
  • Thanks for a great 20T3

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 4 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    I didn't send this notice toward the end of term because results were released and then UNSW shut down shortly after, and then Christmas was around the corner and didn't want to bother you.

    I wanted to take the opportunity to say a big thank you for a wonderful term. COMP1531 in 20T3 was the largest course I've ever had the privilege of running, and my favourite part of being involved in these courses is seeing so many students begin their transition away from being programmers and start becoming comfortable working in proper teams thinking about software engineering holistically. While in the grand scheme of things we don't teach a lot in this course, I hope it's always a place you remember being introduced to some key concepts that will follow you in years to come.

    I'd like to congratulate some of our highest achieving students:

    • Overall (ranked in order) course mark s:
      • 1) Rory Golledge
      • 2) Eric Holmstrom
      • 3) Liang Qian
      • 4) Jordan Huynh
      • 5) Edward Lu
      • 6) Daniel Wu
      • 7) Lyn Wang
      • 8) Daniel Yu
      • 9) Meixin Yu
      • 10) Patrick Chambers
    • Highest performing exam marks:
      • Edward Nguyen-Do
      • Alexander Brown
      • Angeni Bai

    I'd also like to thank the great teaching staff (your tutors and lab assistants). I always feel that the COMP1531 teaching staff (as a whole) demonstrate such high levels of software engineering maturity combined with a passion for teaching.

    There were a number of very high achieving groups for the project (marks above 98), though I would hesitate to identify any specific selection of groups because I think that it's reasonable that variances in tutors marking between classes are within a range of 1-2~ marks sometimes, and therefore wouldn't feel confident definitively saying that "X" group did the best. I saw the work of many many groups in this course, and have to say that I was genuinely blown away by some of the work people put into the project this term - I hope you all learned something and had a good time doing it.

    Have a great 2021 :)


  • Check your email - not using webcms3 for notices

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 4 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    For the exam, we will not be using Webcms3 notices to communicate. I will instead be emailing you all directly via email for updates. This will prevent any issues if Webcms3 has issues.

    An email should have been sent to all currently enrolled COMP1531 students titled "[1531 Exam] TEST TEST TEST".

    Please check your inbox (or junk folder) to ensure that you've received this email. If you haven't, please email me directly with your zid.

    You will be emailed at 2pm with instructions for the exam.

  • Reminder: Exam 2pm-6pm on Tuesday the 1st of December

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 4 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    A reminder that you have an exam tomorrow! 2pm-6pm for most students, with a later finish time for some ELS students. Please take the time to once again read all of the details about the exam prior to it .

    Just before 2pm you will all receive an email from me with instructions about where to find the specification for the exam. The instructions will also be posted at the top of the exam page .

    The exam tomorrow will feel challenging for some, and long for others - as is the nature of exams like these. The average mark for this course to date is extremely high, so a bit of a challenge isn't a bad thing to help separate out students at the higher end. Please don't be discouraged if you feel like particular questions are beyond your ability, or if you feel that finishing every part of every question in the time provided is not possible. Exams are designed that the majority of students should not feel confident with everything . But like all exams there is plenty of low hanging fruit for even those at the lower end of the course to score handfuls of marks. Just keep your chin up :)

    Some final reminders about the exam:

    • The exam tomorrow is an individual assessment. Any attempt to communicate with other people (both other students in this course and outside persons) about the contents of this exam on Tuesday the 1st of December will be treated as academic misconduct and may result in you failing this course. This applies to everyone during the exam time. To avoid any doubt about your behaviour during the exam, cease all communication with other students for that time.
    • From Wednesday the 2nd of December onward, you are only allowed to discuss the exam with students who have themselves also completed the exam, and it's your responsibility to check if they have.
    • Your zpass should not be disclosed to any other person. If you have disclosed your zpass, you should change it immediately.
    • Do not place your exam work in any location accessible to any other person. This includes services such as Dropbox and Github.
    • If another student in the course makes any sort of contact with you during the exam, or you’re aware of any instances of other students breaching the conditions above, you are required to email with details of the interaction.

    P.S. I have also added a mark to your "grades" section called exam_score_to_pass . This tells you exam mark (out of /30) that you need to end up with to pass the course. If your mark for this is 0/30, it means you've already passed the course (congrats!). If your mark for this is 30/30... well - good luck tomorrow! Hopefully this just puts some minds to rest for those feeling stressed tomorrow and seeing you only might need to get a quarter of the exam out OK etc.

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