Exam

♢ 3-hour on-line exam during the exam period.

♢ Held in CSE labs   (must know lab environment)

♢ On-line documentation available in exam:

♢ Format:

♢ How to pass?   Practice, practice, practice, ...

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❖ Supplementary Exams

♢ Supplementary Exams are only available to students who

♢ We may also offer Supplementary Prac Exams to students who

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❖ Course Assessment

labs                = mark for lab exercises         (out of  8)
ass1                = mark for assignment 1          (out of  8)
ass2                = mark for assignment 2          (out of 14)
midterm	            = mark for practicalLabExams     (out of 10)
finalExam           = finalPracExam (36) + finalTheoryExam (24)          (out of 60)

okHurdle is calculated as below: okHurdle = (finalPracExam + practicalLabExams) > 24
assignmentMarks is calculated as below: assignmentMarks = ass1 + ass2 assPerc = assignmentMarks in percentages (out of 100) pracExamPerc = finalPracExam in percentages (out of 100) if( assPerc > pracExamPerc ) { // harmonic mean of assPerc and pracExamPerc adjusted_assPerc = (2 * assPerc * pracExamPerc) / (assPerc + pracExamPerc) assignmentMarks = 22 * (adjusted_assPerc / 100) }
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❖ ... Course Assessment

♢ In other words,

♢ For more clarification on adjusted_assPerc
(or why you should do the practical work yourself!), see the following table:

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❖ Summary

♢ The goal is for you to become a better programmer

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❖ C vs COMP1511 vs COMP2521

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❖ COMP1511 Style

♢ Required use of a restricted subset of C:

♢ But ... this style used in no texts or real code.

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❖ COMP2521 Style

♢ Extends the range of allowed constructs:

♢ But wait! There's more ...

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❖ ... COMP2521 Style

♢ More allowed C constructs ...

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❖ ... COMP2521 Style

Good: gives you more freedom and power

Bad: gives you more freedom and power

♢ So, you must still use some discipline.

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❖ Switch-statements

switch encapsulates a common selection:

if (v == C1) {
} else if (v == C2) {
else if (v == Cn) {
else {

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❖ ... Switch-statements

♢ Multi-way if becomes:

switch (v) {
case C1:
   S1; break;
case C2:
   S2; break;
case Cn:
   Sn; break;

♢ Note: break is critical; if not present, falls through to next case.

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❖ Exercise : Displaying Months

♢ Write a function monthName(int) that

♢ Suggest an alternative approach using an array.

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❖ For-loops

for encapsulates a common loop pattern:

while (cont) {
   do something;


for (init; cont; incr)
   do something;

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❖ ... For-loops

♢ COMP1511 (while) version

sum = 0;
i = 1;
while (i < 10) {
    sum = sum + i;

♢ COMP2521 (for) version

sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    sum += i;

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❖ Exercise : Sequence program, using for

Write a program that prints integer sequences (one per line):

♢ Package the core part as a function:

void seq(int start, int step, int finish) {...}

main checks errors and sets up args for seq()

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Produced: 6 Feb 2019