COMP2521 uses the Ed forum.

To join the forum, follow these instructions (and ensure that all steps are done in the same browser ):

  1. Log in to Moodle .
  2. Log in to Ed .
  3. Ensure that your email address on Moodle has been added to your Ed account.
    • To find your email address on Moodle, go to your Moodle profile (by clicking on your profile picture in the top right and selecting Profile).
  4. Go to the COMP2521 page on Moodle and click on the Forum link.

After you have joined, you can bookmark the forum page so you don't have to go through Moodle to access the forum. A link to the forum will be added to the sidebar in Week 3.

Resource created Sunday 20 August 2023, 08:04:26 PM, last modified Wednesday 06 September 2023, 08:18:09 PM.

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