
  • COMP1911 2021 T2 Bridging Course

    Posted by Dylan Brotherston 🕴️ 4 years ago.

    Dear all,

    As we introduce at the beginning of T2, COMP1911+bridging course will provide COMP1511 equivalent competency.
    If you want to be part of the bridging course, please fill in the form:

    We will run the bridging course from 6th to 10th of September.
    It is free, and should be for people intending to complete a software degree.

  • Congratulations

    Posted by Binghao Li 4 years ago.

    Dear all,

    Congratulations! You have successfully completed the final exam. We will work hard on marking and release the final results soon.

    On behave of our team, we would like to thank you for choosing COMP1911. We know it is not easy to go this far, hope you will find this course is useful in your future career.

    myExperience survey has closed, we have a good response rate (55%). Thank you! If you still have something to tell us, please send us a message.

    I am sure we will see some of your guys again.

    Prize winners, I did not forget you, I look forward to seeing you on campus when the lockdown is over.

    Enjoy your holidays and stay safe.

    All the best


  • Final Exam Extension

    Posted by Binghao Li 4 years ago.

    Due to the minor issues we encountered, you will have 10 minutes extension for the final exam. The exam will be closed at 17:10.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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