I received few emails regarding the following slide, and realised that what I wanted to communicate was not clearly stated! So I have now modified the slide, please re-read the slide, in case you scored poorly in one of the lab exams. The overall aim is to help you pass the course, not to penalise harshly. Your final marks will be calculated based on your original lab exam marks, so depending on your other marks, you could still receive say PS, CR, DN or HD. In case your final marks are not enough to pass the course, I could increase the marks of the corresponding lab exam to 50% and calculate your final marks.
All the best for the exam.
J17 102, J17 202 are lecture/tutorial rooms for corralling.
Before entering either the lab room or the lecture/tutorial room, turn off all electronic devices. Bring hardcopy material to read while you wait in the corralling room. Students must not leave either room unsupervised.
Please click on the following link to see your allocation:
Pre Exam Consultations:
Tutorial solutions are now available.
Initially, your COMP2521 final
exam time preference
is set to
The following form closes 5pm on Wednesday 1st November . Seating allocation will be released a week before the exam.
Please fill in the following exam time preference form.
Week-12 Lab exam is now marked (auto-marked) and ready for collection, see "examWk12q1" and "examWk12q2".
Review : You can request a review if you find a mistake in the auto-marking. However, you need to properly outline where the auto-marking is wrong in an email to your tutor . You cannot say like - "please review my exam". You need to identify the problem, and briefly describe it in your email to your tutor. As we discussed in the lectures, you will not be awarded marked because you tried but could not develop a correct solution in the exam. Please note that there are many components in this course, like assignments, theory part, labs, etc. For prac exam questions, we expect you to develop correct solutions in order to receive marks.
Prac Exam Hurdle: As we discussed in the last lecture, see here , even if you scored poorly (less than 50%) in both the lab practical exams, you can still pass this course. You need to score 50% or more in the final practical exam (programming questions), and later if required, 50% or more in the supplementary practical exam (programming questions). So, please focus and do your best in the final exam, all the best.
: The charts below show that many students passed all the tests. You can see the difference in performance between q1 and q2! If you did not score well in q2, you should focus on graph algorithms for the final exam.
You can now submit Assignment-2 , click on " Make Submission " tab, and follow the instructions.
The revised Deadline is now extended to11pm Saturday 21/October.
First question in your Week-12 lab exam will be on the topic Binary Search Tree, and the second question on the topic Graph algorithms (covered in week-06 and week-07 lecture material).
Assignment-2 Group Creation
Please create your Assignment-2 group under the group "
", click on
in the left panel on the class web page.
If your group name does not satisfy the above criteria, we will not be able mark your Assignment-2!
Like the earlier sample exam, the supplied object files BSTree.o and Graph.o are compatible with CSE lab machines, and they may not work on other platforms!
Sample Week-12 Lab exam is now available, you can download the following zip file for the required files:
Week-11 tutorial and lab are now available.
See the change log for Assignment-2 :
Help sessions are running as usual during Mid-semester Break.
Tutorial solutions are now available for weeks 7 to 9. You need to login to access them.
Please see the change log (at the start of the page) for the latest amendment to Assignment-2 specs .
Assignment-2 : Simple Search Engines (early draft) is now available.
I just revised Week-07 tutorial to reflect the material covered so far, now there are 8 questions.
Week-07 Tut/Lab are now available.
One of the links from the database to webcms3 is not working at this point, it should be fixed in a day or two. Meanwhile, you can check your marks using the following link:
UNSW is participating in the Student Experience Survey (SES). All undergraduate and postgraduate students studying in Australia are invited to participate in this survey.
The earlier you complete the survey, the more chances you have to win the major weekly prize of $1,000 prepaid VISA gift card! There are heaps of other prizes to be won each week as well! Terms and conditions are here (
Login details should have been sent to your UNSW email address.
About SES
The Student Experience Survey (SES) provides current higher education students with the opportunity to talk about their experience of the institution they are enrolled in. The results of this research are used to help UNSW and the government gain insight into students' experiences, and to monitor and improve teaching and learning in Australia. |
Assignment-1: Makefile is modified to include the flag " -std=gnu11 ".
Week-06 lab is on "Debugging with GDB". We will discuss this topic further in the next lecture. If your lab is on Monday, your tutor will provide a brief introduction to gdb for the lab in the tutorial or at the start of the lab.
Week-06 tutorial is for "Catch up and Revision". If you have not solved all the tut/lab questions from the earlier weeks, please do so and ask your tutor any problems you may have. If you need any help regarding Assignment-1, you can also ask your tutor. There are no specific questions for this tutorial.
In case you perform poorly in your Week-05 Lab Exam, I can offer you supplementary exam in order to pass the course (even if your marks in the lab practical exams are less than 8), provided your performance is satisfactory (>50%) in the other two practical exams (Week-12 Lab Practical Exam and Final Practical Exam). So, please learn from your mistakes, take help from your tutor and/or help sessions. If you still have questions, see me after one of the lectures. I discussed the same issue yesterday in the lecture, If you missed it, you may want to watch it.
The merge sort programs we discussed yesterday ( msortPrintState.c and merge2Arrays.c ) and the associated files ( log1 (20 Mb) for starting runlength of 1, log512 for starting runlength of 512, revised Makefile ) are now available at:
Assignment-1 : Submission instructions and Assessment Criteria added.
Please check out the following changes/additions in Assignment-1 Specs :
Sample Week-05 Lab Exam is now available.
Emily Chen has written interesting notes on " function pointers and why we need to typedef them ", it's worth reading.
Tutorial solutions (for selected problems) will be released after say one week. Tutorial solutions for week-02 and 03 are now available.
The following are now available:
Examples from today's lecture are now available, see 'Week03" under "Lectures".
You can submit lab02 using Webcms, go to https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP2521/17s2/reso... and select " Make Submission ".
Please see " Help Sessions " in the left panel for on the class webpage for the latest schedule. These are not compulsory. You may attend them to prepare your labs or for additional help outside the scope of your lab. We will be updating this page through out the session. Please check back here regularly for updated times.
Currently we have scheduled three Help-Sessions , starting from today Thursday 17:00, see the link in the left panel for time and location. Again, we will be updating this page through out the session. Please check back here regularly for updated times.
I have uploaded the following from today's lecture, also available under "Lectures" in the left panel:
To access lecture recording, please following instructions available under " Lecture Recordings " in the left panel.
COMP2521 Tutorials and Labs will start in Week-2 (and not in week-1 as per the earlier notice) .
Week-2 Tutorial and Lab exercises will be available on Wednesday of Week-1, please see " Tutorials and Labs " in the left panel.
There is no tutorial or lab in week-1.
Welcome to COMP2521 (Data Structures and Algorithms) !
The first meeting (lecture) is at 10am Tuesday 25 July2017 in Physics Theatre (K-K14-19). The course outline is now available, please see the link " Course Outline " in the left panel. Please read it all, and ask questions in the first lecture on anything that's not clear. The course material will be available on this website, so you may want to bookmark this page.
Tutorials and Labs start in Week-2.
See you on Tuesday!
-- Ashesh