
  • Question 3(e)

    Posted by Jingling Xue 2 years ago.

    Dear COMP3131/9102,

    As the given grammar is not LL(1), you are still required to construct the "LL(1) parsing table"
    except that it may contain multiple entries in some places.

  • The Exam Paper is now available

    Posted by Jingling Xue 2 years ago.

    Dear COMP3131/9102 Student,

    The exam paper is now available.

    Good luck!

  • Our final exam

    Posted by Jingling Xue 2 years ago.

    Dear COMP3131/9102 Student,

    Please be reminded that our final exam will take place at the following time as already announced on our course page:

    About the Exam duration :

    • The exam will be open from 1pm AEST (Sydney Time) Thursday 4 May 2023
    • The exam will close at 3:30pm AEST (Sydney Time) Thursday 4 May 2023
    • Anything submitted after 3:30pm AEST (Sydney Time) Thursday 4 May 2023 will be ignored

    Despite the fact that the exam will be conducted remotely without any invigilation, it will still be considered a closed-book assessment. Consequently, I won't be able to provide any assistance on how to solve specific problems during the exam, except in cases where you suspect that an exam question contains an error. If this happens, I can only confirm whether the question is correct, but I won't be able to offer any further assistance beyond that.

    There will be five questions as already revealed on our course page.

    You will be able to download the exam paper just before the exam starts.

    Good luck!

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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