
  • Bridging Course - opportunity for 2020

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Friday 11 October 2019, 11:19:57 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Are there any students who were awarded a mark of over 80, and who want to complete the bridging course but didn't do so in 2019? If so, please email me ASAP. If we have enough interest we may be able to run one before T1 in 2020

  • Last chance to check exam

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Tuesday 21 May 2019, 01:43:36 PM.

    Hi - we'll be finalising exam marks early this afternoon. There are still about 4 students whose emails I'm sorting out so don't fret if you're waiting on me. We discovered an issue in the system last night where if student's didn't submit a question they may have received a mark that they shouldn't have. This only affected less than 10 students. This has now been resolved, but please double check if you get a chance.

  • Tentative final marks released

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Monday 20 May 2019, 01:45:54 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    If you go here you can see your tentative final marks for the course. These are potentially subject to change but are rough indicators for you. We are releasing the tentative marks to you in case something dramatic has gone wrong. If you feel there are issues with these marks please email me ASAP.

  • You did it!!

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Monday 13 May 2019, 12:05:16 PM.

    :) :) :) :) :)

  • Ass2 Marks

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Sunday 12 May 2019, 09:51:10 PM.

    Hi everyone! Ass2 marks should have been released this afternoon. One or two tutors are still finishing the marking. If your assignment hasn't been marked (or you think there is a problem) and want to resolve that ASAP please email your tutor :)

  • Good Luck & Posting on Webcms3

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Sunday 12 May 2019, 05:37:27 PM.

    Hi everyone!

    Firstly, unless it's of a personal/sensitive/private matter, I will no longer be taking any questions regarding the course via email, but only via webcms3. This is so for any rush of questions you can all help each other a bit more, as well as making sure everyone gets the same help in the final hours (for whatever questions get answered).

    Secondly, good luck tomorrow. I'll be there floating around in the morning :) Please remember to have confidence in yourself. I believe in you all so at the very least you can believe in yourselves.

    The exam is a very fair exam. You're only going to be able to answer as many questions as you're able to - don't stress. Putting undue expectations on you will only make you worry more. Remember that we scale all these marks, so it doesn't matter if you get 4 questions done or 6 questions done, your marks will fall into place fairly.

    Don't over-invest time on a question. If it's just not working, move on. Always start with questions you feel most comfortable with first, whatever order that comes in.

    Your results for the course will be finalised and posted later this week. You'll receive a tentative mark from us before you receive your final mark from UNSW. After the course add me on LinkedIn, or add me on Facebook if I got to know you well enough :) But only after you receive your final marks from UNSW please. Make sure you stay in touch with each other. The CSE community at UNSW is one of the best I've known, so it's great when people stay in touch.

    And lastly, get some sleep tonight. Trust me when I say that 8 hours of sleep will do better for you than any extra study. If you disagree, you're wrong, soz :D

    If you're really panicking and feel like you might fail - focus all of your remaining energy on 1) Reading in numbers with scanf, 2) Adding to and reading from arrays with loops. If you can master these two basic skills then you have the core knowledge to pass the exam.

  • Quick note about exam Q7 (correction)

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Saturday 11 May 2019, 11:36:07 PM, last modified Saturday 11 May 2019, 11:43:47 PM.

    Hi everyone. On the exam Question 7 will use "assert" to tell you if your program is correct. This is nothing dramatic, it's very basic to understand. It's only on question 7 (the final question), and is not required you understand it. An assert statement checks a condition, and if that condition is false, it crashes your program.

    For example, if we asked you to write a "sum" function, we'd provide you with a main function like the following:

    #include <assert.h>
    int sum(int a, int b);
    int main(void) {
      assert(sum(2,3) == 5);
    int sum(int a, int b) {
      return a - b;

    If the sum function is implemented incorrectly (as it is now) your program will crash. If not, your program will finish normally.

