
  • Link to 2nd Supp Exam

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 2 years ago.


    The 2nd supp exam will be open soon at .You can start as soon as you have access to the exam paper (could be slightly before 9am).

    Good luck!

    Kind regards,


  • COMP2521 (22T2) - 2nd Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 2 years ago, last modified 2 years ago.


    A kind reminder that the COMP2521 (22T2) 2nd supplementary exam will be at 9am - 12pm Saturday 24 September 2022 . The supplementary exam will be available on the class webpage. If you are offered the 2nd supplementary exam, you need to login using your zId and password to access the exam.

    Kind regards,


  • Supp Exam Link

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago.


    The supp exam will be open soon at .

    You can start as soon as you have access to the exam paper (could be slightly before 2pm).

    Good luck!

    Kind regards,


  • COMP2521 (22T2) Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago.


    Just a kind reminder that the COMP2521 (22T2) supplementary exam will be at 2-5pm Monday 5 September 2022. The supplementary exam will be available on the class webpage. If you are offered the supplementary exam, you need to login using your zId and password to access the exam. Please note that, if you are not offered the supplementary exam, you cannot take the supplementary exam.

    Kind regards,


  • Assignment 2 mark distribution

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    We are very pleased to release the mark distributions of assignment 2. A big congratulations to everyone again for their incredible work this term. And thank you for all the both kind and constructive words from MyExperience. They will be passed onto the team and will no doubt be taken back on board :)

    Kind regards,


  • Assignment 1 mark distribution

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Hope you are doing great in your final exams.

    We are very pleased to release the mark distributions of assignment 1, including automarking, handmarking, and overall marking.

    Kind regards,


  • Final Exam Closing soon

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    The final exam will be closing soon at 5pm.

    You should run the 2521 classrun check command to check your submission for each question, e.g.,

    2521 classrun check exam_q1

    Kind regards,


  • Final Exam Link

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    The final exam will be open soon at .

    You can start as soon as you have access to the exam paper (could be slightly before 2pm).

    Good luck!

    Kind regards,


  • Exam Consultation Recordings

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago.

    Hi Everyone,

    We have just released the recordings of the exam consultation that we run on Friday this week. You can also find the link to the recordings at the bottom of the Lectures, Resources page. If you have any questions about the final exam, please post them on our Ed forum .

    Kind regards,


  • Sample exam solutions

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    The sample exam solutions have been released. You can download them through the link at the bottom of the sample exam paper .

    Kind regards,


  • Topics covered in our lectures but not in 21T2 lectures (Hayden)

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Below is the list of topics that are covered in our lectures but not in 21T2 lectures (Hayden):

    1. Bottom-up Mergesort

    2. Shell sort

    3. Radix sort

    Note that, these topics are assessable in the final exam.



  • Exam Consultation

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    I'll be holding a consultation session at 1pm on Friday 12th. You can access it using the Teams link Exam Consultation .

    Looking forward to meeting you then.

    Kind regards,


  • MyExperience

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Please complete myExperience survey.

    Let's know what you liked and things to improve. Your feedback is very valuable to us. Thanks very much.

    Kind regards,


  • Changes on the Exam Information Page

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Please note that we made some changes on the exam information page here .

    The updated information is as follows:

    Date, Time, and Duration

    • The final exam will be a 3 hour exam that begins at 2pm (AEST) and ends at 5pm (AEST) on Monday 15th of August 2022 .


    • You are prohibited from seeking help from other students during the exam. Any communications (physical, digital) after you or another person has started the exam time is not allowed.
    • Even after you finish the exam, on the day of the exam,on the day of the exam do not communicate your exam answers to anyone. Some students have extended time to complete the exam.
    • Do not place your exam work in any location, including file sharing services such as Dropbox or GitHub, accessible to any other person. Ensure during the exam no other person in your household can access your work.
    • Your zpass should not be disclosed to any other person. If you have disclosed your zpass , you should change it immediately.


    • You are not permitted to access any resources on the Internet, except for the following:
      • this exam paper
      • the course material available on the course webpage
    • You are not permitted to access any other papers, books or computer files, except for the following: this exam, your tut/lab solutions and assignment work for this course.
    • You are not permitted to use code-synthesis tools such as GitHub Copilot and other similar tools.
    • Importantly, please make sure that you submit your original work and don't copy! We will use sophisticated plagiarism software/techniques to detect any possible breaches.

    Kind regards,


  • CSESoc revision session next Monday

    Posted by Kevin Luxa 🦉 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    On Monday Week 10 from 3-6pm, CSESoc will be hosting a COMP2521 revision session in Design Next Studio (Level 5 of the Ainsworth Building). This is an extra resource you can use to prepare for the final exam, and you get a chance to meet other COMP2521 students, so I highly recommend you all to attend :)

  • Assignment 2 (Police Academy 2521) Released

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Assignment 2 (Police Academy 2521) has now been released. 🌻 🌻

    You can find the specification of assignment 2 on the assignment 2 page .

    The deadline of assignment 2 is 8pm on Friday Week 10 .

    If you have any clarification questions about assignment 2, please check and/or post them on Assignment 2 Clarification Questions on our Ed forum.

    Enjoy the game!

  • H09A lab room moved to Flute lab

    Posted by Kevin Luxa 🦉 3 years ago.

    H09A students,

    Please note that the lab room for H09A has been moved from Strings lab to Flute lab for the remainder of the term.

