
  • A final goodbye 🎄🎁

    Posted by Amanda Lu about a year ago, last modified about a year ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Now that we're wrapping up for the term, we would just like to say a quick thank you and goodbye :)

    The first thing to say is a good job and congratulations to you all for making it through the term!

    The top ten performing students of the course were, in order:

    Chen, Daniel

    Liu, Jason

    Ly, Jayden

    Cooper, Daniel

    McPhee, Jun

    Wang, Jennifer

    Zheng, Samuel

    Widjaja, Dominick

    Lambrechts, Flynn

    Cooney, Xavier

    You've all been a genuinely great group of people to work with over the last 12 weeks and we hope that you are proud of your efforts.

    We also want to say a massive, massive thank you to the tutors who are always putting their all into the course and into you students, both in class and behind the scenes. I'd also like thank the rest of the admin team Sai, Alvin and Carl for all their dedication in running the course and working to make your experience as smooth as possible.

    As a final note – COMP2511 is a core course for CSE degrees for a reason, and we hope you're able to take away some of the skills and principles as you move into the real world. You're more than a programmer now, you're a software designer! The fact that you’ve all come so far to complete the course is a testament to your dedication, commitment and tenacity, and with these qualities you can achieve almost anything.

    Hope you have a relaxing summer and a lovely holiday period! Come and say hi if you see us on campus next year :)

    From the ad min team + Ashesh

  • COMP2511 Exam Tomorrow 🙌

    Posted by Amanda Lu about a year ago.

    The big day is almost upon us!

    The COMP2511 Final Exam is tomorrow. Couple of quick reminders:

    • Make sure you bring:
      • Your student ID card (or a driver's license/passport if you don't have a student ID card)
      • A pen
      • (Optional) Clear water bottle
      • A good night's sleep!
    • Make sure you know your exam seat/coralling allocation and your UNSW zPass before going in.
    • Be on time to your exam - UNSW policy is generally to not let latecomers in (!)
    • You will have access to everything in this directory in the exam environment:
      • The lecture slides and code
      • The Java 11 API Spec
    • There'll be 10 minutes reading time followed by 3 hours of working time.
    • Remember to submit your files before time is up ! We have reminders in the paper but make sure you submit as you go.

    If you're concerned about the hurdle, or are just generally a bit stressed for tomorrow - that's OK. You've done all the hard work already and it'll pay off tomorrow :)

    Any other problems - email, or come see Alvin (one of the admins) who will be on site tomorrow.

    Best of luck,

    COMP2511 Admin Team 🙌🙌

  • Pre-Exam Marks are Out!

    Posted by Sai Nair about a year ago, last modified about a year ago.

    Hey everyone!

    Just wanted to announce that your class mark and pre-exam marks are now out. Note that it does not include assignment iii marks. Have a look on give and let us know via the course email if there's any big problems :)

    Also, just bumping yesterday's announcement - I added a disclaimer about the 'L' on give. In short, you can ignore the L - all late penalties are integrated into the mark itself, not with the L.

    Once again, all the best with the exam!

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There is nothing due!


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