    I just want to stress for the 3rd time this is nothing new you're expected to know, it's extremely intuitive and you can easily do the question without understanding this. Technically question 7 should not have any tests provided, but I'm being nice and this is just how the tests are done

    Feel free to ask questions :)

  • Fixed in Q1 of practice questions

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Friday 10 May 2019, 04:51:27 PM.

    Hi everyone. Q1 was missing a free (thanks Toby). Is fixed now.

  • Exam Schema and more Practice Q

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Thursday 09 May 2019, 05:25:47 PM.

    Hi everyone, you can find the schema of the exam here and practice questions here .

  • Final Consultation

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Wednesday 08 May 2019, 12:58:42 PM.

    Hi all,

    I'll have my final in person consultation tomorrow from 12pm-1pm in the lobby of the Material Science building. I am happy to answer questions via email any time regardless.

  • Exam schema + more practice questions on Thurs

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Tuesday 07 May 2019, 04:05:12 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    More practice questions and an exam schema will come out on Thurs

  • Practice exam question 0

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Thursday 02 May 2019, 06:37:28 PM.

    Solutions for question 0 for the practice exam:

  • Filling in the MyExperience survey

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Wednesday 01 May 2019, 10:37:31 AM.

    Hey! Thanks to 9% of the course that filled in the survey yesterday. Sadly it's not enough and there is not much time left until it closes :( If you could fill it in today that would mean a great deal to me!!

  • Practice Exam

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Wednesday 01 May 2019, 10:16:28 AM.

    Hi everyone,

    The practice exam can be found here:

    Worked solutions for each question can be found here:

  • Lecture slides fixed + c-reference

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Tuesday 30 April 2019, 02:40:55 PM.

    Lecture slides for week 11 have been fixed. And as requested you can view the c-reference sheet here .

  • EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Course Feedback

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Tuesday 30 April 2019, 01:28:27 PM.


    Only 33% of students have completed the MyExperience feedback for COMP1911. I know filling out surveys freaking sucks and is uninterested, but this survey has the GREATEST impact on the ability for us to improve the course in future years. We really need this number to be close to 100% of all student's filling out survey.

    It won't take long, I promise - it's the only big thing I'll plead and beg you to do this term. It's important for everyone - you, me, the school, future students :)

    And don't put it off. You'll forget. Wherever you are right now, just open it today, take the time, fill it in, get it done with :)


  • Final Lecture - 11am-1pm

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Monday 29 April 2019, 05:52:35 PM.

    Reminder our final lecture is from 11am-1pm tomorrow. As always it is recorded to watch later

  • Info about EXAM date/time/seating

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Monday 29 April 2019, 03:03:40 PM.

    Hi! You can confirm the date, time , room and seat for your COMP1911 exam here: Simply type in your z-id and z-pass

    For exam day PLEASE note the ROOM and SEAT so when you get to the lab you know where to go. If you aren't familiar with the room listed, I would recommend looking for it ahead of time.

  • Consultations this week

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Monday 29 April 2019, 01:54:06 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    I'll be doing consultations on the ground floor of the Material Science building (the building with the MCIC in it) this week:

    • Tuesday 10am-11am
    • Thursday 1pm-2pm

  • When your part4 has memory leaks

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Sunday 28 April 2019, 05:15:17 PM.

    Hey all,

    I know some of you have gotten part 4 working for "1911 autotest ass2" but it's leaking badly in "1911 autotest ass2mem". Obviously this worries you because you're tossing up between the part4 marks V the no-memory-leak marks for other parts of your code.

    For these people: Submit your part4 code - don't comment it out. If it's clear to your tutors that your ONLY memory leaks are stack related, we will reverse the memory leaks for part 1, 2, 3 (if applicable) so you don't lose marks. This is ONLY if your memory leaks are solely due to part 4.

  • IMPORTANT: Some ass2 advice + extension

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Saturday 27 April 2019, 11:55:16 AM.

