
  • That's a wrap

    Posted by Sai Nair 6 months ago, last modified 6 months ago.

    Hey everyone,

    A massive congratulations to all of you for completing the course and getting through the term! You are all hopefully one step closer to being 'perfect' software devs 😋. A special congratulations are also in order for the top 10 students in the course!

    1. Lucas Harvey
    2. Anna Dong
    3. Tim Tang
    4. Tom Liu
    5. James Diefenbach
    6. Tim Sachdev
    7. Luong Thang Nguyen
    8. Jarrod Wong
    9. Jean Du Plessis
    10. Pranav Budhwar

    Congratulations to each and everyone of you for your fantastic performance - you should all be incredibly proud of your efforts.

    On another note (the same note we give multiple times every term, but which warranted every time), the biggest of thank yous to our tutors - none of this would be possible without you. They work so hard to continuously improve your experience, both in your tut/labs as well as behind the scenes with marking, forums and help sessions. On a personal note, another massive thank you to my fellow admins, who are the reason this course runs at all. Their tireless work is the reason you have such a smooth and seamless experience. They are also the reason that the tutors have such a seamless teaching experience and can provide such a great education to you.

    A massive and congratulations once again, and all the best for your future education and endeavours,

    Ashesh and the admin team

  • Assignment-iii Results Released

    Posted by Alvin Cherk 6 months ago.

    Assignment-iii marks have been released on Give. Please have a check and raise any issues immediately to

    COMP2511 Admin Team 🫡🫡

  • Some Final Announcements

    Posted by Sai Nair 7 months ago.

    Hey all, just a quick couple of announcements from me regarding reruns and then the exams!


    Assignment 2 reruns have been completed - the effects on your marks and repo should be the same as in assignment 1, and are listed below.

    • Your mark should already be updated on give, and you should be able to see an extra commit on your automarking branch if your rerun was accepted.
    • If your mark hasn't changed, we took your old mark as your new automark would reduce the mark you receive.
    • If you can't see the extra commit, your rerun wasn't accepted, either for not following the steps outlined in the form, or for changing too many lines.


    We're almost at the exam day! Tuesday is the day of the exam, with timings being dependent on which session you're in - make sure you check for your timing and room allocation!

    Some reminders for the exam:

    • Bring your
      • Student ID card (or driver's licence/passport if you don't have one)
      • A pen (a sheet of paper will be provided)
      • (Opt.) Clear water bottle
      • Good sleep
    • Don't bring into the exam room
      • Any electronics, including
        • Phones
        • Headphones/earphones
        • Smart watches
      • Any extra notes
      • Bringing any of the above can lead to serious consequences such as zero for your exam and a failing grade
    • Be on time to the exam time - early is even better, as for certain sessions you may not be allowed in if you're late.
    • You will have access to the Java 17 API, the lecture slides and the lecture code
    • Submit your questions as you go - you can always resubmit, and you generally want to avoid rushing to submit at the end as you can sometimes make mistakes

    Other than that, just a quick pep talk - you have all put in the hard work with labs and assignments already, and have the necessary knowledge to complete the exam. You have got this - don't let the nerves psych you out. If there are any problems on the day, email ASAP - we'll be monitoring it throughout the designated exam times. There will also be some members of the COMP2511 admin team present at the help desk on the day, so you can approach us to rectify any issues :D

    All the best - you're on the home stretch now

    COMP2511 Admin Team 🫡🫡

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