
  • COMP1010 Grades

    Posted by Sim Mautner Monday 11 December 2023, 04:39:51 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    In the coming days you'll receive your grade for COMP1010 from the university. Most of you will get a usual mark and grade (Pass, Credit, Distinction, High Distinction).

    Some students will have a different mark next to their name. This post is to clarify some of those less-usual grades.

    WC - Supplementary Exam Granted. Your application for special consideration has been accepted and you will have an opportunity to sit a supp exam instead of the final exam.

    LE - Late Entry. This means that your overall grade was over 50%, but you did not do well enough in the final exam to demonstrate competency in the course. We take into account that this is most of your first time doing a computer programming exam and you are being offered another opportunity to attempt this requirement. Please keep an eye on your e-mail for further details about this opportunity.

    UF - Unsatisfactory Fail. While your grade is high enough to pass the course, you did not achieve a high enough mark in the final exam to pass the course. I have used my discretion in these situations to offer some students from this category an opportunity to re-attempt this course requirement, and their grades will show up as LE. If you get a UF, but believe that if you were offered another opportunity to pass a task similar to the exam, that you would succeed, then you may e-mail me and I will allow you this opportunity. (Note, I'm not sure why students with grades in the 40s might fall into this category. From my understanding, a final grade in the 40s should be counted as a failing grade.)

    Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about your grade.



  • COMP1010 Exam Tomorrow Afternoon

    Posted by Sim Mautner Tuesday 05 December 2023, 08:47:46 PM.

    Just a reminder that the exam is tomorrow afternoon. Please arrive by 1:45pm. See the last notice with exam information for more details.

    See you all there. :)

  • COMP1010 Exam Information

    Posted by Sim Mautner Saturday 25 November 2023, 04:44:00 PM, last modified Thursday 30 November 2023, 12:01:20 PM.

    Date: Wednesday 6th December

    Time: 1:45pm (If you arrive after 2:30pm you will not be allowed to sit the exam. The exam is due to end at 5:10pm)

    Location: Kora and Sitar labs (J17 Mechanical Engineering building, level 3, room 306 and 307).

    Provided Materials: During the exam, you will be provided with access to:

    • All code produced in lectures
    • All slides provided for the course
    • All content under the /python section and the /html section. Note: None of the interactive aspects of w3schools will be able to be used, but all the documentation will be available.

    Allowed Materials: In addition, you are allowed to bring with you, 2 double-sided A4 pages of notes. These notes will be collected by the exam supervisor at the end of the exam.

    What to Expect: The final exam will be similar to the practice exam in structure, difficulty and content.

    What the Computers are (approximately) like: For the exam, we are using the Computer Science and Engineering computers. You will be asked to log in with your zid and zpass. Then you will see:

    • Visual Studio Code with files to write your answers in
    • Visual Studio Code with the lecture code files
    • A browser with the exam questions

    Still Have Questions: Post them on the forum

    Best of luck with all your exams!! :)

  • Demonstrations Tomorrow

    Posted by Sim Mautner Thursday 16 November 2023, 07:46:30 PM.

    For some reason there are still some students who don't have a demonstration time. This demonstration time is your only opportunity to do the Feedback task. Even if you're submitting the code at a later date due to special consideration / circumstances, please still do your demonstration tomorrow so that we (both student and assessor) get the benefits of the demonstration without having to reschedule it.

    Please check your demonstration time here .

    If you aren't listed, or need to change your demonstration time (or a group has formed or split up), please submit a demonstration time request form here .

  • Tomorrow's lecture - online 9am start

    Posted by Sim Mautner Tuesday 14 November 2023, 07:12:57 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Unfortunately I'm feeling unwell this evening so have decided to conduct tomorrow's lecture online. It will be similar in structure to Monday's lecture and I hope lots of you are able to attend with questions about your project.



  • Demonstration Times

    Posted by Sim Mautner Friday 10 November 2023, 02:55:33 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Just a heads-up that demonstration day is next Friday 17th November.

    Please check your demonstration time here .

    If you aren't listed, or need to change your demonstration time (or a group has formed or split up), please submit a demonstration time request form here .

    Please remember that you are expected to attend the whole hour to which you are assigned.

    If you are unable to attend on Friday 17th November because of work or other similar commitments, please e-mail me (even if you mentioned it earlier this term) to let me know and I will arrange another time with you.



  • Week 8 Lab Work

    Posted by Sim Mautner Monday 06 November 2023, 05:17:23 PM.

    It's been brought to my attention that the Week 8 Lab Task about Restaurants didn't link back to the exercise done in lectures. For reference, here is the pre-work for that lab task:

    After reading through this material, if you still have trouble understanding what's required in the Week 8 lab task, please let me know in Wednesday's lecture.

  • Late start today - 9:15ish

    Posted by Sim Mautner Wednesday 25 October 2023, 08:36:27 AM.