    Hey everyone,

    Believe in yourself to solve problems

    I've personally helped around 90 students in the last 72 hours - and there is one common thread I've noticed which I think is really interesting. About 10% of problems students show me are really tricky. They take me 10 minutes just to figure out what is going wrong. Chances are with these problems you could waste hours and hours of a day trying to figure it out. However, about 90% of the problems that students show me I think you can solve yourselves. Can you solve it quickly? Of course not, programming can be hard! But I believe in you. You're all high achieving students studying at Australia's top engineering university. It's not gonna be easy, but it's gonna be worth it. For these 90% of students: When things go wrong, take a breath, and start to break down the problem. Your code isn't working? It's time to set DEBUG to "1" and start using printf's. It's time to start commenting out code again until it works. It's time to take that particular autotest and run it in isolation until you can get it working. Be systematic.

    If your program fails - why? Run "./0x800" and just press "qy" (quit, yes). Does it work then? If no, then you've got a problem with newBoard or freeBoard (because all you're doing is creating a board and freein'g a board!). If yes, then your problem is deeper, so run a more complex test.

    Part of being a good programmer is being an astute detective or private investigator. You all HAVE these skills - I've seen it - you have brilliant and capable minds. Believe in your problem solving abilities, because I sure know I believe in your abilities :)

    P.S. This isn't my way of saying "stop emailing me", its my way of saying I'm physically getting too many emails to respond to, and for most of you give yourself the faith to not feel blocked . Take a breath. Break it down. Be systematic.

    Finally, I have extended the deadline another 16 hours until 9am Monday. This is purely so that if you submit by Midnight on Monday that you should can still reach a maximum mark of 85%. This isn't to encourage students to stay up all night on Sunday to finish something - don't do that - it's not healthy and not worth it (trust me). It's to say to people who are struggling and stressed about the due date tomorrow "Hey, everything is OK, if you don't think you'll get an overall mark of higher than 85% than today is Saturday and you've got today and 2 more whole days"

  • No posting code on Webcms3

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Saturday 27 April 2019, 09:14:34 AM.

    Hi! Just a reminder that posting your assignment code on webcms3 is considered making your code public which can lead to instances where you violate the plagiarism policy.

  • Help Session Thursday

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Thursday 25 April 2019, 12:56:59 PM.

    Right now :)
    Help session is in Brass (Bugle/Horn) lab on J17 level 

  • Ass2 deadline extension

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Sunday 21 April 2019, 10:27:46 PM.

    Assignment 2 deadline is being extended by 48 hours to ease the pressure off everyone in their final main week of uni. Instead of being due at 5pm on April 26th (Friday) it's being moved to 5pm on April 28th (Sunday).

  • Instructions when asking for ass2 help

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Saturday 20 April 2019, 03:52:35 PM.

    Please follow these simple rules when emailing me questions about your code and assignment 2. If you don't follow them I'll put answering your email after others who do, and then I'll just reply asking you to do this anyway. I'm not being mean, this is just an expectation of any good engineering or computing student and good lesson in communication :)

    In your emails please ensure:

    • You don't just email me, but you CC your tutor in the email
    • You attach a full copy (as an attachment) of your 0x800.c file
    • You attach/include any screenshots of the errors you are facing
    • You attach/include/write (if not in the screenshots) the commands you ran on terminal that led you to getting these errors

  • Ass2 issue update #3: Everything back to normal

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Friday 19 April 2019, 07:17:02 PM.

    Hi all, DCC is working again now - carry on as before. If you did not work on your assignment between 5:30pm-7:15pm on Good Friday you can ignore all of these notices.

  • Ass2 issue update #2: DCC is temporarily broken

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Friday 19 April 2019, 07:07:50 PM.

