
  • COMP2511 (22T3) Supplementary examination at 2-5pm Monday, February 6, 2023

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 2 years ago.

    The COMP2511 (22T3) Supplementary examination will be held on Monday, February 6, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The school should have sent you an email regarding this. Please send an email to the class account ( ) if you have not received such an email.

    Please note that you can only take the supplementary exam if you are offered the supplementary exam; otherwise, you cannot take the supplementary exam.

  • Wrapping it all Up 🎄

    Posted by Nick Patrikeos 🐾 2 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Now the course is all finished we would just like to say a quick thank you and goodbye :)

    We want to take the opportunity to say a massive thank you for a fantastic 22T3 and a huge congratulations on completing the course.

    We first want to congratulate the top ten performing students, in order:

    1. Stathakis, Nicholas
    2. Nair, Sai
    3. Berlee, Ryan
    4. Codd, Jason
    5. Reyes, Franco
    6. Mah, Anders
    7. Godwin, Benjamin
    8. Nguyen, Vincent
    9. Beckett, Kobi
    10. Chen, Alexander

    Thanks so much for the positive comments that people shared in myExperience and the feedback form. Some of you really put a smile on your tutor's face when they read it. And thanks to all those who provided us with constructive criticism as well, we read through every single piece of feedback and take it into consideration because we want to make this course the very best it can be.

    As a final note – we see COMP2511 as playing an important role in turning you from programmers into software designers ready to go out and take on the world. The fact that you’ve all come so far to complete the course is a testament to your dedication, commitment and tenacity, and the uphill battles you’ve gone through mean that now you can move mountains.

    It was a pleasure teaching all of you in T3 – in the lectures, the tutorials, on the forums.

    Have a great Christmas, and all the very best for 2023 and beyond.

    Ashesh, Nick and the COMP2511 22T3 Teaching Team

  • Assignment III Marks Released

    Posted by Nick Patrikeos 🐾 2 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Your Assignment III marks have been released and are available to view on Sturec (WebCMS Grades is not currently working). Markers have put their feedback either in your GitLab repo or Confluence blog. If you've got any questions about your marks please make a private post on the forum . Any requests for reviews of results can result in your mark going up, down, or staying the same.

    Remember the assignment is 5% core, 5% bonus which can be used to make up lost marks in other assignments.

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