
  • Prac Supp Exam Time and Location

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    Date: Friday 9th December

    Time: 10:30am-12pm

    Location: Flute and Oboe Labs (J17 rooms 303 and 304)

  • Supp exam location

    Posted by Stanislav Shkel 8 years ago.

    Hi all,

    Tomorrow's supp exam will be held at 9 am in bugle/horn lab. That is on the 3rd floor of J17(Ainsworth Building).

    Good luck

  • Check Your Results Thoroughly

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.


    At some points in my calculations and entering in the system, mistakes have been made.

    Please make sure you check the following:

    • If CourseResult says PS, check that you've actually passed all 3 hurdles (coursework 15/40, prac exams 12/30, final exam 12/30) as well as the final mark (50/100).
    • Looking at your grades, should you have been offered a supp? (Don't just trust the prac_supp and final_supp field.)
      • If you passed the coursework and got:
        • Prac exams: less than 12/30 --> prac_supp
        • Final exam: less than 12/30 --> final_supp
        • Total final mark: less than 50/100 --> both prac_supp and final_supp

    Please e-mail me ( if you believe there's been a mistake.


  • CourseResult Now Available

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    It was pointed out to me following the last notice that students could not view their CourseResult field.

    This field is important because it shows what you are currently getting for the course and therefore if you need to do a supp exam or a plagiarisms case needs following up before you can pass the course.

    I've updated the field so it should now be available for viewing.

  • Grades Release and Supp Exams

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    Grades Released

    By 1am your grades should be available via WebCMS (and earlier via -sturec).

    Grades Explained

    The (interesting) fields look something like this:

    • CourseResult:
      • FL - As it currently stands you've failed the course (achieved less than 50/100 as a final mark). If you've been granted a supp exam (see fields below) then you have a chance to turn this fail into a pass if you get a high enough grade on your supp exam(s).
      • UF - As it currently stands you've failed the course (achieved less than the required grade on one of the requirements (12/30 on the exam or 12/30 on the prac exams or 15/40 on the coursework). If you've been granted a supp exam (see fields below) then you have a chance to turn this fail into a pass if you get a high enough grade on your supp exam(s).
      • WD - Your work has been flagged by our plagiarism detection system. See below for more information.
      • PS - Pass. A grade >=50 and <65.
      • CR - Credit. A grade >=65 and <75.
      • DN - Distinction. A grade >=75 and <85.
      • HD - High Distinction. A grade >=85.
    • final_mark: Your grade for the course.
    • exam_mark: Your mark out of 30 for the final exam.
    • prac_supp:
      • 1 - You may sit the prac supp exam.
      • 0 - You may not sit the prac supp exam.
    • final_supp:
      • 1 - You may sit the final supp exam.
      • 0 - You may not sit the final supp exam

    Supplementary Exams

    Exam Details Date Approximate Time
    Final (Written) Supp Similar format and questions to the final written exam sat in the exam period. Wednesday 7th December 9am-12pm
    Prac Supp Similar format and questions to the 3rd prac exam sat in week 13. This grade will be counted in combination with your first two original prac grades to see if you passed all the requirements. Friday 9th December 9am-12pm

    We are aware that these exams are on at the same time as the COMP1927 lectures. If you are missing a lecture to do the exam, you can catch up on the lecture using the lecture notes or recordings.

    In all cases, if you've been offered a single supp exam, you need to sit this exam and get a high enough grade, in order to pass the course.

    In some cases, if you've been offered both supp exams, you only need to complete one of the two exams to pass the course.

    Prac Total Final Exam Total Grade Scenario Explanation
    12 12 40 In this situation, you may want to re-sit both exams to maximise your chance of getting your total grade above 50. Though, if you are confidant that you can improve enough by doing only one of the supp exams, you may elect to do only one.
    12 12 49 In this situation, you may want to re-sit both exams to maximise your chance of getting your total grade above 50. Though, if you are confidant that you can improve enough by doing only one of the supp exams, you may elect to do only one.
    12 10 48 In this situation, sitting the prac supp would have been provided as an option, but will not increase your chances of passing the course. If you get the required grade in the final exam to pass the hurdle (12/30) then that will mean your total grade will become 50/100 and so you will have passed both requirements in the same exam. If you fail to achieve the final exam hurdle, then achieving a total grade of 50 or above will not be enough to pass the course.
    10 10 50 In this situation, you need to sit both supp exams (and achieve a high enough grade in each of them) in order to pass the course.
    5 5 30 In this situation, you need to sit both supp exams (and achieve a high enough grade in each of them, as well as at least 50/100 as a total grade) in order to pass the course.