    Hi everyone! It appears that CSE staff who oversee DCC (a wrapped for GCC) have accidentally very slightly broken it. I'm sure this will be resolved ASAP, and I will notify you when it's resolved. In the meantime, you can compile with GCC by the following command:

    gcc 0x800.c gameSystem.o -o 0x800 -lm

    Remember that GCC will give you less friendly compile errors and will not catch some of your runtime errors :)

  • Issue compiling

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Friday 19 April 2019, 06:41:09 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    It appears that "something" has gone wrong causing our gameSystem.o file to cause errors when compiling. This isn't an error made by us - we haven't modified the file all week. It's likely some change to do with CSE servers that is causing this strange behaviour. It's currently being worked on and we'll let you know when it's fixed (either when the systems work again or if we find a work around)

  • Non-course related: Event mentioned in lectures

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Thursday 18 April 2019, 11:03:31 AM.

    Hi everyone, this is the event I mentioned in lectures today if you're interested you can go :) Can be helpful for first years

  • More general comments

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Wednesday 17 April 2019, 04:04:05 PM.

    • The assignment comment for "moveUpBoard" says the function should move everything "down". This was a typo and should be obvious to ignore it and know it means "up"
    • The style guide requires 4 space indentation. However, the assignment was released with tabs instead of spaces. I would encourage everyone (if they find it easy) to convert the tabs to 4 spaces, however, if you submit this particular assignment with tabs we will not penalise you because that wouldn't feel fair
    • l'm getting about 1 email from students an hour - which is fine - it's why I'm here. But naturally it's going to slow down response times a bit. I'd encourage you to CC your tutor in emails to me in case they can get back to you quicker than me sometimes.

  • Stack in lab this week

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Tuesday 16 April 2019, 11:44:00 AM.

    The lab has been simplified this week compared to previous years to help with everyone's stress levels :) The code provided in the lab is a better version of what we did in lectures - more thorough, but you'll recognise its the same gist. With only 90 minutes to talk about queues/stacks today we couldn't have done everything. You are able to use this code (and any code we provide) in your assignment.

  • Assignment 1 solution

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Monday 15 April 2019, 10:43:35 AM.

    I've released a (because there is no perfect, and there are many good solutions) HERE . I've also put out a 2 hour video showing how I broke down the solution from start to finish including mistakes if you wanted to see how someone else might break the problem down. They can be found in the EXTRA VIDEOS SECTION .

  • Ass2 Extra Video - freeBoard and free'ing

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Sunday 14 April 2019, 10:51:28 PM, last modified Monday 15 April 2019, 10:50:27 AM.

    Hey :) Many students have had questions about freeBoard errors and issues with free'ing and memory leaks. I tried to make a video and draw some diagrams to best summarise this and hopefully enlighten things a bit more:

    It can also be found in "Extra Videos" section

  • Ass2 autotests complete

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Saturday 13 April 2019, 10:22:17 PM.

    Autotests for parts 2, 3, and 4 of ass2 are now up and part of autotest. Please also note: Don't worry right now if you're not passing "1911 autotest ass2mem". If you haven't implemented free properly (a small amount of marks in the scheme of things) you'll get this error for EVERY ass2mem test. Unless you're confident you're making good progress just focus on passing thins in 1911 autotest ass2 for now :)

  • Fix for broken terminal

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Saturday 13 April 2019, 09:23:34 PM.

    Hey! You might have noticed that when your program crashes it makes your termianl unusable. This isn't a problem for us, but it may be annoying for you. We've just updated the spec (see the changelog at the top for info) to show instructions of how to manage this.

  • (Still in development) Ass1 solution + Ass2 part 2 autotests

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Saturday 13 April 2019, 04:28:58 PM.

    Hey everyone! Just letting you know that this weekend I'm working on the ass1 solution as well as getting ass2 part 2 autotests out. A few students have asked about this so emailing to say don't worry - it's all underway

  • Please do "1911 ass2reload" in your ass2 directory

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Thursday 11 April 2019, 10:44:25 PM.

    Hi all - please run "1911 ass2reload" in your ass2 directory to get new versions of gameSystem.o, 0x800_reference and 0x800_reference_text. They have had very slight modifications made to fix said issues mentioned in the earlier notice.

  • Reference solution issues - to be solved tonight

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Thursday 11 April 2019, 04:58:23 PM.

