
  • End of Week 5 Updates

    Posted by Sai Nair Monday 01 July 2024, 09:44:17 AM.

    Hi everyone! We're at the halfway point in the term - congratulations on making it so far! This upcoming week is flexi-week, so make good use of it to rest a bit, catch up on anything you're behind on (for this or any other courses you're doing) and release some stress! 😎

    Assignment 1🌍

    Congratulations on completing Assignment 1! No matter how easy or difficult you found it, you did well to complete it and apply some OO principles to your own code!

    For people still working on their code, please note that no submissions will be accepted after this Friday, 5th July, at 5pm. This includes all special considerations cases and most ELS cases.

    Our tutors will be hard at work marking your assignments over couple of weeks💪. Marks and feedback should hopefully be released back to you by the end of Week 7 or at the beginning of Week 8.

    Assignment 2 🧟

    For those of you who didn't see the spec and repo release on Wednesday and Friday respectively, assignment 2 is out! We'd recommend reading through the spec, looking through the codebase you've been given, and potentially beginning some of the initial tasks over this week . As we mentioned for assignment 1, getting a nice design takes time, and this is especially true when you're working on a codebase which you haven't designed. Even just looking through the codebase is a good idea - that will almost certainly take longer than expected, and if you don't, you might miss things useful in later tasks!

    Note that if any teamwork issues arise, it's best to first attempt to communicate these issues with your partner, but if they persist, let your tutor know as soon as it happens - the week the issue occurs is the best option. This allows tutors to try and resolve it early - leaving it to week 11 will limit how much we can do.

    Labs and Help Sessions🧑🔬

    As mentioned last week, Lab05 is due Week 07 Monday - do note that working through the lab will likely help with your assignment as well, so doing it early is well worth it.

    And as always, we still have help sessions running this week - schedule is on the help sessions page on WebCMS!

    That's all from me - enjoy your well deserved break, and we'll see your fresh faces again in Week 7!

  • End of Week 4 Updates

    Posted by Sai Nair Saturday 22 June 2024, 10:33:40 AM.

    Hey all! Hope you've been having a fantastic term so far! Let's get right into it 🤩

    Lab Due Dates 🥼

    As we reach the halfway mark of the term, lab due dates get a bit muddled due to flex week. A quick reminder that Lab04 is due Week 5 Monday at 10:00am and Lab05 is due Week 7 Monday at 10:00am (both times are Sydney time) . From there, Lab07 and Lab08 will follow weekly after Lab05's due date.

    Assignment 1 🐘

    We're reaching the end of the first assignment! It's due next Friday at 5:00pm (Sydney time) - less than a week to go! Remember that submission is done via Gitlab - to submit, just push onto your main branch. We only look at your latest submission, so you can push as many times as you want.

    Some of you may remember pipelines slowing down a lot during submissions for COMP1531 - this may be the case again this term as the deadline draws near, with the potential for pipelines to become increasingly slow or even fail. Make sure you try to submit early to avoid this issue, and if you do encounter the issue, test your linting and tests locally to ensure that when your pipeline actually runs, it remains passing.

    We've got 5 help sessions running in Week 5 from Monday to Thursday, so feel free to drop in to any of them for any assignment help!

    And finally, a quick reminder that the dryrun is still available for use for a nice sanity check ( not exhaustive testing ). More info is in the spec and in last week's announcement.

    Assignment 2 🪙

    Assignment 2 is up next! Group organisation should be wrapping up - if you don't receive your pairings by this coming Wednesday, please contact your tutor.

    The assignment specification will be released on Gitlab (in the same place as the assignment 1 specification) and on WebCMS (under the Assessments tab) on earlier in the week (most likely Wednesday night, though maybe earlier). Group repos will then be created on Friday night (after assignment 1 is due). While the spec is up for a few days before, and the repo is up immediately after assignment 1 is due, you don't need to stress about getting right into it. Take your time finishing up assignment 1 first, and once you're done and dusted, you can move onto assignment 2 (possibly with a well deserved break in between).

    We're releasing the spec and repo early so that you have time to look over them in Week 6 and maybe make a bit of a start, not because we expect you to get right into it at that moment. The deadline is Week 9 Friday 5:00pm (Sydney Time) , so you have some time to rest in between if you would like.

    We'll also have a section in a lecture in Week 7 where we'll go over the spec in a bit more depth and with some commentary, so keep an eye out for that!

    Other than that, there's not really much else from us - all the best with assignment 1, and we'll see you victorious on the other side!

  • End of Week 3 Updates🎍

    Posted by Sai Nair Sunday 16 June 2024, 11:24:41 AM.

    Hey everyone! Let's just get straight into the announcements

    Assignment 1 🌏

    Assignment 1 has been out for nearly two weeks now! If you haven't made a start on it yet, now is a great time so begin! It's due 5pm on Friday of week 5 , so we're steadily approaching the deadline. The assignment is bigger than most people expect, so definitely don't leave it to the last minute!

    We also have a dryrun command which you can run on CSE machines only to make sure your code compiles with our (very basic) autotests. Note it only checks that your code will compile - there are no tests which properly test your functionality. If you're unsure as to where the dryruns are failing, you can check the contents of these basic tests at this link . We recommend running this often and well before the deadline, so that you avoid any last minute rushes trying to get your code to compile.

