Dear All,
You can view your exam marks and final marks using this link:
The fields are self-explanatory, where Final gives your final result and Exam gives your exam marks.
Congratulations to the following students who got HD:
Lin, Kangying
Vong, Matthew
Smith, Jaidon Robert
Chen, William
Bin Mohammed, Muhammad
Kedar, Michael
Fiebig, Kristian Andre
Clark, Jack Dylan
Huang, Daniel
Slevin, Darcy Owen
Park, Seung Hoon
Balaban, Ihor
Dawani, Yash
Ramamurthy, Rowan Will
Most of them got 90+ and Kangying got 100. Well done guys!
Wish you all the best in the future.
Dear All,
If you come for consultation this afternoon. Read on.
Due to an unexpected meeting, I will be unavailable between 3pm and 3:30pm this afternoon. Sorry for this late notification.
Dear All,
The following topics are not examinable:
- Introduction to digital circuits
- Floating point numbers
- Serial input and output
- Analog input and output
- Caches
- Instruction execution and pipelining
The three programming questions are about searching a one-dimensional array, implementing recursive functions and timer interrupt handler, respectively.
Details about hardware setup (interrupt setup, port setup etc) will NOT be examinable.