
  • Results of supplementary exam

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Sunday 02 June 2019, 09:25:15 AM.

    Results of the supplementary exam are available through webcms3, but it may take some time for these results to be updated on myUNSW.

  • Provisional Results for COMP 1531

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Wednesday 22 May 2019, 02:48:05 PM.

    Provisional results for COMP 1531 have now been released on webcms3 and can be seen under the field final_grade. Overall, the performance of our students has been excellent this semester, with 20.1 % of students scoring a HD and 32.2% of students receiving a DN.

    Congratulations to Lin, Kangying for placing first in the course with an overall mark of 97 and Chen, Emily for placing second with an overall mark of 96.

    If you have a mark >=50 and you see a grade of PS, CR, DN or HD, this implies that you have met the exam hurdle and other requirements and have passed COMP 1531.

    Those students who did not attend the final exam and have a special consideration request acknowledged will see a grade of WC . This indicates that you are eligible to sit the supplementary exam scheduled on Tuesday, 28th of May at 1:30 pm.

    A few of you may see your grade as WD . This implies that your exam mark was unsatisfactory, but you have been granted a supplementary exam as your exam mark was very close to the required exam threshold. You will be permitted to sit the supplementary exam scheduled on the date above.

    If your final_grade field contains the grade FL or AF or UF unfortunately you have not passed COMP 1531 and are not being offered further assessment. You will need to retake in COMP 1531 in 19T3 if it is required for your degree. You will also have to un-enrol from any 19T2 COMP courses which require COMP 1531 as prerequisite such as COMP 2511. A grade of UF means that you have failed the course, even if your overall mark is greater than 50, as you did not meet the necessary exam hurdle.

    Congratulations to everyone who has passed the course. COMP 1531 is a tough course, so you can now sit back and relax!

  • Solution to Q7 in Week 10 Rev

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Tuesday 07 May 2019, 09:51:18 PM.

    Dear students,

    Please note that I have updated the solution to Question 7, in Week 10 Revision material to add details about the two design issues with the code provided and also updated the code (both original code and refactored code) to ensure that the behavior of the refactored solution is consistent with the original code.

  • Change of consultation times for Tuesday

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Monday 06 May 2019, 11:04:07 AM, last modified Monday 06 May 2019, 11:17:14 AM.

    Consultation on Tuesday will start a little earlier at 4:00 pm finishing at 5:30 pm on level 2, K17, Room 203.

    Please make sure you have noted your seating allocation for the exam from the link sent in the earlier notice.

  • Final Exam Seating Allocation

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Thursday 02 May 2019, 02:49:12 PM.

    You can find your COMP 1531 final exam seating location by clicking on: and logging in with your zID and password

  • My Experience Survey, Exam Preparation

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Wednesday 01 May 2019, 11:21:04 AM.

    Dear students,

    My Experience Survey response rates are quite low. The link to the survey is: . We understand that this first trimester has been overwhelming, which makes it particularly important that we get student feedback for this semester ... so that we can improve next time.

    I have uploaded a list of exam preparation topics to week 10 Lecture folder to answer the questions some of you have raised. The solution to the practice exam has also been uploaded.

    Also, kindly note that two consultations will be held before the final exam, on Monday 6th of May (11-1) and Tuesday, 7th of May (4:30-6) on Level 2, K17, Room 203.

  • Important Updates group project, final exam etc

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Saturday 27 April 2019, 02:52:16 PM, last modified Saturday 27 April 2019, 02:52:56 PM.

    Dear students,

    • Please use the link / to complete the peer assessment for your group project. It is important that you complete this assessment, to ensure fair allocation of group project marks among team members. If you have experienced issues with your team, please add comments as this will give us more insight into how your team worked.

    • For the final exam, you will use for only questions related to UML class diagram. Design questions related to ER diagrams, relational models will need to be drawn manually in booklet provided. This decision has been made, as notation used by is not consistent with what has been taught in the lectures. In the exam, it will be clearly indicated which questions are to be answered using and which are to be done drawn in the booklet.

    • Quiz 3 is due this Wednesday, 1st of May, 11:59 pm.

    • There are no consultations this week. Two consultations will be held before the final exam, on Monday 6th of May (11-1) and Tuesday, 7th of May (4:30-6).

  • Updates for milestone 3 and final exam

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Thursday 18 April 2019, 10:39:52 AM.

