
  • 🎉 Thanks for the term

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 2 years ago, last modified 2 years ago.

    Hi everyone!

    I hope you're having a nice beginning to your holiday period. I am emailing for just a few things!

    In terms of your performance this term - students overall did an amazing job in the project, labs, and exam. I have to say this is one of the highest performing cohorts I've seen, so congratulations on that front. You should all be really proud of what you've managed to learn and achieve this term.

    Tomorrow you'll receive your final mark for the term. You can calculate your exam mark pretty easily but seeing the difference between your project + labs, and your final mark. If you are concerned that your exam may have been marked incorrectly or unfairly, you can complete this form for us to review it . You must complete it no later than January 2nd 2023 . Please note that reviews of your exam may result in your mark going up or down depending on the review.

    In terms of MyExperience, we'll receive that feedback tomorrow :) I won't be teaching COMP1531 in T1 so I'll be passing that straight onto the teaching team for them to work with :)

    Thanks again to the incredible team of tutors. They keep the lights on and everything running wonderfully.

    Other than that, it's been a pleasure to meet so many of you this term. For those I haven't met, I hope I can meet you in the future. Add me on LinkedIn .

    Thanks everyone!

  • 🍉 End of week 11 updates

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 2 years ago.

    Updates below!

    🤖 Final Exam Time

    Based on the MyExperience score, and another 5 minutes I'll add on, we're going to have the final exam start at 2pm and finish at 5:29pm (an extra 29 minutes!).

    Any times for ELS or other adjustments will be communicated separately.

    🍁 Iteration 3 Marks

    By Sunday night at 10pm we will have released your iteration 3 marks and final project mark.

    You will (not yet, but on Sunday) see a number of grades available:

    • Iteration 3 marks
      • iter3_manualmark - the mark your tutor gave your group for non-automarking
      • iter3_bonus - the mark your group for the bonus marks
      • iter3_finalmark - the sum of manual mark + automark adjusted for contributions
    • Overall Project marks
      • project - the sum of iterations 0, 1, 2, and 3, as well as the bonus marks
    • Figuring out if you've passed already
      • total_marks_before_exam - this is the sum of your labs and project mark
        • If you have 50/70 or higher, you have passed the course
        • If you have 40/70, you need to score at least 10/30 in the final exam to pass the course

    These marks are subject to change if new information comes to light or mistakes were made in the determinations (happens from time to time).

    If there are issues with your project mark, please reach out to your tutor. Whilst their response won't be necessarily quick, we will be thorough. Don't stress about "marks being locked in" as I have the ability to update marks until something like Christmas, so we have plenty of time if you're a particularly tricky case.

    🌚 Extra Help Sessions

    Two extra week 11 help sessions have been added to Sunday. Check them out .

    🌻 Re-running of labs/project

    If you would like to talk to your tutor about reruns for labs or project, you have until the end of Sunday the 27th of November to produce the new commit and email your tutor the branch name that you'd like to re-run. This is the cut-off for re-runs for T3. This doesn't mean they have to have it resolved by the end of Sunday night, but we need you to at least start the conversation.

  • 💆🏼‍♂️ End of week 10 updates

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 2 years ago.

    Hi everyone!

    Hope everything has gone well with iteration 3. It's been incredible seeing everyone pick up the work and tackle the challenge. The term has flown by. It's crazy how much you've all managed to learn this term.

    🐢 General Updates and reminders

    • Tutorial 10 solutions are being released this weekend.
    • All of the information about the exam was covered in the final exam lecture. The info page is here .

    🍹PEER REVIEW ITER3 - you have only a few days to complete.

    Everyone is required to complete their first peer review for iteration 3. This is invaluable feedback for your tutor to track how your group is performing together. You need to complete this by Monday @ 5pm!


    🍄 Iteration 3 Wrap-up

    Now that iteration 3 is done, some reminders about what is next:

    • We will endeavour to get your marks back to you before your final exam - maybe 1 day out. It depends a bit on your tutors availabilities, but we will do our best.
    • For your automarking, we will push the detailed results to your repos before Sunday night. If you would like to talk to your tutor about reruns, you have until Sunday the 27th of November to produce the new commit and email your tutor the branch name that you'd like to re-run. This is the cut-off for re-runs for T3.

    Have a great weekend - you have some time before the exam and realistically most of you are pretty much ready for the exam, so things will be OK! :)

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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