
  • Project marks

    Posted by Hasindu Gamaarachchi 5 years ago.

    Projects marks are available now.

  • More Exam News

    Posted by Sri Parameswaran 5 years ago.

    Hi All,

    Apologies for this delayed email. I was still trying out moodle and it took awhile to find and adjust all the settings.

    1. Exam will be 2 hours long (except for those who need additional time due to particular difficulties)

    2. The exam will be available for you to take between 12 noon on the 9th of May 2020 to 12 noon on the 10th of May.

    3. You have to finish the exam by 12 noon on the 10th of May.

    4. Once you start, you have 2 hours to finish the exam

    5. You may use any books, calculators, or search engine etc, during the exam; however, note that if you are not sure where to look it will take time which might be valuable

    6. You may not consult one another, or ask someone else to sit for the exam

    7. Not all questions are of equal value

    8. The questions each of you will get will be different

    9. Good Luck!

  • Lab marks

    Posted by Hasindu Gamaarachchi 5 years ago.

    Can everyone check if all your lab marks (lab 1-4) have been entered? If there are any problems immediately email your tutors and also CC to me.

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