    Dear students,

    Milestone 3 Presentation in week 10:

    • Each team will have a maximum of 10 minutes for their presentation.
    • All team members must rotate through the presentation.
    • Each team member MUST be present for the presentation. Any team member not present without a prior valid notice, will loose the presentation component mark.
    • Please make sure your software includes a "requirements.txt" and is able to run on the CSE lab machine, initially creating a virtual environment and installing from your "requirements.txt".
    • You can use Chromium, Firefox or the default web browser available through CSE

    Test Files for your software

    Please note, I have removed the constraint that the number of test files must not exceed 4. Please make sure that your test files are grouped by user-stories, rather by having a test-file for each class. So, tests for related user-stories are grouped together. e.g., one suggestion could be, a test-file for all user-stories related to 'placing on online order', a test-file for all stories related to 'add inventory' etc, this way it also makes it easier if a particular feature has been fully tested

    Persistence for your application

    Only simple persistence (e.g., based on pickle) is required. You do not need to implement persistence using databases. It is however recommended, that you prioritise implementation of your tasks based on the marking criteria, such getting the primary use-case of "placing an order" working. If a team is unable to implement persistence, they will loose only 2 marks (refer to the marking criteria)

    Consultation today

    Consultation session has been scheduled today between 2-4 pm which will be held on level 4, K17, Room 402 to assist students with their project.

    Timetabling of final-exam

    COMP 1531 final exam runs in two sessions on the same day, Morning session and Afternoon session. If you have two exams on the same day, you will be automatically pre-allocated to the session that will not clash with your other exam. You will receive notification from Mei Cheng closer to the end of the term regarding your allocated session.

  • Consultation Tomorrow (Thursday)

    Posted by I Su Park Wednesday 17 April 2019, 06:19:35 PM, last modified Wednesday 17 April 2019, 09:48:57 PM.

    Hi Everyone,

    Please note that we will be running consults on Thursday (2-4 pm) in room 402 this week to help you with the group project, so make sure to turn up if have any questions or need help with regards to the project, or with the course content in general.


  • Marking Criteria for Milestone 3

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Thursday 11 April 2019, 10:16:58 AM.

    A detailed marking criteria for milestone 3 can be found under the assignments folder.

    For this iteration, if your team is experiencing difficulties in implementing the flask front-end, it is suggested that you prioritize implementation of the front-end modules based on the marks allocated under the component UAT. If your team is able to build a front-end for only some of the functionality, you will still be awarded partial marks based on the allocation.

  • GitHub Access Restored

    Posted by Robert Clifton-Everest Tuesday 09 April 2019, 03:26:11 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    We had some issues earlier this afternoon with our GitHub setup. During this time, many of you may not have had access to your GitHub repository, effectively appearing as if it were not there at all. We have now resolved this issue and your access should be fully restored.

    If you are still unable to access your repo (perhaps because you joined your team late), either contact me to resolve it or get one of your teammates to add you back to the team.

    Apologies for any inconvenience,

  • Week 08 - Important updates

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Monday 08 April 2019, 08:31:49 PM, last modified Monday 08 April 2019, 08:36:53 PM.

    Dear students,

    • Please note, milestone 3 specification and deliverable has now been uploaded to the assignment folder.
    • This week we will run consults on Wednesday (4:15 - 6:15) and Friday (12:30 - 1:30) to help students with the group project
    • Next week (week 09), all students will complete a short practice exam (40 mins) to make you familiar with the final exam environment. To receive a mark for this lab, you will just need to attend the lab and make a submission. Your submission will not be marked.
    • Quiz 02 will be released tonight (based on lecture content covered in weeks 4-7) and will be due next Monday, 11:59 pm.
    • If your team is experiencing any group issues in relation to the group project work, kindly report to your tutor and me promptly so that we can take appropriate steps to ensure a fair workload.

  • Extra Consultation at CSE 508 (K17)

    Posted by I Su Park Wednesday 03 April 2019, 04:45:04 PM.

    Hey Everyone,

    Please note that Dennis is currently providing consultations at K17 508, and it will be running until 5.45pm today.


  • Marking Criteria for Milestone 2

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Friday 29 March 2019, 11:58:21 PM.

    Marking criteria for milestone 2 can be found under the assignments folder.

  • COMP 1531 additional consults weeks 6 and 7

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Wednesday 27 March 2019, 08:50:16 PM.

    Please note the following additional consults have been scheduled for weeks 6 and 7.

    Week 6: Friday 12:30 - 1:30 (K17, 203)

    Week 7: Wednesday 16:15 - 18:15 (K17, 203)

    Week 7: Friday 13:00 - 14:00 (K17, 203)

    I will also be available for consults on Tuesday between 2:00 - 3:45 in my office - Rm 202

  • Extension of Milestone 2

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Monday 25 March 2019, 02:56:16 PM.

