
  • Zoom links for Wed19 and Thu19

    Posted by Jingling Xue about 4 hours ago.

    Dear COMP3131/9102 Students,

    If you are enrolled in these two online tutorials, please note that the Zoom links have been updated due to some issues brought to my attention by the tutor.

    Here are the updated links (also available online by clicking "Tutorial" from the menu on the course page):

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

  • Assignment 1 Marked

    Posted by Jingling Xue 3 days ago.

    Dear COMP3131/9102 Students,

    Assignment 1 has been marked. Please review your marks and notify me if you identify any discrepancies.

    You can now access the course page to view the mark statistics, feedback, and test cases (along with the solutions) used for marking.

    Additionally, a reminder that the spec for Assignment 2 was released yesterday.

  • Spec for Assignment 2

    Posted by Jingling Xue 5 days ago.

    The spec for Assignment 2 has now been released. The deadline is 8:00 pm on 10 March.

  • ELS special considerations

    Posted by Jingling Xue 6 days ago.

    Dear COMP3131/9102 Students,

    If you have a special consideration approved by the university, please contact me before each assignment's deadline and let me know the duration of the extension requested, as outlined in your ELS plan. This will allow me to adjust the due date for each assignment accordingly, ensuring your extension is properly accommodated.


Upcoming Due Dates


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