
  • Exam Starting Now

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 4 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    The time is upon us. You can now access the exam by going to the 'Exam Information' page on the course website.

    Good luck. Try not to stress yourself too much and just do your best to answer each question.


  • Exam Tomorrow

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 4 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    I've updated the Exam Information page on the course website with details on how you can access and submit the exam tomorrow. I will post another notice tomorrow when the exam starts, but everything you need to start the exam after 10AM tomorrow is on that page.

    As we have discussed, the exam will contain some challenging parts, and that may naturally be making some of you a bit worried, but keep in mind that that is not all of the exam. Additionally, for all of the programming questions, there are partial marks available, so try your best for each question, even if you're not able to solve it completely.


  • Exam Revision Solutions

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 4 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    I've updated the exam revision questions so that they now include solutions to the given problems. As always, keep in mind that there are many solutions to these sorts of problems, so if you were able to solve them a different way, your solution is not wrong . If your still working through the questions, I would encourage you to keep on trying to solve them yourself before looking at the solutions.

    I will be posting some more information about the exam tomorrow (where to access the exam, how to submit it, etc.).


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