
  • Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 4 years ago.

    I have sent emails to all the students taking the supplementary exam. In case you have not received an email from me, let me know.

  • Reminder: Need to submit by 5pm!

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 4 years ago.

    All the required information for the questions is already provided in the Final Exam and also in the Final Exam Clarifications/Corrections page. Considering this is the exam, we cannot offer more explanations! Please answer the questions with the best of your understanding and ability. All the best for your exam.

    You need to submit all your answers by 5pm today.

  • Read the Clarifications/Correction page

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 4 years ago.

    Please read the following page before sending an email, most of the queries are already answered there.

    Final Exam Clarifications/Corrections


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