    If you sit either supp exam, the highest grade you can achieve for the course is 50/100.

    Withheld Grades (WD)

    You will receive an e-mail soon with more information. You will have the opportunity to come in and talk about your situation, at this point the date is set for Tuesday 29th November 11am-2pm (to be confirmed via e-mail).

    Queries About Grades

    If you have a query about your grades feel free to contact me at:

    Subject: COMP1917 Grades

    (This is especially significant if you had special considerations which were to be applied after all the grades were in and you're unsure if they were applied.)

    I'll be checking my e-mail regularly between now and Wednesday night. Following that I'll check my e-mails again from 6th December.

  • Supp Exam Update and Confirmation

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    When and where are the supp exams held?

    Supp exams will be held in the week of the 7th of December. More details of times and places will be released closer to the time. (Keep an eye on these announcements.)

    Will I be able to sit a supp exam?

    Many students are e-mailing me asking if they will be able to sit a supp exam.

    I'm going to be lenient about it.

    Here is the algorithm with which to calculate which supp exam(s) you'll be sitting:

    int maxMark = 100;
    int labs = min(labs, 9); // Lab grade is capped at 9
    int coursework = assignments + labs + presentation; // coursework hurdle: 15/40
    int pracs = prac1 + prac2 + prac3; // pracs hurdle: 12/30
    int total = coursework + pracs + finalWritten;
    // finalWritten hurdle: 12/30
    if (coursework >= 15) {
        printf("You are on track to be able to pass\n");
        if (pracs >= 12 && finalWritten >= 12 && total >= 50) {
            printf("You've passed :)\n");
        if (pracs < 12 && total >= 45) {
            printf("You can sit the prac supp exam\n");
            maxMark = 50;
            // pracSupp is similar to prac3 and is considered a supp for the 3rd prac exam
            if (prac1 + prac2 + pracSupp >=12) {
               pracs = 12;
        if (finalWritten < 12 && total >= 45) {
            printf("You can sit the finalWritten supp exam\n");
            maxMark = 50;
            if (finalWrittenSupp >= 12) {
                finalWritten = 12;
        total = coursework + pracs + finalWritten;
        total = min(maxMark, total);
        if (total < 50) {
            printf("Try again next time.\n");
        } else {
            printf("You've passed.\n");
    } else {
        printf("Try again next time.\n");

    Edit 10/11/16: Fixed an error on line 2 of the algorithm.

    Edit 11/11/16: Changed total >=50 to total >=45 for supp eligibility.

    PS: if you pass all hurdles but still get between 45 and 50 you can do a written supp

  • Assignment 2 Questions

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    Once your assignment 2 has been graded, it can be collected with the command:

    1917 classrun -collect assign2

    If you have further questions about your grade, please contact your tutors first for more feedback.

  • Supplementary Prac Exam

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    I'm hoping to be quite lenient with this, and allow any student who could pass the course by being able to re-sit the exam, to do so. That being said, I haven't confirmed the details of this. I'll update you with the situation as soon as I finalise it.

  • Content of Final Exam

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    The final exam can include any/all of the content covered in the course. This includes all lectures, tutorials, labs and assignments.

    If recursion is tested in the exam it will be with a simple question and be worth a very small percentage of the final paper grade. (I do not expect you to have mastered this skill yet, but I do expect you to understand the basics.)

  • Seating Allocations for Final Exam

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    Can be found here:

  • MyExperience - the CATEI replacement

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    This is a reminder to fill out the MyExperience survey evaluating this course, its teaching etc.

    You should have received an e-mail to your uni e-mail account with a link to the survey.