    Hey everyone! Today a few students who are much further ahead than most and pointed out a couple of issues with our reference solution that we'll fix tonight and let you know about. These include:

    1. (Part 4) Trying to undo a game with no moves made causing a seg fault
    2. (Part 4) Trying to undo from a board after a restart is done causing a seg fault
    3. (Part 2) Trying to free cells that were created by the addRandom function causing program crash

    For (1) and (2) these are just bugs that happen given that it's the first year we run it. A fast student finds it and then we fix it.

    For (3) this was an issue because we didn't adequately brief the help session tutors (predomiantely COMP1511) on how to approach populateBoard() and many students got given advice that while better, was above our expectations. In keeping with being equitable, we're making sure assignments work with both malloc'd strings and string literals (as per today's lecture).

    We have also made a clarification in the spec (listed at the top) that when we said that a restarted game should contain the same state as the initial game, this only applies to games where the "populateBoard" string is present. So this holds true for games run with "./0x800 0 1234123412341234" but not with games started "./0x800"

  • Lab08 released + see you tomorrow

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Monday 08 April 2019, 09:00:56 PM.

    Lab08 has been released. It's a question on structs and also a question that will help you think through part 2 of your assignment. Tomorrow's lecture we will do 1) A bit more on structs, 2) Some revision questions, 3) Any questions about assignment

  • Week 7 feedback

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Sunday 07 April 2019, 10:43:32 AM.

    Hey all! If you have a spare few minutes I'd LOVE it if you could fill out THIS SURVEY about how you're feeling about the course and if you have any feedback so far.

  • Reloading ass2 files

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Sunday 07 April 2019, 10:37:06 AM.

    Hey everyone! Throughout the next few weeks some students will uncover small issues with our ass2 code that is provided. When this happens, we will fix it and then ask you to run a command in your ass2 directory. This command is "1911 ass2reload". This command pulls all of the files that 1911 ass2setup does EXCEPT for your 0x800.c file (this is stop it being overwritten, as you just want an update of all files except the one you're editing!)

    !! Can EVERYONE please run 1911 ass2reload in their assignment directory when they get a chance. Over the weekend we had to make a couple of small changes to the "gameSystem.o" file that includes the reference solution printing out the board in a flipped fashion !!

    Don't stress about this - these kind of little fixes are normal and happen. If mistakes are ever made in future that impair you in some way, you will not be penalised for it. So everything will be ok :)

  • Ass2 autotests - part 1

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Sunday 07 April 2019, 08:36:41 AM.

    Autotests for assignment 2 part 1 have been put up. Instructions are here at the bottom of the page. You can run "1911 autotest ass2" for the tests WITHOUT memory leak checking (i.e.which checks if you've "free'd" correctly), or you can run "1911 autotest ass2mem" for the same tests but WITH memory leak checking.

  • Bridging Course Registrations

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Friday 05 April 2019, 04:40:31 PM.

    Hi! If you want to see more about the bridging course / apply (marks pending) click here:

  • Ass2 spec update

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Friday 05 April 2019, 02:51:23 PM.

    A new section has been added to explain more about the "Board". Part 1 has also been fleshed out to give more detail about what needs to be completed for "populateBoard". If you continue to have questions please post on the forum.

  • Renaming Lecture Recordings

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Friday 05 April 2019, 12:11:43 PM.

    I've renamed the lecture recordings to have meaningful names on Echo360 so you can look them up easier

  • Ass2 Released

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Thursday 04 April 2019, 01:34:38 PM.

    Hi! Assignment 2 has been released and discussed in today's second half of the lecture.

    Believe it or not, it's actually going to be OK! We've designed it to be very manageable - but at the start, before you have really looked through the code and got it compiling it's going to seem stressful.

    For anyone who has ALREADY downloaded the code (i.e. run 1911 ass2setup), please go and run 1911 ass2reload in that folder as the new reference solution has been put there.

