
  • Correction of the solution to Q6 of Homework 4

    Posted by Hui Wu 7 years ago.

    The previous solution should have two more nops at the end of the code. I have fixed it. Thanks to Jingcheng for pointing the error out.



  • Correction of exam marks distribution

    Posted by Hui Wu 7 years ago.

    Dear All,

    I made a mistake in the last lecture about the marks distributions of final exam. The fact is that Part 1 and Part have equal marks, i.e., 50 marks to 50 marks, not 60 marks to 40 marks as I told you before. Sorry for the mistake.



  • Consultations

    Posted by Hui Wu 7 years ago.

    Dear All,

    I have scheduled two consultation sessions:

    Where: K17-508 Consultation Room

    When: 1:00-5:00pm Wed 15 Nov, 10:00am -2:00pm Thu 16 Nov

    K17-508 Consultation Room is a small room beside the lift on level 5 of K17. If I'm not there, call me on ext 56572 using the phone on the wall beside the lift.



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