
  • Supplementary Exams 22 May: Information

    Posted by Sushmita Ruj 2 years ago.


    If you are taking the supplementary exam on Monday 22 May, you should have received an email with time and location. If you haven't, please email on the course email (cs2521 at use dot unsw. dot edu dot au) ASAP.

    Wish you all the best!


  • Supplementary Exam to be held on 22 May, 2023

    Posted by Sushmita Ruj 2 years ago.


    For those of you who are taking the supplementary exams, the date is Monday 22 May, 2023. Location and time will be sent by central exams.

    Wish you all the best!


  • Final exams: Resources you can access

    Posted by Sushmita Ruj 2 years ago.

    Dear All,

    Like the sample test, you will have access to all the lecture slides and the codes on the Lecture page.

    These are the only resources you will have access to. You cannot access the codes you wrote in your labs or assignments and you will not have access to the Internet.

    All the best!


  • Sample Exam

    Posted by Kevin Luxa 🦉 2 years ago, last modified 2 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    The sample exam is now available at . (Note: You will be asked to log in.)

    We highly recommend you attempt this under self-imposed exam conditions (no communication, can only access lecture slides and lecture code) so you have a realistic idea of how much of the course content you understand and how quickly you can solve programming problems.

    The solutions to the sample exam will be released on Monday morning. Please make sure you attempt the sample exam before reading the solutions.

  • Final Exam: Overseas students

    Posted by Sushmita Ruj 2 years ago.

    Dear All,

    If you are overseas and cannot be present on 28 April for the final exam, you can take a supplementary exam in Week 0, term 2. Please send us an email to request a supplementary exam. We will inform you the next steps on email. By default we will assume that you will be present on 28 April.

    Please send the email by Saturday 22 April, 2023 to the course admin account cs2521 AT cse dot unsw dot edu dot au. Please DO NOT email special consideration.

    Please note this only for students who are overseas, it does not apply to students who are in Australia.

    Thank you,


  • Final Exam

    Posted by Sushmita Ruj 2 years ago, last modified 2 years ago.

    Final exam dates have now been finalised. COMP2521 will be held on Friday 28 April, 2023. This is an in-person exam in our CSE labs. It is mentioned as a whole day exam, meaning students will be assigned exam slots, as there are many of you to accommodate in the labs all together. All clashes will be avoided for all those who are taking two exams on the day.

    You will be using the computers in the CSE Labs. You are not allowed to bring any peripherals like keyboard, mouse, monitor, unless you have valid reason like a disability. For all such cases please ask for special considerations.

    The exam is closed book; you are not allowed to bring any notes or content in usb sticks. We will load some preliminary content to help you during your exam. We will put up a list of such content well ahead of your exams.

    Overseas students who cannot be present on the day of the exam can take a supplementary exam in week 0 of Term 23T2. We will provide details about applying for this at a later date.

    Wish you all the best!

    Happy Easter!

  • Easter Holidays

    Posted by Kevin Luxa 🦉 2 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    There will be no classes on Friday Week 8 and Monday Week 9 due to public holidays. If you are enrolled in one of these classes, please try to attend a different class during the week.

    You can see all of the class times here:

  • Assignment 2 Released

    Posted by Kevin Luxa 🦉 2 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Assignment 2 has now been released! It can be found here . The due date is 5pm on Wednesday Week 10.

    The assignment tests your understanding of graph algorithms and your ability to apply them. Please be sure to read the entire assignment specification before asking questions on the forums or getting started. If you would like to clarify anything about the assignment, please ask on the assignment 2 megathread on the forum.

    Good luck with the assignment!

  • Quiz03 Submission Issues

    Posted by Ethan Brown 💜 2 years ago.

    Hi All,

    There have been some issues with quiz03 question 2, and we currently have no ETA on a fix. As such, we have opened a second quiz, with exactly the same questions, which should work. Once marks get loaded in we will take your latest submission from either quiz; quiz03 or quiz03 fix.
    If you're fine with your quiz03 submission, or don't have an issue with question 2 loading, feel free to ignore this. Otherwise, please make a submission to quiz03 fix. If you make a submission to both, we will take the most recent between the two.

    The deadline has been moved to 10am Thursday the 16th of March to give students time to read this notice and make an attempt.

  • Assignment 1 Released

    Posted by Ethan Brown 💜 2 years ago.

    Hi All,

    The first assignment has now been released! It can be found here . The assignment tests your knowledge on balanced binary search trees and their implementation and is worth 15% of your final grade. Please be sure to read the entire assignment specification before asking questions on the forums or getting started.

    The due date is Wednesday week 7, which is the 29 th of March. Please be sure to get started earlier rather than later, since you'll need to not only write your code and answers, but also leave time to test for and debug problems as they arise. We will provide some test driver code and tests at a later date, though they will only be testing basic cases; you are expected to do your own testing. We will discuss the assignment briefly in lectures.

    As always, all the best to everyone!

  • Links to Resources and Webinar

    Posted by Sushmita Ruj 2 years ago.


    The link to the Lectures page is now up.

    The lectures will be streamed on Microsoft Teams. The links are also put up on this page.

    Looking forward to see you tomorrow and would love to see you in-person!

  • Welcome to COMP2521 23T1

    Posted by Sushmita Ruj 2 years ago.

    Hi All,

    Welcome to the course COMP2521. I will be lecturing the course COMP2521 in 23T1. We have an excellent teaching team with course administrators Kevin Luxa and Ethan Brown and a very capable and enthusiastic team of tutors. We are looking forward to help you learn and enjoy this course.

    Lectures will be face-to-face in the Science Theatre. These will also be streamed live.

    All Lectures will be recorded.

    Almost all tutorials are in person. Only a few are online.

    Tutorials will start in Week 1.

    Exams will be invigilated in CSE Labs. Rules for offshore students will be put up later.

    Details about the course are in the Course Outline .

    Best wishes and see you next week!

    Sushmita Ruj


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