
  • Final Message

    Posted by Binghao Li 3 years ago.

    Dear all,

    This is the final message from me for COMP1911 2022 T2.

    On behalf of the team, thanks again for selecting this course. I hope you found it helpful. The final marks have been finalised, if you have any questions, please email, we can discuss them individually.

    Thanks for your feedback; they are encouraging and helpful. Based on your suggestions, we will keep doing the good thing and improve the course.

    Some of you will attend the bridging course that Dylan will deliver. You should have received a Teams message. Please let me know if you have expressed interest but have not received any notice. Enjoy the bridging course.

    All the best for your future career.

    PS: If you want to discuss anything with me, drop me a line.



  • Bridging Course Reminder

    Posted by Dylan Brotherston 🕴️ 3 years ago.

    If you are interested in completing the bridging course, and have not done so already, please remember to complete the expression of interest form before tomorrow (3rd) midday.

  • COMP1911 Mark Finalisation + Bridging Course

    Posted by Dylan Brotherston 🕴️ 3 years ago.


    We have finished marking all assessments and the marks are now available on the WebCMS grades page .

    Your page should look something like the following:

    Your final mark for the course can be calculated fairly easily from this information (UNSW doesn't allow us to do that for you).
    The marks given are all raw marks (after any deductions from late penalties).
    There may be scaling applied to your official final mark.

    Official final marks are release by UNSW on the 1st of September.

    If you believe that there is an error with your marks please email <> before midday Sunday 28th.
    Note that being one or two marks away from passing the course isn't a valid reason for us to investigate your marks and we will only adjust marks if there is a legitimate error with the given mark.

    Bridging Course

    The COMP1911 Bridging Course provides equivalent competency to that of COMP1511.
    That is, compleating the Bridging Course allows you to enroll in subject that have COMP1511 as a prerequisite.

    The Bridging Course is free, and is intended for people intending in completing a software degree.

    The Bridging Course will run from the 5th to the 10th of September (including Saturday 10th).

    If you are interested in completing the Bridging Course please fill in this form
    You must fill in the form before midday Saturday 3rd of September.

    The only requirement for enrolling in the Bridging Course is passing COMP1911.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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