    If you are a bit lost by what there is to do in the assignment, let me simplify it for you: Go and implement "newBoard" in 0x800.c. It should simply malloc and return a 2D array with all items set to null. Then when you compile and run your program an empty board will appear. Simple!

  • Lab07 fixes

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Tuesday 02 April 2019, 07:14:18 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    A bunch of fixes were made to Lab07 today between 4pm and 6pm. They were just tiny clarifications and a few bug fixes. If you started your lab before this time and had any issues with it please check out the lab page again or copy the new template files across

  • Tutes/Labs/Lectures week 6

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Tuesday 26 March 2019, 08:31:27 AM.

    Hi! Week 6 tute/lab is up. The first lecture video is up and the rest will be up before midday (they're currently taking a while to upload).

    Lecture videos are linked on the main "Lectures" page under week 6. You will need the lecture theory to complete this week's work. If you want a direct link:


    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Tuesday 26 March 2019, 03:55:59 AM.

    Hi everyone, I'll just repeat it for a 4th time in case there was someone who missed it. For week 6 (this week) there is normal tutorials and labs. However, there is no in-person lectures. Lectures will just be pre-recorded videos this week (uploaded soon) which you can watch at home.

    Lecture VIDEOS (to watch online) for this week, tutorials, and labs will be posted later today. They've been slow to get up due to a lot of time being spend assisting student's with assignments :)

  • Ass1: General Comments

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Saturday 23 March 2019, 09:09:25 PM, last modified Saturday 23 March 2019, 09:11:44 PM.

    Some quick things:

    • The most common question students have been asking is that their program runs fine for the "potato" input test case, but when they run it through the autotest they get errors. This is because the autotest is detecting something your own compiling probably isn't - often uninitialised variables. If you get this error, go and look at the specific line the error is on and you'll see that its because the scanf "stopped" once it got "potato" and that the variables you were trying to read into weren't initialised. Go look at the last part of Thursday week 5 lectures to see how to manage the return of scanf to see how many items were successfully scanned in. You can probably test this locally by compiling with "dcc --valgrind" instead of "dcc"
    • dcc appears to be broken for some of our students. Unsure why, I've emailed system support letting them know.
    • Please post on the forum unless its a specific message to you.
    • I'm currently overseas and getting inundated by emails. Please don't stop sending them, but forgive me for a slow reply. I put aside large chunks of time just to sit down and deal with 1911 emails and I will continue to do my best
    • string.h (partiularly strcpy function) is OK to use for the assignment. No reason you should need it, but it was granted to one student who wanted to, so its important you're all aware
    • If you're struggling with your assignment, focus on getting a SMALL part of it working PERFECTLY, rather than ALL of it working KIND OF
    • Don't forget that I believe in you and that things will be OK

  • Code from week 5 lectures

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Thursday 21 March 2019, 02:38:28 PM.

    Find it here:

  • Command to improve gedit/default programs

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Wednesday 20 March 2019, 01:41:04 PM.

    Hi! Our friends in COMP1511 have a handy program that we've stolen that you can run on VLAB or the CSE lab machines to 1) Give you more appropriate default programs (e.g. gedit instead of that other thing), and 2) Setup gedit to have 4 space indentation, line numbers on the left, etc.

    You can run it by typing in "1911 setup" to any terminal on your CSE account (vlab, ssh, or in the labs)

  • Week 4 Tut/Lab solutions out, lab05 autotest pending

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Tuesday 19 March 2019, 01:27:58 PM.

    Week 4 tutorial and lab solutions are available. Lab05 has one question (oddEvenTen.c) that currently isn't set up on autotest, this will be up soon.

  • Important Post Lecture Comments

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Tuesday 19 March 2019, 11:51:33 AM.