    My observation from walking into labs last week, was that many students are experiencing difficulties in translating their class diagrams into implementation and defining test-cases. Hence, I have modified the deadline for milestone 2, and details of the new deadline is below:

    • All teams must upload their completed class diagrams for milestone 2 by end of this week (Sunday, week 06) . Tutors will provide feedback on this class diagram in your lab next week and will also note if your team has a completed class diagram. If your team does not present a completed class diagram, a penalty will be applied on the overall milestone 2 mark.
    • The deadline for the implementation for the back-end is extended to Sunday, week 07 . (Please note, class diagrams are still to be submitted by end of week 06)
      • All teams must have implemented their back-end for all user-stories with the exception of "updating inventory".
      • The implementation must be supported by appropriate exception-handling to raise any validation errors
      • The implementation must be tested with well-defined test-cases (implemented in Pytest or Unittest) that match the acceptance criteria defined for the user-stories. As discussed in lectures, the test-cases must test for all classes of valid and invalid inputs. Your team will demo the working of back-end by running the test-cases.
    • To assist you with this task, this week's lab (Lab 06) focuses on defining exception handling and test-cases for the car rental app. Lab 06 will now be due end of this week
    • The marking criteria for milestone 2 will be uploaded shortly

  • Mid-Term Take-Home Exam.

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Friday 22 March 2019, 02:06:17 PM, last modified Friday 22 March 2019, 02:06:38 PM.

    Dear students,

    The exam has been released on webcms3. Please note, the deadline has been extended till 2:00 pm on Sunday , giving you 48 hours to complete the exam.

    No late submissions will be accepted and DO NOT EMAIL your submissions.

    If anyone is unable to complete this exam during this period due to unavoidable circumstances , please raise a special consideration request with supporting documentation. Your request will be reviewed and if approved, you will be granted an alternative date to complete this exam.

    Good Luck!

  • Help: GitHub App is not Working

    Posted by I Su Park Saturday 16 March 2019, 10:03:06 PM.

    Hi Everyone,

    In the last announcement I mentioned about logging out and logging back in to solve the errors with the GitHub app crashing upon access. However, as some of you have reported already, this does not always solve the problem.

    If you are still experiencing issues, please try clearing cookies on the browser you are using. The methods to clear cookies may differ for different browsers, so please reference the appropriate instructions online to resolve your issue. I have provided below quick links for some of the popular browsers:




    Above instructions may not apply to your browser if your version is different; in that case, please lookup the instructions for your specific version of the browser.

    Ian :)

  • Update on the GitHub app

    Posted by I Su Park Friday 15 March 2019, 01:53:06 AM.

    Hi everyone,

    There has been a recent update on the app we are using for lab imports, and the change requires you to log-out and log-in again the next time you use the app. Once that's done, you can use the app the same way as before. So don't panic when you hit an error page - just log out and log back in :)


  • Week 5, Mid-Term Exam

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Sunday 10 March 2019, 09:23:43 PM.

    Dear students, hopefully, the points below clarifies all the queries related to mid-term exam.

    • Please note, the take-home exam will be released at midday, Week 5 Friday (I missed specifying the day in my first notice). You will have 24 hours to complete the exam.
    • This exam should take no more than 1 hour to complete (if you are well prepared, which is what you would have been, had the exam been taken in the regular lab session), except you now have the extra time to complete the task and access to all teaching resources.
    • The exam will consist of:
      • 10 MCQ questions (based on lecture content covered in weeks 1-4 (software engineering, requirements engineering, OO analysis and design)
      • 1 design question involving a case-study (to test your knowledge on use-case diagram, domain modelling with CRC and class diagram)
    • You are expect to complete this task as individual work and any collaboration will be treated as plagiarism.

  • Important announcement regarding mid-term exam in week 5

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Sunday 10 March 2019, 12:19:19 PM, last modified Sunday 10 March 2019, 02:37:28 PM.

    Mid-term Exam:

    • Due to the logistics of running multiple mid-term exams in the lab (in week 5), we have replaced the in-lab mid-term exam with a take-home 24 hour exam .
    • This take-home exam will be released around midday, Friday, week 5 and students will have 24 hours to complete it and make a submission. Submission details will be provided along with the exam when it is released.
    • This exam will be based on content covered in lectures in weeks 1-4.
    • Any student who is unable to complete this exam due to a valid reason, in the scheduled 24 hour period, please contact me ASAP.

    Quiz 01

    • Also, watch out for Quiz 01 that will be released sometime today, and will be due next Sunday, 11:59 pm.
    • This quiz is based on content covered in lectures in weeks 1-3

  • Submission Guideline Hotfix

    Posted by I Su Park Friday 08 March 2019, 03:42:48 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    A small update has been made for the iteration1 submission guideline, so please check it again if you have already submitted your assignment. Sorry for the troubles.


  • a few updates...

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Thursday 07 March 2019, 10:56:06 PM.

    There will be a consultation tomorrow (this week only) from 2-3 ( K17, 204) to assist students with the group project. Please also note, the regular time for weekly consultations is Wednesday, 4-5 (K17, 203).

