
  • Exam Halfway Point

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 4 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    We're over halfway through the exam time now. I have no updates to give other than a reminder to make sure you save all your work before submitting it.


  • Exam starts NOW

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 4 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    If you go to the Exam Information page on the course website there is a link that will let you access the exam paper. Please ensure you read and understand all exam rules .

    Good luck!


  • Project & Exam preparedness

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest 4 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Firstly, the project marks are now available via the course website. On the whole, you all did very well. I took a look at a lot of them and it's great to see how far you've all come given most of you didn't know how to program at the start of the course. It's also great to see the creativity in the projects you chose to do.

    Secondly, as the exam is in 2 days, I suggest you all make sure you're prepared to sit it. By that I mean, you should decide what environment you're going to use (Colaboratory or Visual Studio Code) and that you have everything you need to use it. If you're using Visual Studio Code, make sure you've got everything installed you need. If you're using Colaboratory, make sure you will have internet access for the duration of the exam. If you're able to run all the cells in the solutions to the revision exercises, you should be ready to go.

    There's a link on the Exam Information page that will go live at the start of the exam on Wednesday. I will also post a notice at the starting time. If there are any corrections that need to be made or other information that needs to be communicated, I will post another notice during the exam.


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