Hi everyone,
If you have specific questions you'd like me to cover in Thursday's lecture time, please post them as a comment on this post.
(You're still welcome to show up on the day and ask questions, but I'll be more prepared if I know ahead of time which questions/topics you'd like covered.)
Hi everyone,
The make-up lecture for Monday will be online on Wednesday from 2-4pm. I'll post a link to it on the Lectures page shortly before it begins. The lecture will be recorded and posted on YouTube in case you can't watch it live.
Hi everyone,
Unfortunately I fell sick during the night. I've been unable to find a replacement lecturer for today at this last minute, so we are postponing it.
The lecture will be held online sometime in the next day or two. I'll aim for tomorrow 11am-1pm assuming I'm feeling well enough.
Hi everyone,
In week 4 Thursday we didn't write much (any) code. Please let me know if you'd like to spend some time implementing the functions for one or more of the graph representations discussed in Thursday's lecture, before we move on to Graph Traversals.
The poll is here: https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP2521/24T2/acti...
If students indicate that they'd like to write some code, I'll start the lecture by asking students which graph representation they're most interested in implementing together in the lecture.
Hi all,
Assignment 1 has been released!
Please be sure to look over the assignment early (or even better, get started on it early). It will be discussed briefly during the Thursday lecture this week to help get you started. Best of luck!
Hi everyone,
Today we trialled using Zoom for the lecture. Please let me know whether your prefer Zoom or our previous approach of YouTube Live.
Here's the poll: YouTube Live vs Zoom
Hi everyone,
This is a reminder that we have a lecture today at 11am. Also, I'm going to try out using Zoom instead of YouTube Live. Here's a link to join the meeting: Zoom Lecture Link . Do bookmark it for future lectures in case this one goes well.
Public Holiday on Monday 10th June
Deadline for Labs and Quizzes
The deadline for submission of Labs and Quizzes is Mondays at 12pm. (Rather than Mondays at 5pm as it was previously announced.)
Help Sessions
For help with tutorial work, lab work and assignments, Help Sessions are available. The schedule can be found here .
For help understanding lecture content, consultations are available. The schedule can be found here .
Hi everyone,
Welcome to COMP2521 - Data Structures and Algorithms.
First Lecture
Our first lecture is tomorrow (Monday) morning, 11am, in the Clancy Auditorium. If all goes well it will be streamed to YouTube. The link to the livestream is on the lectures page .
If you're enrolled in the online lecture, but would like to attend in person, you're welcome to show up. Our lecture theatre is much bigger than the enrolment limit would lead you to believe.
We have invited most of you to our Ed forum (using your @student.unsw.edu.au email). If you have not been added to the forum (this will be the case if you enrolled later), please follow
these instructions
to join. Hop on the forum and say hi!
Tutorials and Labs
Tutorials and labs start in week 1. Make sure you know your
tutorial time and location
. If you are in an online tutorial, these are held on Blackboard Collaborate, which you can learn how to access
See you all tomorrow :)