    I'm going to start as close to 9am as possible but it's likely I'll only start around 9:15.

    See you all online.

  • Wednesday Lecture: Online

    Posted by Sim Mautner Monday 23 October 2023, 07:09:58 PM.

    Week 7 Wednesday lecture will be online. I'm aiming to start at 9am.

    Lecture plan:

    1. APIs (a useful topic for your project)

    2. Restaurant Finder introduction (needed for week 8 lab)

    3. Continuing to build shopping list application (if time)

  • Revision Lecture this morning

    Posted by Sim Mautner Monday 16 October 2023, 08:34:01 AM.

    Hi everyone,

    I'm going to do a revision lecture this morning where we continue working on the shopping list application.

    I'm stuck in traffic right now so will likely be a little late, but will start as close to 9am as possible.

  • Public Holiday Class - M11A

    Posted by Maddy Guthridge Sunday 01 October 2023, 04:46:19 PM.

    Hi all!

    If you're not in my class, apologies for the spam - for some reason I can't send emails to my class individually so I'm doing this as a course-wide announcement (better everyone sees it than nobody).

    For those in my class that missed it, we will be going ahead with the class, but doing so online.

    I'll post a Zoom link on the forum (make sure you've joined) right before our class starts. You should check there at about 11 AM.

    Looking forward to seeing you then!

  • Public Holiday catch-up lecture on Friday 29th September 9am-11am

    Posted by Sim Mautner Wednesday 20 September 2023, 11:45:27 AM.

    Hi everyone,

    1. There is a public holiday on Monday 2nd of October so there is no lecture that day.
    2. So that we don't fall behind, I will run an online lecture 9am-11am on Friday 29th of September (3 days before the usual lecture). For those of you who can't make it, it will be recorded and posted on YouTube as usual. (I do hope at least some of you can make it.)


  • Late start

    Posted by Sim Mautner Wednesday 20 September 2023, 09:28:23 AM.

    Hi everyone,

    I'm running later than expected. I'm aiming to be ready to start the lecture at 9:45.


  • Lecture changes - Wednesday Week 2

    Posted by Sim Mautner Tuesday 19 September 2023, 03:03:46 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Tomorrow morning (Wednesday of week 2) there are some changes to our lecture. These changes only apply to this one specific lecture (not future ones).

    1. It will be online only. The zoom link can be found here .
    2. It will start at 9:30am and end at 11:30am.



  • End of Week 1 Notices

    Posted by Sim Mautner Wednesday 13 September 2023, 11:38:20 AM.

    Hi everyone,

    I've had a great time during lectures this week.

    I've now created a playlist of lecture recordings on YouTube for anyone who misses a lecture or wants to revise a topic. Each video is titled with the week and day of the lecture has a list of topics covered in the video description. At this point I've been uploading the videos immediately after the lecture each day, hopefully this will continue.

    YouTube playlist of lecture recordings link:

    I mentioned in today's lecture that students often fall behind if they don't get enough practice with conditionals (if-statements) and loops (while). Here are some extra exercises for you to work on so that you can master these skills and have a solid foundation for the rest of the course: . (This page can also be found under the left-hand panel of the course website under "Extra Practice".)

    Lastly, keep an eye on the Key Dates and Deadlines link on the navigation panel of the course website. I intend to update it and release it to you in the coming days.

    I hope everyone's having a great week. I'll see you on Monday.



  • COMP1010 - Some Important Links

    Posted by Sim Mautner Sunday 10 September 2023, 07:49:29 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Two more things:

    1. The course website (currently still very lacking in content and information but I intend to fix that over the coming days) can be found here: . This website will soon hold all the information you need about the course and will keep you updated throughout the term. I recommend you bookmark it.
    2. The course forum can be used to ask questions both to the whole course, as well as privately to only the staff members. It can be found here: . I recommend bookmarking this too.

    See you tomorrow,

  • Welcome to COMP1010 - First Lecture Tomorrow

    Posted by Sim Mautner Sunday 10 September 2023, 07:42:04 PM.

    Hello everyone!

    Tomorrow morning we have our first lecture. For those of you joining us face-to-face we will meet in Ainsworth G02 located at grid reference K-J17. For those of you joining us online, (assuming no technical difficulties), you can join us in the Zoom Lecture Link . Alternatively, I believe, you can watch the lecture through LiveStream on Echo360.

    Whatever your mode of joining us, I'll see you at 9am :)

    Tomorrow's lecture will cover an introduction to COMP1010 including answers to questions such as:
    • What will we learn in this course?
    • What are Tutorials and Labs? What's the difference?
    • What do I need to do to do well in this course?
    • What assessment tasks will there be?
    • How do I set up my computer in order to write computer programs for this course?
    • How do I ask any questions that I have?

    I hope to also write our first computer programs in Python and start learning some course content.

    I'm looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow.


    Sim Mautner
    (Lecturer for COMP1010)

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