
  • Welcome to COMP1010!

    Posted by Sim Mautner Friday 06 September 2024, 01:34:19 PM.

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome to COMP1010 for 24T3 :)

    The course website is now up and running and is slowly getting filled in with information for the course (lecture content, assessment tasks, extra resources). It can be found here: COMP1010 Course Homepage . I highly recommend you bookmark this page as you will be using it often this term.

    On Monday at 11am we have our first lecture . For those of you joining us face-to-face we will meet in Tyree Energy Technology LG03 (K-H6-LG03). For those of you joining us online, (assuming no technical difficulties), you can join us in the Zoom Lecture Link . Alternatively, I believe, you can watch the lecture through LiveStream on Echo360.

    On Thursday at 10am our lecture will be held at E19 Patricia O'Shane G05 (K-E19-G05) with the same online options as Monday.

    Monday's lecture will cover an introduction to COMP1010 including answers to questions such as:
    • What will we learn in this course?
    • What are Tutorials and Labs? What's the difference?
    • What do I need to do to do well in this course?
    • What assessment tasks will there be?
    • How do I set up my computer in order to write computer programs for this course?
    • How do I ask any questions that I have?

    I hope to also write our first computer programs in Python and start learning some course content.

    Between now and then, please join the course forum using this link: . The forum is a place where you can ask questions (both publicly and privately) at any point in the course. I highly recommend you bookmark this page too.

    If you're feeling super keen and would like to get your brain warmed up before Monday, I recommend doing the reading and activities in the following links:

    I'm looking forward to meeting you all on Monday.


    Sim Mautner
    (Lecturer for COMP1010)

Upcoming Due Dates

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