  • Linked List Practice

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    More practice exercises can be found here:

    Some are just exercises. Some have solutions. These are all from other sources - I take no responsibility for accuracy of solutions.

    I've chosen these files because there are some good challenges such as interleaveList and appendList that I don't think we've covered in class which are good practice for both the prac exam and the final.

  • CATEI Forms

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    This is a reminder to fill out your CATEI forms. You can do so via my.unsw.

  • Seating allocation prac 3

    Posted by Stanislav Shkel 8 years ago.

    Hi all,

    For the final prac exam the seating allocation will be exactly the same as for the second prac.

    Below is the link to the allocation if you don't remember it.

    Please note this allocation might be different from originally enrolled one.

    Good luck

  • Final Prac Topics

    Posted by Stanislav Shkel 8 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Final prac exam will include all the topics up to and including linked lists. There will be no I/O or recursion.

    Good luck

  • Final Exam Session Registration

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    Follow this link to register in either the morning session or afternoon session for the final exam.

    Morning exam: 9:30-12:45 (cannot leave early)

    Afternoon exam: 12:40-13:10 coralling (if you arrive after 12:40 you cannot take the exam except in specific circumstances - make sure you contact me about this if it applies to you) 13:15-16:30 exam.

  • Plagiarism Reminder

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    Reminder not to work together on the assignments. They are individual work. Copying code with different comments is still plagiarism. We are still chasing up plagiarism cases from assignment 1. Please write all your code yourself.

  • Revisions Lectures This Week

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    The lectures this week will be revision. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions about any of the topics we've covered this semester. I'm happy to go over any content that you'd find useful. If you're feeling confident with the material, feel free to sleep in. Otherwise please bring your questions and requests for topics to be revised tomorrow morning.

  • Assignment 2 submission is now available

    Posted by Stanislav Shkel 8 years ago.

    Hi all,

    Hope you are all doing great in the last couple weeks of uni.

    The submission system for assignment 2 is now available + dryrun with some demo tests.

    You can also find sample input and output of the dryruns at

    Notice that this is only a subset of tests and you will need to do your own testing.

    Good luck and happy coding

  • Seating allocation reminder

    Posted by Stanislav Shkel 8 years ago.

    Please double check your seating allocation for today's prac exam as it might be different from your original one.

  • Sample solution binary

    Posted by Stanislav Shkel 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    While we are setting up dryrun we have decided to release a sample solution binary.

    You can find it here

    When you download it run chmod u+x pkmn_sol to make it executable.

    Happy coding.

  • Seating Allocations for Week 10 Prac Exam

    Posted by Stanislav Shkel 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    Please take note of which seat you've been assigned to for the prac exam on Friday:

    Please note that this is a new seating allocation and could be different from your original enrolled lab.

    Good luck

  • Assignment 2 - Full Specification Release

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    The full specification for Assignment 2 has now been released. The spec as well as all accompanying documents can be found here:

    There are 5 stages in total.

    There may be a couple adjustments (if people find mistakes or inconsistencies in the specification). These adjustments will either be released as updated documents (listed at the top of the Assignment 2 FAQ page) or as clarifications appended to the bottom of the Assignment 2 FAQ page.

    The FAQ page can be found here:

  • Linked List Practice

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    For anyone who is looking to practice a bit with Linked Lists, Curtis has put together some practice work. It won't be marked, but it should give you a decent idea of what you can expect to see and what you'll be expected to be able to do by the end of semester with linked lists.

  • Assignment 2 FAQ

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    An Assignment 2 FAQ is now available here:

  • Week 10 Prac Exam Time Selection

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    If you are currently enrolled in the earlier exam time, and would like to move to the later exam time, or don't mind what time you do the exam, please fill out the form at this location:

    Remember, if you do the earlier exam, you need to stay until the end of the exam and remain back for an extra 15 minutes. If you do the later exam, you can leave as soon as you've finished.