    Hey! Just some clarifications on items we discussed in lectures:

    • You can use pointers in your assignment, but you definitely don't have to. It's very reasonable to complete this assignment without pointers - the vast majority of you will. Just because we covered it today doesn't mean you need to consider it for the assignment. A standard assignment would use just the following: if/else, while, functions, arrays, (maybe) sprintf.
    • I talked about the pace/order we're moving through the course and made a joke about COMP1511 moving too slow. I just want to stress that they are different courses with different students and we both move through the courses at the pace best for everyone! It was just a joke to help the mood since you all look and feel like boiled potatoes on a Tuesday morning :) We're covering pointers early because they are hard, and we want to give you even more time with them.
    • Use your tutorial to ask your tutor about the assignment and any questions you have

    See you Thursday!

  • PLEASE WATCH: Saving "text" into a variable

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Thursday 14 March 2019, 05:08:17 PM.

    Hi! Feedback received today pointed to the fact that a lot of student's really wanted to solve one problem: Saving a string/text into a variable and being able to pass that around. This is something that nearly all students will want to watch for the assignment and will make your lives easier. You can see the video on this page: "Assignment 1 + Saving strings/text in variables" .

    Or if you want a direct link: HERE

    For your standard student, this is most likely the last piece of knowledge you are looking for to make writing the assignment less annoying. Without watching the video it's still possible to do the assignment, just a little less easier.

    Remember that you have me + tutors + help sessions + emailing me to get you through this assignment. You have a very big support network and you're not alone :D

  • Page for extra videos!

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Thursday 14 March 2019, 01:20:05 AM.

    Hey everyone, I've recorded 3 new videos today (Good style; Dealing with multiple returns; Dealing with long conditions). I'm going to keep them centralised on a page here:

  • Assignment 1 Clarification: Ordering of numbers 2.0

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Wednesday 13 March 2019, 02:43:06 PM.

    Firstly: Relax :) This clarification will most likely make no difference to you, and if it does, it will make your assignment easier to code.

    Our Ass1 clarification last night was because of an ambiguous part of the assignment spec that contradicted the reference solution. However, in our attempt to clarify, we didn't do a good enough job and added some more confusion. Because of this we have added more detailed clarification to the spec.

    For complete clarity: The numbers that are passed in to your program (assuming valid input is passed in) are in ascending order. However, x_a does not necessary refer to the "first" element in that list. As the spec says "unless stated in the rule, x_a, x_b, ..., x_f can be any of the numbers".

    This means that for match-3 for example, where it says the rule is that x_a == x_b, for a list of [1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 8] it's allowed that x_a and x_b can both be "8" even though they're higher number. Just because a correct list is ordered, does not mean the numbers correlate to any particular x_i when satisfying a rule.

    To clarify this completely, we've added clearer conditions to sum-2, sum-3, sum-4, sum-5, and tim-tam rule. This can be summarised below.

  • Assignment 1 Clarification: Ordering of numbers

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Tuesday 12 March 2019, 08:13:49 PM, last modified Wednesday 13 March 2019, 02:43:11 PM.

    NOTE: This announcement is no longer accurate, the newer announcement clarifies this properly.

    There was a bit of confusion regarding assignment 1 specification. This has been cleared up.

    It used to say "Note: x a , x b , x c , x d , x e , x f can be any of the numbers"

    Now it says "Note: x a , x b , x c , x d , x e , x f can be any of the numbers, assuming the following condition is met: x a <= x b <= x c <= x d <= x e <= x f "

  • [ass1] "Headers" in the C Library to use

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Saturday 09 March 2019, 11:14:44 PM.

    I have updated the assignment specification for ass1 to include which #include's you can use. If you feel the need to use one I haven't listed, contact me. P.S. I HOPE YOU'RE ALL HAVING A GREAT WEEKEND!!

  • Week 3 Survey - Content Understanding!

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Saturday 09 March 2019, 07:05:35 PM.

    Hi everyone, for our WEEK 3 SURVEY I wanted to keep it simple and get a sense of how well everyone feels they understand topics so far. It will take 60 seconds to complete. Any extended feedback is also welcome.

  • Week 3 "Challenge Exercise"

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Friday 08 March 2019, 12:03:29 AM.

