
  • Final results & thanks

    Posted by Paul Hunter 6 months ago.

    Hi all,

    This should (hopefully) be the final announcement you all receive from me from this course. By now most of you should be able to see your final results - hopefully there are not too many unwelcome surprises. If you would like further details about your final exam (e.g. breakdown, feedback), please drop me an email and I will get back to you as soon as I can. If you are concerned about an error/omission, I recommend going down this route first so that we can double check there weren't any technical issues first.

    A HUGE shout-out to Raph for all the help he has provided throughout the term - it certainly could not have run without everything you have done.

    Thanks to Johannes for stepping in in Week 7 and helping out with the hand over.

    Also I'd like to give a big thank you to Adam, Mathieu, JD, and Daniel who helped out with the help sessions, forum and marking

    And finally thank you all of you for seeing it through to the end, despite some of the hiccups we had along the way. I really did enjoy teaching this course and I hope to continue to evolve the course based on my own interests and the feedback you provided. Please do get in touch next year if you'd be interested in helping out in any way - tutorials, labs, help sessions.

    I will keep the forum open for a few more weeks (it will close during the supp exam), so feel free to keep discussions, memes, whatever going there.

    For those of you who enjoyed this foray into the more theoretical side of Computer Science (or those of you who enjoyed my snacks teaching) please consider coming along to some of the other courses I run (the numbers for these are always very low): COMP3153 (in T3) and COMP4141 (in T1). At least drop into the first lecture to say hi, grab some food, and see if I can't convince you to stay... [the first lecture of COMP3153 is Monday 9 September, 2pm in O'Shane G05]

    Hope to see you all again soon,


  • TrieOrDie

    Posted by Paul Hunter 6 months ago.

    Hi all,

    Apologies for not clarifying the TrieOrDie situation earlier.

    In line with last year's assessment weighting the TrieOrDie bonus equates to 2% of the final exam (i.e. 2.4 additional marks this year).

    If your attempt at the TrieOrDie bonus was successful, then you should now be able to see the relevant flag in the gradebook in moodle. If that flag is "Yes" then an additional 2% was added to your final exam. Please let us know if you believe there has been an omission.


  • Ex05 late penalties not applied/waived

    Posted by Paul Hunter 6 months ago, last modified 6 months ago.

    Inevitably, something slipped through. Ex05 was missed...

    ... and I forgot the alternative marking for that exercise ...

    ... but this should all be done now.

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