
  • COMP1531 | Congratulations on finishing the exam

    Posted by Jake Renzella 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone!

    Firstly I just wanted to congratulate all of you on completing the COMP1531 final exam - for most of you, this marks the end of your time here with us at COMP1531! The term has flown by so fast.

    I wanted to quickly cast you all back to week 1, where for most of you it was the first time you had used Python and git - and we were all amazed by how dynamic and expressive Python could be (how cool are f-strings!?), and frustrated with some difficulties in setting up gitlab:

    In just a few weeks, you have worked in teams using industry tools to build a real backend HTTP system, tested it, deployed it to the cloud, and even dabbled with more advanced Python concepts like decorators in the final exam.

    Regardless of how you feel about your grades so far, remember to reflect back on how far you've come and remember that's what matters most at the end of the day. If you do go into a career of Software Engineering, I hope you look back at COMP1531 fondly every time you clone and contribute to a git repo :)

    In terms of the final exam, we will begin marking for it ASAP, although we aren't releasing results prior to the final release date, so your final COMP1531 mark will be available to you when the official UNSW results come out. From this it will be very easy for you to tell what exam mark you got based on some deduction.

    Many of you have already reached out to me on LinkedIn - if you'd like to do so (or do not have an account), feel free to add me here , I often share opportunities there, and would love to keep an eye on all of your careers as they unfold! If you see me on campus, please say hey!

    All the best with the rest of your exams, otherwise have a good inter-term break.

    Jake Renzella + COMP1531 team :)

  • COMP1531 | Exam commencing at 9am, IMPORTANT INFORMATION

    Posted by Jake Renzella 3 years ago.

    Dear students,

    The COMP1531 final exam is about to begin, here's everything you need to know:

    • The exam spec, when released at 9am , will be available here . This repo is read-only (you do not need to clone it) and contains all the questions for the final exam. If you can't access this repo after 9am Sydney time, please post on the forum
    • The exam spec will contain a link to your individual exam repo . This repo you need to clone, write your solutions in the relevant files, and push to the master branch. You should push as you go, do not leave it to the last second to push all your solutions.
    • Use the forum for any exam-related enquiries

    Communication & Help during the exam

    This exam is an open book exam, meaning you are able to use the internet and other resources to their full extent. The one exception to this is that you are prohibited from seeking help from other students during the exam.

    If you have questions or clarifications needed during the exam, you can make a PRIVATE post on our forum . Do not message lecturers or tutors on MS teams. Do not email lecturers or tutors about issues that are not of a sensitive nature.

    When posting a message to the forum, it's important that you are detailed in your description of your issues. If you are having technical issues:

    • Make sure your most recent code is up on gitlab
    • Show screenshots of the issue (code, terminal, etc)
    • Explain how you produced it
    • Whether you're running it locally or in vlab

    Failure to comply may result in delays in responding to your queries.

    Clarifications made during the exam will be made at the top of the spec released on gitlab. After each clarification, an email will be sent to all students in the course notifying them that a clarification has been made.

    Good luck everyone with the final COMP1531 exam!

  • COMP1531 | Final lecture (not exam) about to start!

    Posted by Jake Renzella 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

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