
  • Final Exam

    Posted by John Shepherd 7 years ago.

    Reminder (as if you needed one) ... the COMP1521 Final Exam is on tomorrow (June 20).

    Seating allocations are available. Check your timeslot (morning or afternoon) and your seat.
    Note that afternoon people have a corralling room as an initial location.

    All you need for the exam is a pen/pencil and your student card.

    Mobile phones need to be switched off and put in your bag or away from your desk.
    Similarly, smart watches and other "smart" devices.

    Hint: rather than spending the day cramming facts into your head, which you'll probably forget by Thursday, you're better off practising MIPS and C programming, especially how to deal with bugs.

    Get a good night's sleep and leave plenty of time to get to UNSW. Good luck.

  • 17s2 Exam Solutions

    Posted by John Shepherd 7 years ago, last modified 7 years ago.

    I found my solutions to the 17s2 Final Exam

    I can't find my solutions to the Sample Exam and don't have time to write any

  • Lab Marks and Exam Seating Allocation

    Posted by John Shepherd 7 years ago.

    I've computed the lab marks: 2 marks for each lab, except 4 marks for the week 11 one; grades converted to marks; summed all marks and added a small bonus for each "A+". Gives a total of up to 22. Then a little magic to turn this into a mark out 10.

    Note: tutors were asked to enter all grades by now; if any grades were "?" (meaning: a submission, but no grade awarded), I assumed that you submitted but were to ashamed to demo your work, so gave minimum grade "D". If the truth is that your tutor has forgotten to enter the grades, get them to contact me and I'll fix the grades and adjust your labs mark.

    Seating allocation for the Final Exam on 20 June is now available. If you forgot to fill in a preference and the session you were allocated doesn't work for you, let me know.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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