/* The D&D Dice checker example
Marc Chee, February-June 2019
This small example will ask the user to input the
result of two dice rolls.
It will then check the sum of them against its
secret number.
It will report back:
a success (higher)
a failure (lower)
a tie (equal)
#include <stdio.h>
// the secret and unchangeable target number
// note the all caps name that reminds us
// that it's a constant
int main (void) {
// set up some dice variables so we can store numbers
int dieOne;
int dieTwo;
int total;
// we start by asking the user for their dice rolls
printf("Please enter your first die roll: ");
// then scan their input
scanf("%d", &dieOne);
// repeat for the second die
printf("Please enter your second die roll: ");
scanf("%d", &dieTwo);
// calculate the total and report it
total = dieOne + dieTwo;
printf("Your total roll is: %d\n", total);
// Now test against the secret number
if (total > SECRET_TARGET) {
// success
printf("Skill roll succeeded!\n");
} else if (total == SECRET_TARGET) {
// tie
printf("Skill roll tied!\n");
} else {
// the same as total < SECRET TARGET
// but we don't have to test it because
// we've already checked all other
// possibilities
printf("Skill roll failed!\n");
Resource created Tuesday 04 June 2019, 01:44:09 AM, last modified Wednesday 05 June 2019, 11:17:07 PM.
file: diceCheck.c