
  • Clarification - slide005 of Week12 on lab exam marks

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 7 years ago.

    I received few emails regarding the following slide, and realised that what I wanted to communicate was not clearly stated! So I have now modified the slide, please re-read the slide, in case you scored poorly in one of the lab exams. The overall aim is to help you pass the course, not to penalise harshly. Your final marks will be calculated based on your original lab exam marks, so depending on your other marks, you could still receive say PS, CR, DN or HD. In case your final marks are not enough to pass the course, I could increase the marks of the corresponding lab exam to 50% and calculate your final marks.

    All the best for the exam.


  • Final Exam Seating Allocations

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 7 years ago, last modified 7 years ago.

    COMP2521 17s2 - Final Exam - Tuesday 14th November

    Exam Seating Allocations

    There are two time slots :
    • Morning Exam 09:15-12:35 (incl Reading)
      • Seating/Reading: 09:15-09:30
      • Exam: 09:30-12:30 Students must not leave during exam.
      • Corralling/Leaving: 12:30-12:35
    • Afternoon Exam 12:20-16:10 (incl Corralling + Reading)
      • Corralling: 12:20-12:50 Plan to be early. Students arriving after 12:30 can't take the exam. Attendance taken.
      • Moving2lab: 12:50-12:55
      • Seating/Reading: 12:55-13:10
      • Exam: 13:10-16:10 Students allow to leave early.

    J17 102, J17 202 are lecture/tutorial rooms for corralling.

    Before entering either the lab room or the lecture/tutorial room, turn off all electronic devices. Bring hardcopy material to read while you wait in the corralling room. Students must not leave either room unsupervised.

    Please click on the following link to see your allocation:


  • Pre Exam Consultations

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 7 years ago, last modified 7 years ago.

    Pre Exam Consultations:

    • 11am to 11:30am Monday 06/Nov ember/2017 in Room 403, K17 Building (if required, time will be extended),
    • 11am to11:30am Wednesday 08/Nov ember/2017 in Room 403, K17 Building (if required, time will be extended)

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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