
  • Final Marks for COMP 1927

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Monday 20 February 2017, 01:23:52 PM.

    Dear students,

    All marking is now complete and the final marks for COMP 1927 have been released.

    Firstly, congratulations to Michael Tran for scoring 100 and coming first in the course. Honourable mentions to Sijun Zhu, Jeremy Fu, Tony Huynh, Deepanjan Chakrabarty and Gavin Chiem for scoring 98 or above.

    Overall, the performance of this summer cohort has been excellent as seen in the graph below. So, well done. If you have any queries, please email the class account -

  • Supplementary Exam on Wednesday, 22nd of February between 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Wednesday 15 February 2017, 02:46:22 PM, last modified Wednesday 15 February 2017, 02:48:40 PM.

    Students who have not attended the final exam that was held on Monday, 13th February 2017, if you have a genuine reason for your absence then kindly fill in a special consideration request. The supplementary exam for those who have lodged a special consideration request and have been approved will be held on Wednesday, 22nd of February between 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.

  • Final Exam Help

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Saturday 11 February 2017, 07:33:40 PM, last modified Sunday 12 February 2017, 08:32:08 AM.

    Dear students,

    Our fantastic tutor Stanis has kindly volunteered to assist students who might need some assistance prior to the final exam on Monday. He is organizing a revision session tomorrow around midday in one of the J17 labs. If any one of you intend to attend, kindly send Stanis an email. Please note his message below.

    Hey all,I hope you are busy prepping for your final. If so here are some gifts in the form of a past paper.
    you all better play nice and collaborate. Also this is just theory, the best way to get some practice is probably in the data structures section. I know there is no c, but you can use c++ and just write your normal c code.

    PPS If anyone wants I can organise a revision session this sunday and go through any topics you’d like. We can even try and do some pracs from hackerrank. It will probably be around 12pm so I have time to wake up. If you are keen, respond with “Keen as jellybean” to this email.

  • COMP 1927 Final Exam

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Friday 10 February 2017, 04:47:24 PM.

    As previously advised, the final exam of COMP 1927 will be held on Monday, 13th of February, 2017 between 1:00 and 4:00 pm at the Kora, Sitar, Bugle, Horn, Oboe and Flute labs (Level 3, Mech Eng Building). Please assemble by 12:45 pm in front of the labs.

    As advised previously in the course outline, the final exam contributes 45% of the final mark for this course. There will be no second-chances to pass the final exam. Attendance at the exam will be treated as an indication by you that you are feeling well enough to sit that exam. If you are feeling so unwell on the day of the exam that you cannot attend, obtain a medical certificate. If you put in a request for supplementary assessment after already attending the original exam, your request will not be granted. Also, if your special consideration request does not provide documented evidence that you personally have been severely affected by some unforeseen situation, then your request will not be granted.

  • Lab08 - Mock Exam

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Wednesday 01 February 2017, 12:25:57 PM, last modified Wednesday 01 February 2017, 12:27:18 PM.

    Dear students, Lab 08 - this week (Week 8) you will be doing a mock exam during the first hour of the lab, followed by marking of lab 07. Marks for lab08 (3 marks) will be awarded, based on attendance at the lab and sitting the mock exam. If you do not attempt the mock exam, you will loose the marks for lab08. The mock exam will be run under same exam conditions as the final exam.

  • Lab 07 Testing Guidelines

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Monday 30 January 2017, 01:05:17 PM.

    A few students have asked me on how to time the quicksort algorithms on different input datasets. I have added a test guidelines under Lab07 to help you with this task

  • Assignment 2 - FAQ and Extension

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Sunday 29 January 2017, 01:59:02 PM.

    Dear students, I have collated some of the questions raised in the forum and lectures into a FAQ. Please read the FAQ carefully.

    Also, kindly note that the assignment 2 deadline has been moved to Sunday, 5th of February 23:59 and late submissions will be accepted until Tuesday, 7th of February 23:59 with a progressive penalty being applied for each day late . NO submissions will be accepted beyond this date.

  • Thursday, 26th Jan - Public Holiday

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Wednesday 25 January 2017, 07:17:58 AM.

    As Thursday, 26th of January is a public holiday, students enrolled in tuts/labs on Thursday will have to attend an alternative tut and lab on Wednesday or Friday. Your attendance will be marked at these alternative tuts. If you are unable to attend an alternative tut/lab (due to a valid reason) please email us on otherwise you will loose the tut/lab mark.

  • Assignment 2 - Consultations

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Wednesday 18 January 2017, 03:29:25 PM.

    Tutors will be available for consultations on assignment 2 for an hour after the labs on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week. The first part of assignment 2 was discussed in the lectures this morning. For those of you who did not attend lectures today, it might be worthwhile listening to the lecture recording

  • Notification of Final Exam for COMP 1927

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Monday 16 January 2017, 01:28:07 PM, last modified Monday 16 January 2017, 01:28:54 PM.

    Final Exam for COMP 1927 is scheduled on Monday, 13 February, 2017 between 1:00 and 4:00 pm. You will be required to be present at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the exam. Format of exam is similar in style to the prac exam held in Week 4 and will contain a mix of both programming and non-programming questions. Specific details on the location will be provided closer to the date.

  • Assignnment 2

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Friday 13 January 2017, 07:55:27 PM.