  • Assignment 2 Stage 1 Release - Now with accompanying files

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    I've added Pkmn.c and Pkmn.h files for Stage 1 of the assignment. All the files, including the spec can be found here:

    Currently, there is a draft specification for stage 1 of the assignment, and the accompanying code. These sections are unlikely to change and if so, only in small details.

    As later stages of the assignment are released, code fragments will be added to the bottom of the accompanying files.

  • Mid-Semester Break Consultations Location

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    The consultations on Monday and Tuesday afternoons are in Tabla lab in K17 G07. (Ground floor of K17.)

  • Reminder: Monday of Week 10 is a public holiday.

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    So no lectures (or tutorials) that day.

    (Students with a tutorial that day should try attend another tutorial later in the week.)

  • Monday Tutorials in Week 10

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    Monday of Week 10 is a public holiday. As such, students on Monday will be missing their tutorial. All students are encouraged to attend the tutorial hour (at least) of another tutorial during that week. Hand in your lab work for Week 10 to you usual tutor in Week 11.

    Enjoy the break :)

  • Mid-Semester Break Consultations

    Posted by Sim Mautner 8 years ago.

    Some consultation times are now available via Moodle (COMP1917).

    • During consultation times, I will prioritise lecture (and tutorial and lab) -related questions over assignment-related questions.
    • During consultation times, everyone is welcome but priority goes to the 4 students booked into that specific time slot.
    • If no one is registered in a time-slot, I will cancel the consultation.
    • If there is high demand, I will try make more consultations later in the break. Keep checking the Moodle page for updates.

  • Lab8 breakfast.c

    Posted by Stanislav Shkel 8 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    We have decided to release our version of breakfast.c file which we use to test your submission. So if you've previously downloaded lab files please update your breakfast.c. It will be in the same folder as before with all the test functions implemented for you.

    Happy coding.

  • Prac exam today

    Posted by Stanislav Shkel 9 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    If you are in the second session today, please arrive at least 10 minutes early.

    You will not be allowed to take the exam if you are more than 10 minutes late.

    Good luck.

  • Seating Allocations for Week 6 Prac Exam

    Posted by Sim Mautner 9 years ago.

    Please take note of which seat you've been assigned to for the prac exam on Friday:

  • Exam Provisions for Week 6 Prac Exam

    Posted by Sim Mautner 9 years ago, last modified 9 years ago.

    If you have special considerations for the exam on Friday, please make sure you've e-mailed me (, attaching your documentation and specifying in the e-mail which provisions you need for the exam.

    Please make sure you're e-mailing from one of your university e-mail addresses, and include COMP1917 in the subject line.

  • Prac Exams Times and Places

    Posted by Sim Mautner 9 years ago.

    To find the time and location of your prac exam, go to your university timetable and tick the box for "week 6". Look at the Friday. You should see your exam in your timetable including time and location. We recommend you arrive at the exam 15mins before the start of the exam.

  • Assignment 1 Clarifications

    Posted by Stanislav Shkel 9 years ago.

    Hi all,

    The assignment clarification doc is now available here .

    It also contains sample input and output data so you can test your program.

    Good luck and happy coding!

  • 10am-11am Tomorrow: Revision Lecture

    Posted by Sim Mautner 9 years ago.

    The first hour of tomorrow's lecture will be going through some extra questions to do with arrays, strings, functions and pointers.

  • Sharing of Solutions

    Posted by Sim Mautner 9 years ago.

    When asking questions on the website, please refrain from posting whole solutions (whether they are working or not). If you're able to ask your question while only sharing some of your code, then that's great. Otherwise ask your tutor in class for help addressing the problem.

  • H17B Tutorial Room - Webster 251

    Posted by Sim Mautner 9 years ago.

    To clarify the confusing listing of two rooms on the Timetable page, the correct room for Thursday 5pm tutorial (H17B) is Webster 251.

  • Text Editor Choices when Using Putty

    Posted by Sim Mautner 9 years ago.

    Several students have been asking about problems using gedit over Putty. The solution is to use nano instead of gedit when using Putty.

    When using Putty, the following will work:

    • nano <-- recommended for ease of use
    • pico
    • vim
    • emacs

    When using Putty, the following will not work:

    • gedit
    • gvim

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