    The week 3 lab had "Advanced Exercise" there which was a bit vague. It's OPTIONAL and not required for lab03. I have made this clear in the lab now.

  • Bonus Video - Implicit Type Conversions

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Thursday 07 March 2019, 09:05:47 PM, last modified Thursday 07 March 2019, 11:08:50 PM.

    Hi! Today I thought I'd try making some "bonus videos" to go deeper into topics that people are curious about or just take some more time to explain something quite specific. I figure it might be useful. They're not required to watch as they're really more like tutorial-style videos where it's not new content, but just more depth of explanation. I'd love some feedback on them if you can. If it's something that works then I'll make more of them.

    <iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0"></iframe>


  • Assignment 1 Released

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Wednesday 06 March 2019, 12:39:59 AM.

    Assignment 1 has been released. Please take a read before Thursday so talking about it in lectures makes sense to you. If you have any questions/comments/concerns please post in the comments section on the assignment page.

  • (Fixed) Week 2 Lab Submission Issue

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Sunday 03 March 2019, 03:55:10 PM.

    If you tried to "give" your week 2 lab between midnight last night and 1pm today, it would have said it was "late". This was just an error on our system that had the lab due "Sunday 2nd March" instead of "Sunday 3rd MarchThis has since been fixed and nothing to worry about. Week 2 lab is due at 11:59pm tonight (3rd March)

  • Week 2 Survey + A quick poll

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Saturday 02 March 2019, 09:27:12 AM.

    Hey everyone. When you get a chance can you do the following:

  • Clarification on Challenge Exercises

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Friday 01 March 2019, 09:05:38 AM.

    The course outline said something different to your lab regarding how we mark challenge exercises. The course outline was incorrect, and it has been updated.

    Students can get an A+ without attempting a challenge exercise if their code is functionally and stylistically perfect. If they attempt or complete a challenge exercise though, it can help boost their lab mark if their compulsory lab exercises are imperfect.

  • How to check if you've submitted your lab

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Thursday 28 February 2019, 11:14:32 PM.

    UNSW CSE has a simple online tool that you can interact with your submissions.

  • Week 2 Post-Tuesday Lecture Comments

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Tuesday 26 February 2019, 11:42:13 AM.

    • For students who have enrolled late, please email me so we can allow late submission of your week 1 lab
    • Autotests for lab02 now work
    • Code from today's lecture is up in the (code) part of lecture 4 (C conditions)

  • Week 1 Survey (Anonymous) AVAILABLE

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Friday 22 February 2019, 07:30:41 PM.

    Hey everyone!

    I've put together a survey that I'd LOVE if you could take 2 minutes to fill out. I know many people hate surveys, but this one is easy! Also, every time someone answers it helps US make the course better for YOU! Which every body wants. So lend a hand and give some short quick feedback.


  • Week 1 Post-Tuesday Lecture Comments

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Tuesday 19 February 2019, 01:58:24 PM.

    Hi everyone! Thanks for the lecture this morning. Some quick things to remember:

    • The plan today wasn't to cover any C code writing, but I wanted to give you some exposure to it before your tute-lab. This is why we ran through it so quickly, so don't worry if you don't understand some parts! Your tutor will run you through it in the next few days and we will cover it again on Thursday.
    • If you can any issues with viewing particular pages (e.g. lab) let me know.
    • The lecture recordings link should work. Check it out, post on the Lecture Recordings page if you have any issues.

  • Welcome! Get excited & read the Course Outline.

    Posted by Hayden 🎉 Sunday 10 February 2019, 06:53:38 PM.

    Hey everyone,

    My name is Hayden and I'll be running and lecturing COMP1911 in T1 of 2019. I'm excited to meet you all next Tuesday for our first lecture at 9am in the Science Theatre (Building F13). We have an amazing team of tutors to support you this term.

    Something you should do this week: Please read through the Course Outline . If you have any questions or concerns about it then leave a comment at the bottom of the Course Outline page (there is a comments section). It's important we're all on the same page before beginning the course!

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