If you have successfully applied, I have sent you an email. If you believe you did not get the email and were meant to, or want to join at the last minute, email me.
The supplementary exam is being held
Friday 13th July 10:45 - 2pm in the tabla lab.
Note: only students with grades WD or WC( have special consideration) can attend.
Click on the icon
or go to this link to check your marks
The FinalGrade field has what I expect to be your final mark for COMP1911.
Hopefully it contains a mark >= 50 and a grade of PS, CR, DN or HD. If so (provisionally) you
have met all hurdles and other requirements and have passed COMP1911 - congratulations!!!
Provisional marks may change, for example when calculation errors are discovered but so far I've never changed a provisional PS to a FL.
If your "FinalGrade" field contains the grade " WD " or " WC " this indicates your COMP1911 mark and grade is yet to be determined.
This may be because
1. You did not sit for the exam, have supplied documentation and have officially applied to sit the supplementary exam and have organised this with me already. Note: For students who did not sit the exam and are doing the supp, it may just say FL for now, don't worry if it does, it is just temporary until you sit for the supplementary.
2. You've been being offered the opportunity to sit a supplementary exam because you have not met the requirements to pass COMP1911 but are being given another opportunity to meet these requirements and pass COMP1911. If you do not take this opportunity you will not pass COMP1911. Note in this case you can not raise your mark beyond 50 no matter how good your performance on the supplementary exam is. A successful supplementary exam will allow you to pass!
Some further information:
COMP1911 marks were scaled up slightly. Your marks for the individual exam questions are visible to you with your assignment & lab marks. I don't release exam questions or answers (yours or mine). Your answers were all run through a series of tests. These included tests you hadn't seen.
Supplementary Exam Date:
Tentative Time and Location: Friday 13th July 10:45 - 1pm
I will confirm this soon.
Bridging Course
If you got an HD or a DN you are automatically eligible for the bridging course. If you received a CR or a PS and are keen, register and send me an email as well.
You can register here and get more information here .
I will release some lecture material before it starts. In the meantime, feel free to brush up on structs, pointers and malloc!
Students going on to do COMP1521
Even if you are not going to do the bridging course but you are going on to do COMP1521, it is a good idea to revise structs, pointers and malloc!
All assignments and lab marks should be finalised now, so please check them,especially ass2 and check your ClassMark. This should be all your assignment marks combined with your TotalLabMark. Email me if you think there is an issue.
Also, congratulations to Andre Matkowski, Stefanie Sos and Kenny Wong for being the top 3 art gallery vote winners and to all of the great ass2Bonus submissions.
Can be found here: For example if you wanted to see stage1Data1.txt
Have a look at the exam skeleton. Reading through the exam instructions before the exam and asking questions about them now will make the exam less stressful.
Other tips:
Remember you can copy and paste things such as input examples and/or submission commands from the exam instruction text by highlighting them with the left mouse button and using the middle button to paste to your terminal or editor etc.
If you end up with an infinite loop and you can't stop it, minimise the window (to stop it distracting you) , right click and open up a new terminal and keep going from there.
The exam states that passing the autotests does not guarantee full marks. This is true. However it is most likely a better use of time to get complete as many questions as you can and getting them to pass as many of the autotests as you can and then going back and writing your own tests if you have finished and have time.
We will be running exam consultations
Monday 18th: 1-4 with Olga and Teresa Location: Kora Lab
Tuesday 19th: 1-4 with Thomas and Emmet Location: Drum Lab
Wednesday 20th: 1-3 with Me Location: K17 Level 2 Room 203 Consultation Room (opposite the lifts on level 2)
Solutions to lab13, revision exercises and practice prac exam questions have been released.
Congratulations to all the students whose ass2Bonus submissions made it to the art gallery. Please vote for your favourite!!
Voting closes on 23/06/2018 at 23:59
Please check your
Exam Locations and Seating
. This will tell you what lab you need to go to, and what machine number you will need to sit at for the final exam. It will also show you the time of your exam.
Please let us know about any problems and please monitor your email in the days before the exam in case we need to notify you of changes.
Hi everyone. Please check your lab marks. If you have any that are a ?, that means you submitted them but your tutor has not entered your mark. If this is the case email your tutor ASAP.
Hi everyone. I have added code to the lecture revision code from the week 13 lecture.
I have added all tutorial solutions and all lab solutions (except for week 13 lab).
I have added an Exam Info page ( see the course menu of the left) which has
Things to come:
In case you are debugging your code to pass the last autotest, here is the actual rewrite string, so you can confirm that is right and narrow down where to look for the error.
The Assignment 2 (and bonus) due date has been extended by one day and it is now due on saturday 2nd 11:59pm.
For students doing the bonus: If your bonusPicture.txt is really large and is not accepted by give, that is ok as long as you have instructions in your blog about how to generate it. Ie the number or iterations that we run your inputData.txt file with.
There is industrial action by UNSW academics Wednesday. I am not certain what is happening generally at UNSW but we will still be holding classes as usual tomorrow.
If you are planning to join the strike in support of the staff and you have a tut/lab on wednesday, please email me, so I can get an idea of how many students will be missing classes and whether I need to add extra classes on another day or next week.
Otherwise, classes are on tomorrow as usual.
Next week we have tutorials and labs as usual. No lecture on tuesday , but a lecture on wednesday. Consultation hours will be on as usual, and I will be adding an extra hour. So my consultation on tuesday will go from 2-4 in K17-G01.