  • Assignment 1 Released

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Assignment 1 has now been released.

    You can find the detailed description of assignment 1 on the assignment 1 page .

    The deadline of assignment 1 is 8pm on Monday of Week 7.

    If you have questions about assignment 1, please check and/or post them on assignment1 - megathread on our Ed forum.

    Have fun!

  • Update: Lab marks, deadlines and late penalties

    Posted by Kevin Luxa 🦉 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Checking your lab marks

    You can view your lab marks on your submissions page (click on View Submissions on the sidebar). The marks will appear in the table at the top of the page. For example:

    There are three types of fields:

    • labXX_auto - these are for automarking marks, which can be obtained by submitting your work.
    • labXX_subj - these are for handmarking marks, which are obtained by showing your work to your tutor.
    • labXX_latepen - this is the late penalty for submitting late. If the value is 0.00, then that means you submitted on time. These values will appear two weeks after the lab is due.

    You should ignore the mark fields that are named labXX (lab01, lab02, ...) at the bottom of the page, as they will remain blank.

    It is your responsibility to check that your lab marks have been entered. If you got your lab marked by a tutor, but the handmarking marks have not appeared in the system by the end of the week , please let us know (by sending an email to as soon as possible , as we will not be chasing up missing lab marks at the end of the term.

    Lab and quiz deadlines updated

    We've been advised that all deadlines should be within the working week, so all future lab and quiz deadlines (including for the ones due at 8pm today) have been moved to 9am the following day.

    Late penalty updated

    Due to technical and consistency reasons, we've changed the late penalty for all assessments to the following:

    Late submissions for lab exercises. quizzes and assignments will be penalised 0.2% per hour or part thereof (off the attained mark), capped at 120 hours (5 days) from the deadline.

    This basically keeps the rate at about 5% per day (it's actually 4.8%), but it's deducted per hour, so you won't be penalised as much for submitting a few hours late.

  • Public Holiday - No classes on Week 3 Monday

    Posted by Kevin Luxa 🦉 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    This is a reminder that there are no classes tomorrow (13th June). If you normally have your tutorial on Monday, you should attend another class this week to get your lab marked (but also to go through the tutorial questions on algorithm analysis, which is quite important!)

    In case you are unable to make the other class times, we have scheduled an extra session just for lab marking at 10am-12pm on Wednesday. This session will be held online on Blackboard Collaborate. To join the session, go to the Moodle page for this course and click on the Blackboard Collaborate link, and select the session "Week 3 Extra Lab Marking Session".

  • Week 2 Q&A Livestream - Friday 4pm -

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    This week's Q&A Livestream is on Friday at 4pm.

    You can join the livestream at



  • Week 1 Tuesday lecture recording is ready

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    The week 1 Tuesday lecture videos are now ready on the Lecture, Resources page.

    Due to some technical issues, MS Teams only recorded the transcript without the videos. Echo360 did record the videos, but the whole shared screen part was not recorded. So I created the videos based on the audios recorded by Echo360. Apologies, there might be few lags. We have contacted the teaching support team and asked them to fix the issues ASAP.

    Meanwhile, the YouTube links to COMP2521 21T2 (lectured by Hayden) are also provided on the Lecture, Resources page. Feel free to check these videos as well.



  • Pointers/Malloc Revision Questions

    Posted by Kevin Luxa 🦉 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    I thought I'd just share some revision questions about pointers and malloc so you can start thinking about them, since we'll be doing a lot more with pointers in this course.

    If you are unsure about the answers to any of these questions, I encourage you to ask on the forum, that way you can all help each other out :)

  • Welcome to COMP2521 22T2

    Posted by Jiaojiao Jiang 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome to COMP2521 22T2 :)

    This is my first time running COMP2521 face-to-face, and I hope you're as excited as me. I would encourage you all to take a moment to read the COURSE OUTLINE , because it highlights virtually everything. I will also go through this a little bit on Tuesday.

    Lectures will be delivered live in Ainsworth G03 and also streamed live to Microsoft Teams Webinar . The links for the live lectures will be available on the Lectures, Resources page on Monday of Week 1. Lecture recordings will be available later on the Lectures, Resources page.

    Tutorials/Labs : If your tutorial/lab is face-to-face , please go to the room indicated in your timetable. If your tutorial/lab is Online , they will be delivered on Blackboard Collaborate . You can access Blackboard Collaborate by going to the Moodle page for COMP2521 (click here) and click on the Tutorials, Labs and Help Sessions link. We have a team of awesome tutors, many of whom have more experience teaching this course than I do, and I'm excited not only to work with them, but for you to have them support you throughout the term.

    Forum: We will be using Ed for our course forum this term. Please log in to Moodle and then join the forum. Introduce yourself, and ask any questions you have.

    About the course

    We're going to be exploring the nuance and detail of how computers store data and process that data when solving problems. Most importantly, we'll be exploring how different storage and processing methods have vastly different outcomes at scale . It's easy to do anything in life once, but the real challenge is making something feasible when dealing with millions or billions of inputs. And that's going to be the journey we go on.

    In terms of assessment, the course has 3 major components:

    • 35% assignments (2 assignments)
    • 25% labs & quizzes (Completing activities or multiple choice questions)
    • 40% exam (no hurdle)

    See you soon!

    I'll see you all on Tuesday :)

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