
  • Assignment 5 Marked

    Posted by Jingling Xue Thursday 30 April 2020, 10:03:55 AM.

    Please check your marks.

  • Assignment 4: Marked

    Posted by Jingling Xue Tuesday 14 April 2020, 03:56:30 PM.

    Assignment 4 has been marked. Please check your marks and read the feedback online.

    Once again, your final mark will be the sum of the marks from all the five programming assignments (with the bonus assignment mark added on the top). No assignments are compulsory in the sense that you will pass the course as long as your final mark is >= 50.

  • Assignment 5: Released

    Posted by Jingling Xue Monday 06 April 2020, 06:34:20 PM.

    To give everyone more time to work on Assignment 5, its spec has just been released.

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