
  • Project marks

    Posted by Hasindu Gamaarachchi Wednesday 06 May 2020, 06:22:42 PM.

    Projects marks are available now.

  • More Exam News

    Posted by Sri Parameswaran Tuesday 05 May 2020, 04:39:23 PM.

    Hi All,

    Apologies for this delayed email. I was still trying out moodle and it took awhile to find and adjust all the settings.

    1. Exam will be 2 hours long (except for those who need additional time due to particular difficulties)

    2. The exam will be available for you to take between 12 noon on the 9th of May 2020 to 12 noon on the 10th of May.

    3. You have to finish the exam by 12 noon on the 10th of May.

    4. Once you start, you have 2 hours to finish the exam

    5. You may use any books, calculators, or search engine etc, during the exam; however, note that if you are not sure where to look it will take time which might be valuable

    6. You may not consult one another, or ask someone else to sit for the exam

    7. Not all questions are of equal value

    8. The questions each of you will get will be different

    9. Good Luck!

  • Lab marks

    Posted by Hasindu Gamaarachchi Sunday 03 May 2020, 06:57:51 PM.

    Can everyone check if all your lab marks (lab 1-4) have been entered? If there are any problems immediately email your tutors and also CC to me.

  • Exam Format

    Posted by Sri Parameswaran Sunday 03 May 2020, 03:28:08 PM.

    Hi All,

    Hope your preparations are going well.

    The exam will be in two parts - the first part will be a set of short questions - there will be a mixture of questions which you have to calculate, choose from possible answers, multi choice etc. The questions will be different for each student, though the overall standard will be the same.

    The second part will consist of one questions in which you have to find errors in a single program.

    Both parts will be equally weighted.

  • Lab 4

    Posted by Hasindu Gamaarachchi Sunday 12 April 2020, 08:40:02 PM.

    The lab 4 sessions start this week (week 9) from Tuesday. As week 9 Monday (tomorrow) is a public holiday, for those who have regular lab sessions on Monday, the first session will be in 10th week and the replacement lab wil be in 11th week (as already mentioned in the timetable ).

  • Project

    Posted by Hasindu Gamaarachchi Thursday 02 April 2020, 11:07:11 PM.

    The project specification is available now at . Note that this is individual work and require report submission before the date mentioned in the specification sheet. Note that reports will be subjected to plagiarism checks.<o:p></o:p>

    A homework also available at . It is not marked but highly recommended to be tried out.<o:p></o:p>

    Also, for those who are keen, the lab 4 sheet has been uploaded so that you can start early.<o:p></o:p>

  • Lab 3 Starts from tomorrow

    Posted by Hasindu Gamaarachchi Sunday 29 March 2020, 09:36:13 PM.

    Under lab 3 now there is a video that explains the lab tasks (thanks Hassaan for being the actor and Kenny for being the producer). Please read the lab sheet and then watch the video before you attend (virtually) the lab session this week. Also make sure you have wired and tested your development board.

    In the last notice I mentioned some important points - please have a careful look again. There is one change though. Part A of the lab sheet has to be marked during the lab session in week 7 now. After the 10 min all-vs-alll video call session in week 7, every group should immediately start working on part A (which is very simple - can be done in half an hour) and as soon as you finish, get it marked off. This change was done to ensure that your camera setup is working so that tutors can observe the board.

    For initial testing of the code, note that you can use the Atmel Studio's simulator. Check this forum post for some online tutorials and videos.

  • Lab 3

    Posted by Hasindu Gamaarachchi Friday 20 March 2020, 06:27:52 PM.

    Lab 3 sheet is uploaded. Lab 3 has to be done on the development board you already have. Given the situation, collaboration must happen online. We suggest Microsoft Teams for collaboration. If you install the desktop client, it has the function to share the desktop and to remote control the desktop. So if the board is connected to the computer of the first group member, the second group member also can access it remotely - the result can be even observed if the web camera is properly focused to the board.<o:p></o:p>

    We will have a short introductory session for lab 3 in week 7 through Microsoft Teams where you can ask any questions. Then anyone who finishes certain tasks can be marked through Microsoft Teams. The deadline for lab 3 is week 8. For week 8, tutors will make a schedule and post on each virtual lab under Microsoft Teams. In the first hour of week 8, 10 minutes will be allocated to each group where as much as possible will be marked. Any issues will be notified where you will get 1 hour to fix. Then those fixed solutions and the rest of the solutions will be marked in 10-minute slots allocated in the second hour in round-robin fashion.<o:p></o:p>

    Make sure you set up Microsoft Teams and test your camera (needed to demonstrate the board), speakers (needed to hear the tutor), microphone (needed to answer the questions) and screen sharing (needed to demonstrate thecode) functions. <o:p></o:p>

  • COMP2121 COVID19 response

    Posted by Hasindu Gamaarachchi Wednesday 18 March 2020, 01:55:01 PM.

    You should have already got an email from the course convener yeserday about COMP2121 COVID19 response. This is with respect to how lectures, labs and the project will proceed from today 18/03/2020.


    They will happen in the appointed lecture theatre at the appointed hour for those who wish to come in. The recordings will be available on Echo360 as per normal.

    Consultation hour

    Will happen every Wednesday (including today) 3.00pm-4.00pm on Microsoft Teams. Install microsoft teams on your personal computer and login to your University account using the . Then join the COMP2121 course using the code given below (instructions on joining using a code at ). You can use this consultation hour to get help to understand lecture material and/or labs.

    The code is h37mhr4


    Labs will be conducted virtually through Microsoft Teams. You tutors will create a separate team for each lab class slot listed in and tutors will add the enrolled students in the respective lab to the respective team. Note that this team is not the same as the common COMP2121 course team used for consultation above. If you have not already been added to the corresponding virtual lab class, please email your tutors immediately (you can click on the tutors of your class at to find their emails).

    Lab2 has to be marked either this week or next week, virtually during your enrolled lab time. Microsoft Team (accessible freely for UNSW students) will be used for marking. You will be marked through a video call through teams. Please install microsoft teams on your laptops and keep microphones and web cameras ready. You will be asked to share the screen (Microsoft Teams has this function) and demostrate the compilation and function of your exercises on AVR studio. Tutors will ask questions to check your contribution and marks will be given accordingly.

    Labs 3 and 4: All collaborations will have to be done via Microsoft teams from now on in. As only one of you will have the board, you will have to work collaboratively over the net to get this working. Unfortunately this is the new reality, and we hope you can cooperate to make this happen seamlessly. We will be marking labs 3 and 4 via Microsoft Teams as well. I will post about lab 3 and 4 in detail later.


    The project will now be individual and will be a report with a design which you can submit via a method to be determined. More information on this will be posted later.

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