
  • Last lecture

    Posted by Andrew Taylor 9 years ago.

    Tomorrow's lecture is the last COMP1911 lecture. I will finish sort & searching, briefly revise some topics important fo the exam, and then discuss the final exam format & assessment generally There will be an opportunity to ask questions.

  • Assignment 2 Starting Point Code Updated

    Posted by Andrew Taylor 9 years ago.

    I've updated the starting point code for assignment 2 to include the example function (countBlackPixels) I wrote in yesterday's lecture (note it only partly works!). If you have already started on the assignment and have counting black pixels working you don't need to do anything. If you don't have counting black pixels working - look at the example fucntion from lectures.

  • Week 11 Lab Exercise Submisison Deadline Extended

    Posted by Andrew Taylor 9 years ago.

    I've extend the week 10 lab exercise deadline 1 week to Mon May 23rd. Both lab 11 & lab 12 exercise have to be be submitted by Mon May 23rd. You can demonstrate both (if you haven't already) to your tutor in the week 12 lab.

    Reminder: there are no week 12 lab exercises. As well as demonstrating week 10 & 11 lab exercises, in week 12 you can ask your tutor for feedback about ass 1, and for help with any problems you are having with ass 2.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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