    Assignment 2 has been released. Please take your time to read the specification carefully. The assignment is due on Friday, 3rd February. Late submissions will be accepted until Sunday, 5th of February.

  • Absence in Prac Exam on Friday, 6th January 2017

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Friday 06 January 2017, 04:48:14 PM.

    For those of you who have not attended the prac exam on Friday, 6th of January, 2017, please send an email to if you have a genuine reason for your absence

  • Assignment 1 - Give Submission

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Monday 19 December 2016, 11:07:49 PM.

    To submit your assignment, login into one of the CSE servers and submit as follows:

    1927 classrun 17x1 give assn1 textbuffer.c testTextBuffer.c

  • Prac Exam on Friday, 6th of January, at 9:00 am.

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Saturday 17 December 2016, 08:55:55 AM, last modified Saturday 31 December 2016, 11:03:22 AM.

    Prac Exam will be held on Friday 6th of January at the CSE labs on J17, Level 3. The exam is 1.5 hours and starts at 9:00 am. This exam will account towards 10% of your total marks. A sample prac exam has been uploaded for you. Following the exam, you will head to the regular lecture theatre for the remaining time.

  • Assignment 1 Deadlines

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Saturday 17 December 2016, 08:51:14 AM, last modified Saturday 17 December 2016, 08:56:39 AM.

    Assignment 1

    Due Date: Wednesday 21 December, 23:59. Please see the updated FAQ for assignment 1. Last consultation for assignment 1 is on Tuesday. For additional help, checkout : - the Slack channel (#comp1927-17x1 on, and - the mirror at (to be up shortly).


    (1) CSE is shutting down on Sunday morning from 8:30 AM to 8 PM

    (2) Assignment is due on Wednesday, but as UNSW officially shuts down on Tues, 20th, no help will be available from IT staff. So PLEASE check your submission prior to Tuesday. You can always re-submit on Wednesday.

  • Consultation Times for Assignment 1

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Monday 12 December 2016, 10:23:00 PM, last modified Tuesday 13 December 2016, 07:53:45 AM.

    Please note the following consultation times that have been opened this week for assignment 1. I will shortly let you know which rooms these consultations will take place. The first consultations start tomorrow. Please check the link below for time and location.

  • Assignment 1 - Submission

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Monday 12 December 2016, 06:14:09 PM.

    Assignment 1 submission has been set up. The dryrun files that will be used in the auto-testing during submission have been provided. A sample test case for black box testing has also been provided. Check the updated assignment 1 folder

  • Assignment 1 - Text Buffer

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Monday 12 December 2016, 10:43:05 AM, last modified Tuesday 13 December 2016, 01:01:57 PM.

    As Jashank has pointed out, this needs more emphasis. " YOU CANNOT CHANGE textbuffer.h"

    As textbuffer.h is the prototype interface, you <u>cannot</u> modify it!. You are expected to provide the implementation of the textbuffer ADT in your textbuffer.c , so I would assume that this will require some form of struct definition. You can add functions to textbuffer.c, but these will be local to textbuffer.c. Testing of these functions will be internal to textbuffer.c (whitebox testing only). These local functions cannot be testing using black-box testing.

    Again, I emphasize if students were to attend lectures and tutorials regularly, this would be clear!

    And please read my response to Michael Tran's email regarding the function "diffTB()" for those of you intending to complete the bonus section.

  • Lecture Attendance

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Saturday 10 December 2016, 11:05:06 PM.

    Lecture Attendance has dropped in the second week of this session. This being a short term of 8 weeks, missing one week of lecture (6 hours of lecture) equates to missing 3 lectures in a normal semester. This will have significant impact on both understanding of course material and subsequent application to lab exercises, prac exam and assignments. If you are unable to attend, I strongly recommend that you at least watch the lecture recordings. To access the link, you need to have logged into webcms first:

    Tutors have reported that students have been asking repeated questions that have been discussed during the lectures. I cannot reiterate enough how important it is to attend (or atleast listen to recordings).

  • Extension of lab01

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Tuesday 06 December 2016, 07:15:35 PM.

    I have had a few requests for extension of time for submission for lab01. Given that this is the first lab, with students still sorting out enrollment issues, we will accept online submissions till Friday without penalty. However, all demos must be demonstrated to tutors by Friday. So if your lab is tomorrow Wednesday, and you are unable to demonstrate then you can come in to the Thursday or Friday labs to demo. Please note, as our lab sessions are full, those enrolled into their labs will be marked first. This extension is a one-off only.

  • Lecture Recordings

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Monday 05 December 2016, 09:01:31 AM, last modified Monday 05 December 2016, 05:59:13 PM.

    I think the issue should be resolved. Please click on link below and let me know if you are able to access them through moodle after you login. Here's the link to the recording:

  • Assignment 1 - Text Buffer

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Sunday 04 December 2016, 11:24:27 PM.

    Assignment 1 has now been uploaded. Read the specification carefully which has sufficient details to enable you to get started. More information on testing will be uploaded through the week and we also discuss about the assignment during this lecture. The online submission has not been enabled yet on this assignment.

  • Course Welcome

    Posted by Aarthi Natarajan Tuesday 29 November 2016, 11:07:18 PM.

    Dear students,

    Welcome to the summer offering of COMP 1927. You will all be delighted to know that the first set of tutorial and labs have been posted.

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