Hi everyone!
I hope you're having a nice beginning to your holiday period. I am emailing for just a few things!
In terms of your performance this term - students overall did an amazing job in the projects and labs. You should all be really proud of what you've managed to learn and achieve this term. I really enjoyed teaching this amazing cohort.
You'll receive your final mark for the term tomorrow. If you are concerned that your individual project may have been marked incorrectly or unfairly, you can complete this form for us to review it . Please complete it no later than 21/12/2023 . This form is for individual project marks only, if you have concerns with your major project marks, please contact your tutor and/or the course email (cs1531@cse.unsw.edu.au). Please note that reviews of your marks may result in your mark going up or down depending on the review. I will be on annual leave after tomorrow, but our teaching team will get back to you by the end of this year .
In terms of MyExperience, we'll receive your feedback tomorrow. Since the individual project started after the myExperience survey was due, if you have any feedback on the individual project, please let us know by filling in this quick form . We really appreciate your feedback.
Thanks again to the incredible team of tutors and admins. They keep the lights on and everything running wonderfully. I would also like to acknowledge Hayden's contributions to the course - our slides were edited based on Hayden's slides from a previous term and his contributions to the project.
Other than that, it's been a pleasure to meet so many of you this term. For those I haven't met, I hope to meet you in the future. Add me on LinkedIn .
Thanks everyone!
Hi everyone,
Please read this notice.
For your individual project tomorrow, we will communicate with you via EdStem forum posts. An example post is here . If you have not already signed up for the forum, please do - we will need you to. We will not communicate with you via Webcms3 notices.
All EdStem forum posts will also be delivered as an email to your UNSW email inbox. If there are issues with EdStem, we will email you directly via your UNSW Email.
We will release your tasks for this project at 9 am tomorrow by pushing an update on the central spec . Please read the codebase and the current spec before 9 am tomorrow ( LINKS HERE ).
DO NOT spam refresh the page at 9 am - we don't control the GitLab servers, so can't do much if people overload it. To avoid traffic jams with GitLab when submitting, try to submit earlier than 5 pm. But you can still push updates anytime before 5 pm.
Remember, the spec is centrally shared with everyone in this cohort, but you complete your work on your personal assessment repo! This distinction is really important, so please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the codebase and the spec.
If you have any other questions, please post on the forum.
Good luck with the individual project!
Hi everyone!
Huge congrats to those who have submitted their iteration 3! It's a big achievement 🏆. For those still working on the project, all the best for you 🫶.
It's been incredible seeing everyone pick up the work and tackle the challenge. The term has flown by. It's crazy how much you've all managed to learn this term.
Everyone is
to complete their peer review for iteration 3. This is invaluable feedback for your tutor to track how your group is performing together. You need to complete this by 9am Monday 20th Nov!
As we mentioned on our course website , there are two parts to this individual project: (1) read the codebase with the provided instructions (Saturday of week 10 - Wednesday of week 11) and (2) complete a one-day project based on the codebase (Thursday of week 11 9 am-5 pm).
We will release (1) the individual project codebase and (2) the spec this Saturday morning. The spec at this stage will be instructions on understanding the codebase and preparing for the Thursday project. We will release the specs about the one-day project next Thursday at 9 am.
You will find the links on the course website in the tab " Individual Project - Links " once released. Remember, the spec is centrally shared with everyone in this cohort, but you complete your work on your personal assessment repo! This distinction is important, so please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the spec once released. If you have any questions, please feel free to post on the forum.
If you have an ELP about assessments, you will receive an email from us this weekend on your adjustments to the one-day project.
Have a great weekend - Rest easy, it's been a long week. 😊