In the lab you will be doing a practice prac exam which is worth some lab marks. It will go for an 1 hour and 15 minutes. There are some revision exercises up under the lab13 link and there are also 2 normal lab questions that you can do to raise your lab mark for the week to make up for any lab marks lost in the practice prac exam. The practice prac exam includes topics up to and including dynamic memory allocation. See lab 13 for more details.
To make it easier to debug the tests from the dryrun, you can access all the full correct output files for all the tests.
You can copy them all to your account by changing into the relevant directory and typing:
cp ~cs1911/public_html/18s1/assignments/ass2/autotestOutput/* .
would contain the desired output for test stage_1_1
would correspond the desired output for test stage_1_2
Since there have been issues with connecting the unsw vpn, this week's lab will be due tomorrow night at 11:59:59
There is an extra help session running from 2-6pm today (Friday Week 10). The Help Sessions page has been updated. Beware: There is a COMP1511 assignment due this weekend so it is most likely very busy!
For the first lab exercise, I had the type float instead of double in the sort3 prototype and sample main. I have modified it now. So in case you have already tried it, you will need to change your floats to doubles and your %f to %lf.
is set up and ready to go!
Under the Week 8 and Week 9 lectures links, there are some links to some help videos of some of our tutors explaining pointers and dynamic memory allocation (malloc). These may be helpful to watch if you are struggling with these concepts which you need to understand to do the week 10 lab.
Try to make sure you read through it before the lecture on tuesday where will go over it in detail and explain what you need to do.
Also completing Stage 0 (just reading in the standard input and printing it out) is going to be part of next weeks' lab.
Submission has not been set up yet but will be soon.
The COMP1911 final exam will be Thursday 21/06 in CSE's labs.
Unless you have an exam clash (ie already have another exam at that time) or you are a SEADU student, the exam will be run in the morning.
Students who have exam clashes and SEADU students will be sitting for the exam in the afternoon.
Note both sessions sit the same exam. For this reason, students can not leave the morning session early.
Students sitting the afternoon exam arrive before the morning exam finishes and are supervised in separate rooms. Hence you can not sit the afternoon exam if you arrive late.
The morning exam will be 8:45-12:00 (Students may not leave the exam early)
The afternoon exam will be from 11:30 -3:30 (Note the exam will only actually run from (12:15-3:30) but students need to arrive early, by 11:45am at the latest.
Note: Students with exam requirements registered with SEADU will be sent email regarding their exam requirements. If you have exam requirements registered with SEADU and do not receive email by the end of week 13 please contact us.
Questions about the exam will only be answered in the class forum. All information about the exam must be available to the entire class. Please don't email questions about exam content, format, marking, etc. The last lecture in week 13 will discuss the exam. Please leave questions about the exam until after it.
All consultations and help labs running as usual this week except wednesday which is a public holiday.
Don't forget week 8 is quiet week so there will be no tutorials or labs. However there will still be a lecture on tuesday. There is no lecture on wednesday as it is a public holiday.
For week 7 only the fri15-brass lab (Friday 20th) will be held in the lyre lab instead of the brass lab.
For anyone who got in early, just letting you know that lab06 has just been updated (an extra question and an extra challenge question added).
Hello everyone. If you have ? for your lab marks it means you submitted the lab but have not been marked off by your tutor. Make sure you get your tutor to mark any of the labs you submit in your next lab so you don't have any ? marks left.
Wednesday 4th April 6pm - 8pm J17 201 BYOD (Bring your own device) (run by tutors)
Thursday 5th April 6pm - 8pm J17 201 BYOD (Bring your own device) (run by tutors)
as well as the original ones
wed 4th April :3:00-4:00pm K17-G01 run by Angela
fri 6th April :10:00-12:00 Brass lab (aka Bugle/Horn) - (run by tutors)
Over the break there will be two consultation hours
wed:3:00-4:00pm K17-G01 run by Angela
fri:10:00-12:00 Brass lab (aka Bugle/Horn) - (run by tutors)
Due to a chemical spill in K17. I will reschedule one in the break instead.
Labs (and tuts) for week 5 are available now.
Don't forget that friday is good friday and a public holiday. So if you are in the friday class, it would be a good idea to turn up to a different tutorial/lab just for this week, so you don't miss out. See the timetable for your different options.
I have also extended the due date by a few days due to the public holidays and uni break etc, so it is due the wednesday night 11:59:59 instead of the sunday.
It is not due until the beginning of week 8 and you may not be familiar enough with arrays to start coding yet. But for read through the assignment and play around with the reference implementation and we will discuss it and answer any questions you have in the lecture on tuesday. You can even start blogging about any work you put into this stage of understanding the problem.
If you wish to swap your tutorial class for 1911, you can do it here. Of course you need to swap to one that has room. There is a new friday timeslot that is empty at the moment though.
I have changed my consultation hour from mondays 2:30-3:30 to tuesdays 3:00-4:00. Sorry for any inconvenience. There are still other help labs available today (and every monday) from 10-12 in the brass lab. You can also email me with any urgent matters.
The COMP1911 website is at https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP1911/18s1/ and you login using your zID and zPass .
You've may have been told to access your course through UNSW's Moodle system, but most CSE courses don't use Moodle except to access lecture recordings.
Have a look around the website. We are still in the process of adding resources, but so far there is a Course Outline, Tutorials and Labs for the first week and some resources to help you get your computer set up at home. Remember that Tutorials, Labs and Lectures all start in Week 1. Your first tutorial and lab will be a nice easy introduction to your friendly tutors, CSE and the labs. Check the timetable for the times and locations of your class.
I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday at 1pm for our first lecture .