
  • COMP2521 (Summer 2024) Supplementary Exam date

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia about a year ago.

    COMP2521 (Summer 2024) Supplementary Exam will be held on Monday, February 19th, 2024. We will advise you of the exact time and place closer to the day.

    Please note that you can only take the supplementary exam if the Special Consideration unit approves it.

  • Grades

    Posted by Ethan Brown 💜 about a year ago.

    Hey everyone,

    You'll be receiving your grades today. I hope everyone gets the grade they were aiming for, but if you have failed the course and need to complete COMP2521 to progress your degree, please join the waitlist for 24T1. Although not guaranteed, there may be more classes added, so you may be able to get into the course without delaying your degree significantly.

    Also, those who receive a WC grade have been offered a supplementary exam, and we will update your mark once this is done.

    Thank you all for a lovely term, and best of luck in your future studies!

  • Sample Exam

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia about a year ago.

    We reviewed the Sample Exam in today's lecture (Wednesday, January 24). If you missed the lecture, please watch the lecture recording.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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