Welcome to COMP2521 (Data Structures and Algorithms) !
The course outline is now available, please see the link Course Outline in the left panel. Please read it all, and ask questions in the first lecture on anything that's not clear.
COMP2521 does not use Moodle. The course website is at https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP2521/25T0/ . We recommend that you bookmark the page. The course material will be available on this website.
Tutorials and Labs start in Week-1 . The tutorial and lab for week-01 are now available. See Tutorials, Labs and Quizzes in the left panel on the course website. You need to login using your zId and zPass to access the following course material. The login button is in the top right corner of this page.
The lectures will be delivered in person in the designated lecture theatres. Lecture recordings will be available later on the Lectures, Resources page.
All of the lecture notes as well as previous video lectures are already available. Please read/watch them ahead of time because we need to cover a lot of ground in five weeks! During the in person lectures, we can focus on answering any questions you may have about the content for that week.
Five weeks will go by very quickly, so please do not leave any materials behind. In the first lecture, I will talk more about these and other topics.
Many enthusiastic tutors, Ethan (course administrator), and I are thrilled to meet you all in person! We are all looking forward to the start of the summer term on Tuesday 07 January 2025!
-- Ashesh