; For I/O registers located in extended I/O map, "IN", "OUT", "SBIS", "SBIC",
; "CBI", and "SBI" instructions must be replaced with instructions that allow access to
; extended I/O. Typically "LDS" and "STS" combined with "SBRS", "SBRC", "SBR", and "CBR".
.include "m2560def.inc"
.def temp =r16
.def row =r17
.def col =r18
.def mask =r19
.def temp2 =r20
.equ PORTLDIR = 0xF0
.equ INITROWMASK = 0x01
.equ ROWMASK = 0x0F
.org 0x72
ldi temp, low(RAMEND)
out SPL, temp
ldi temp, high(RAMEND)
out SPH, temp
ldi temp, PORTLDIR ; columns are outputs, rows are inputs
STS DDRL, temp ; cannot use out
ser temp
out DDRC, temp ; Make PORTC all outputs
out PORTC, temp ; Turn on all the LEDs
; main keeps scanning the keypad to find which key is pressed.
ldi mask, INITCOLMASK ; initial column mask
clr col ; initial column
STS PORTL, mask ; set column to mask value
; (sets column 0 off)
ldi temp, 0xFF ; implement a delay so the
; hardware can stabilize
dec temp
brne delay
LDS temp, PINL ; read PORTL. Cannot use in
andi temp, ROWMASK ; read only the row bits
cpi temp, 0xF ; check if any rows are grounded
breq nextcol ; if not go to the next column
ldi mask, INITROWMASK ; initialise row check
clr row ; initial row
mov temp2, temp
and temp2, mask ; check masked bit
brne skipconv ; if the result is non-zero,
; we need to look again
rcall convert ; if bit is clear, convert the bitcode
jmp main ; and start again
inc row ; else move to the next row
lsl mask ; shift the mask to the next bit
jmp rowloop
cpi col, 3 ; check if we are on the last column
breq main ; if so, no buttons were pushed,
; so start again.
; else shift the column mask:
sec ; We must set the carry bit
rol mask ; and then rotate left by a bit,
; shifting the carry into
; bit zero. We need this to make
; sure all the rows have
; pull-up resistors
inc col ; increment column value
jmp colloop ; and check the next column
; convert function converts the row and column given to a
; binary number and also outputs the value to PORTC.
; Inputs come from registers row and col and output is in
; temp.
cpi col, 3 ; if column is 3 we have a letter
breq letters
cpi row, 3 ; if row is 3 we have a symbol or 0
breq symbols
mov temp, row ; otherwise we have a number (1-9)
lsl temp ; temp = row * 2
add temp, row ; temp = row * 3
add temp, col ; add the column address
; to get the offset from 1
inc temp ; add 1. Value of switch is
; row*3 + col + 1.
jmp convert_end
ldi temp, 0xA
add temp, row ; increment from 0xA by the row value
jmp convert_end
cpi col, 0 ; check if we have a star
breq star
cpi col, 1 ; or if we have zero
breq zero
ldi temp, 0xF ; we'll output 0xF for hash
jmp convert_end
ldi temp, 0xE ; we'll output 0xE for star
jmp convert_end
clr temp ; set to zero
out PORTC, temp ; write value to PORTC
ret ; return to caller
Resource created Wednesday 11 March 2020, 10:19:44 AM, last modified Thursday 02 April 2020, 11:05:10 PM.
file: keypad.asm