    There are also plenty of help sessions this coming week for assignment questions, and the forums are being well maintained thanks to our amazing tutors who are always there to answer questions 🤩

    Coursework Marks ✔️

    Lab marks should be available for everyone on give - every lab you get marked off should show up on give within 24 hours of it being marked off. If you see a '.' for one of your labs, that means that lab hasn't been marked off. If it has been marked off and the lab is showing a . mark, then please email your tutor .

    Assignment 2 Pairs 👥

    Assignment 2 pairs should be coming along, with your tutor discussing pair formation with your class. Pairs will be finalised by the end of this upcoming week, so if you have any preferences and you haven't told your tutor yet, make sure to do so quickly! Just a reminder that this assignment must be completed in a pair (or a trio in odd classes, with at most one trio per class) and that all groups must come from the same tutorial i.e. you cannot pair with someone from a different tutorial. There are no exceptions to these rules.

    What's Next? 🤔

    Over the past few weeks we've covered the foundational content of the course - OO design, fundamentals of programming in OO and design principles and smells. Now that we've built a solid base to continue learning on, we're moving into the wide and varied world of design patterns, starting off with the strategy, observer and state patterns this week!

    That's about it from us! Keep up the great work, and we'll see you in week 4 😎

  • End of Week 2 Updates🧣

    Posted by Sai Nair Saturday 08 June 2024, 11:20:31 AM.

    Hey everyone! Hope your term is going well so far! Only a few announcements this week!

    Assignment I 📡

    Assignment 1 has now been released - both the spec and repo can be accessed at the assessments link on WebCMS3! It's great to see some of you have already started working on it - if you haven't already, we'd highly recommend getting started nice and early over the next few days, as understanding the requirements and actually executing them with good design takes a while, longer than most people expect.

    There are a couple of things covered in tute03 which will be useful for the assignment as well, namely some design principles, UML Diagrams and testing with JUnit, which is how your tests should be made for the assignment.

    Assignment II Pairs 🥢

    Over the next couple of weeks, your tutors will be organising assignment 2 pairs, and will let you know how that process will work for your tutorial. Please note that

    • Pairs must be formed from the same tutorial
    • You will have the opportunity to give preferences for pairs, and we will try our best to match those preferences, but we can't guarantee all preferences will be satisfied.

    Lab02 Due Date

    Lab02's original due date coincided with a public holiday, so we've pushed back the due date by one day to Tuesday 11 June at 10am!

    We hope that otherwise things are going smoothly! See you next week 🤩

  • End of Week 1 Updates 🐰

    Posted by Sai Nair Saturday 01 June 2024, 05:43:43 PM.

    Hey all!

    We're down with week 1 - we hope you enjoyed your first of many weeks back at uni, meeting course staff and peers! Hopefully setup issues weren't a problem for you, and you found the first lab doable.

    This is the first of many announcements we'll be doing every week here on WebCMS. The aim of these announcements to give you some reminders of things to keep track of in the upcoming week, as well as announce any course related info to you and keep you all in the loop.

    Tutorial Solutions + Recording 📜

    Every Friday evening to Saturday morning, we will release solutions to the tutorial for that week, as well as a recording of the week's tutorial. The first of these solutions and recordings are now available on the tutorials page.

    Lab 01 🧫

    Lab 01 is due Monday at 10am. We require all students to push their code and blogs to Gitlab by that date, as is mentioned in the lab instructions. If you haven't already gotten the lab marked, your tutor and lab assistant will be marking them this coming week in your labs, so make sure to attend class! As mentioned in the course outline, you have two weeks after the due date to get them marked off so please don't delay too much.

    Please do make a good attempt at the labs - the content in the labs will set you up nicely for the assignments and the final exam, and should set you cruising for a pass (or higher) for the course!.

    Assignment I 🛰️

    Assignment I will be released this coming week, so keep an eye out for that! We'll be going through the spec in a lecture, so tune in to the lectures to get some explanations of what's going on!

    Support ❔

    The start of term is where a lot of one-off issues can come up, and they may be obscure and generally hard to figure out. If you're having issues with setup issues or something along those lines, feel free to hop in a help session or post on the forum - our tutors are very friendly and knowledgeable 🤩

    That's about it from us! Enjoy your weekend, and we look forward to seeing you back again for another week!

  • Welcome to COMP2511 (24T2)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Sunday 26 May 2024, 12:41:52 PM.

    Welcome to The Art of Software Design (Object-Oriented Design and Programming)! The course outline is now available; please take the time to carefully read it as it contains all the necessary details for the most recent course offering. The website for the course is located at .

    If you have any queries about the course, please use the course forum . The course forum can be accessed by following the instructions provided here .

    The tutorial and lab start in Week 01. You can find Tutorials and Labs by clicking on the corresponding links in the left panel of the course website .

    The first lecture starts at 9:00 am on Tuesday , May 28th! The location and link are listed under COMP2511 Lectures (in Person/Online) .

    Twenty-four passionate tutors, the administrative staff (Alvin, Sai, Carl, and Amanda), and I are excited to start the new term next week.

    Dr Ashesh Mahidadia
    LIC, COMP2511 (24T2)

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