    A few points to note in relation to the group project

    • Your project only needs to meet the minimal requirements as outlined in the specification.
    • The specification is only a high-level problem statement. Your team will need to engage in a visioning exercise to understand what the customer wants, and hence you can make any reasonable valid assumptions. No two team's user-stories will be identical. For example, although there is no mention of payment to finalise the order, it would be reasonable to make an assumption that a final confirmation of the order will require a payment to be made (although, you do not need to implement the actual payment itself).
    • You can add extra features to your requirements, above what is mentioned in the specification, but you will not necessarily be marked on adding extra functionality. At the end, you will NOT be marked on how many features are supported by your system. but you will be marked on if your implementation successfully implements all the user-stories that you have identified in your product backlog and if they have valid test-cases. So, if you add too many features, you may risk having a very large product backlog and run out of time to implement all of the user-stories.
    • When you implement the front-end for the final iteration, it is adequate to just use HTML. Use of CSS is not required. We will be going through the basics of HTML in later weeks to help you with this component.
    • For this week's milestone, only one member from the team will be required to do a GIVE submission, and upload a PDF copy of the user-stories to the master branch by the deadline (Sunday, 11:59 pm). Please refer to the submission guidelines for detailed instructions on submission. For this milestone, tutors will not be checking log books or the team's repo if all members have contributed to milestone 1, but they will ask your team during the demo, if everyone contributed.

  • Python 3.7 is safe to use now

    Posted by I Su Park Monday 04 March 2019, 05:06:40 PM.

    Hey Everyone,

    Previously we mentioned that Python3.7 should not be used since it had compatibility issues with some of the packages you were likely to use for your labs and group projects.

    Recently this issue has been fixed, and so please feel free to use Python3.7 for the remainder of the course. Checkout for what's new in v3.7. Using Python3.6 is acceptable as well.


  • Importing Labs

    Posted by I Su Park Saturday 02 March 2019, 03:16:49 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    There has been lots of emails (and a forum post) about the intermittent slowness of lab starter imports and about the manual import script not working.The imports are working now, so if you were having troubles with it, please try importing your lab again through the GitHub app.

    Just to clarify,

    git clone
    will let you clone the admin-version of the lab repo so that you may get started on your exercises early if the import is taking too long. However, in order to push your work to GitHub, you still need to wait for the import to be completed. Only when you have succesfully imported your personal version of the lab (through the GitHub app) will you be able to push your work using the commands below:
    git remote remove origin
    git remote add -f origin
    git branch -u origin/master

    I also recommend importing early before the lab to avoid high traffics.

    Another note, please help each other out by sharing your issues/questions on the forum (rather than emailing directly to your tutors) as it is likely that other students are also experiencing the same issue and could benefit from the same answer.

    Ian :)

  • Group Project

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Thursday 28 February 2019, 12:37:44 AM.

    Dear students,

    The specification of the group project has been released and can be found under the Assignments folder on the menu.

    Please note, your first deliverable is Sunday, Week 3, 11:59 pm.

  • Updates

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Wednesday 27 February 2019, 11:11:05 AM.

    Dear students,

    • Consultations will run each week on Wednesday, 4:15 -5:15 pm in Room 203, K17. Additional consultations will be scheduled as necessary around the time of milestone deadlines
    • Group project specification will be released this week and a demo of the model solution will be presented at the lectures this afternoon
    • As user-stories were introduced only this week in the lectures, your team can get their user-stories (for lab 02) marked off next week ( they do not need to be submitted this week, as outlined earlier in the specification). I have also uploaded a few sample user-stories, to assist you with understanding how to capture requirements as user-stories. It is important that you watch the lecture recordings, look at the sample user-stories and learn how to develop good quality user-stories with detailed acceptance criteria, as this will also be required for your group project deliverable in week 4.
    • A reminder to complete the pre-lab tasks outlined and watch the relevant videos, as completion of these tasks are critical to progress in the course

  • Welcome to COMP 1531, 19T1

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Tuesday 12 February 2019, 10:13:09 AM, last modified Tuesday 12 February 2019, 10:21:00 AM.

    Dear students,

    Welcome to COMP 1531 (Software Engineering Fundamentals)!

    Please refer to the course outline in the left panel and make yourself familiar with course structure, timetable assessment criteria etc. WebCMS3 will be the platform used for publishing all lecture slides, tutorial and lab specifications and communication. Also, please complete the poll on "Your technical background" which will help us to understand the skill level of the students.

    A few points to note:

    • All tuts and labs start in week 1 this semester. Lab 01 specification is available by clicking on Tuts and Labs in the left panel. Lab 01 contains a Setup task that must be completed prior to your lab . This setup task involves creating an account with GitHub and registering with our Github environment.
    • Over the break, our team of wonderful tutors have created a series of Git and Python videos to help you become familiar with Git and Python. Please watch these videos prior to your lab session in week 01 to help you get started with the technology stack required for this course.

    See you all in the lectures on Tuesday, Week 01 at 16:00 pm.

    -- Aarthi

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