
  • First 3 exercises (non-assessed) released + some state exercises

    Posted by Raphael Douglas Giles Monday 01 July 2024, 07:08:24 PM.

    Hey everyone,

    I've just posted the first 3 exercises. They're available under in the Activities section of the webcms page as many things in this course are.

    These are not assessed, they're just meant for some practice so you can hone your haskelling skills.

    As with the assessed stuff, you will be able to submit these to give, though in this case that's purely for autotesting purposes. However, the give submission is not set up yet as of the time of writing this. I'm not personally handling any of the give stuff so I can't say exactly when that will be up, but I'd say it should be ready within a few of days. When this is up and running there will be an announcement.

    I've also made a new Ed workspace called "State exercises". Currently, this has a couple of exercises on the state monad, plus a bit of revision exposition in case that's of interest. In the workspace there are two files, StateExercises.hs and StateExercisesSolved.hs, which are the same file but one of them has the solutions to the exercises filled in. I may add more to this soon if I can think of any more state monad exercises.

    Also, I've added some more detailed annotation to the Week4.hs practical file as I often do. I'm mentioning this now even though I do it most weeks because this one is potentially somewhat useful for the exercise, so if you're struggling with that have a look and see if you can glean any inspiration.

    Thanks \ Raph

  • Assessment items

    Posted by Paul Hunter Wednesday 26 June 2024, 05:30:25 PM.

    Hi all,

    The specs for the first major assessment items (Assessed Exercises & Assignment 1) are now available on the course website under Activities . I am still working through setting up the give interface, so for the moment submissions will not work, however you should be able to access the necessary code in order to begin both assessment items.

    • The first of three assessed exercise sets is due Friday 12 June, 18:00
    • Assignment 1 is due Monday 15 June, 18:00

    We have decided that the remaining three "Weekly exercises" originally planned (intended to be released earlier) will instead be released as optional assessments - that is, you can attempt them and submit solutions via give as usual (and receive automarked feedback) but they will not contribute to your final grade. We are currently in the process of setting this up.


  • Quiz 3 Released!

    Posted by Raphael Douglas Giles Monday 24 June 2024, 09:49:13 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Quiz 3 is here and is available on the course website under Activities . This quiz assesses content from weeks 4, and is due 6pm on Monday the 8th of July (i.e. Monday week 7). As always, you are encouraged to use Haskell to check/test your answers and you can make multiple submissions. The week 5 practice problems are about to be released as well, so stay tuned for that.

    Once I've gotten confirmation that there are no more submissions coming in from students with extensions/special considerations, I'll release your marks for quiz 2 and release another set of answers like those in Ed post #66 .

    P.s. Note that I've accidentally set it to be due in flexibility week on Webcms, but Webcms has decided to break my html whenever I try to edit the quiz, so I'll fix the due date on the website during the week (most likely tomorrow).

    Thanks \ Raph

  • Help sessions

    Posted by Paul Hunter Monday 24 June 2024, 09:44:39 AM.

    Hi all,

    A warm welcome to Mathieu and Adam who will be joining the staff to assist with the help sessions (starting today).

    I have booked Clavier ( ) for help sessions at the following times:

    • Mondays 1-3pm
    • Thursdays 1-2pm

    It is a small lab (20 computers) - if it transpires that we need more room then I will make further arrangements.


  • Quiz 2 released

    Posted by Raphael Douglas Giles Tuesday 18 June 2024, 03:49:27 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    At long last, quiz 2 is here and is available on the course website under Activities . This quiz assesses content from weeks 2 and 3, and is due 6pm on Monday the 24th of June (next Monday) . As always, you are encouraged to use Haskell to check/test your answers and you can make multiple submissions.

    If you're interested, the practice problems for weeks 3 and 4 are also now up, though these are not assessed.

    Though this quiz is assessing content from multiple weeks due to some organisational hiccups you may have noticed, this quiz is the same length as all the others.

    I would like to acknowledge the worries and concerns of a number of students. I know you're all wondering what's happening with the weekly exercises and assignment, and rest-assured your questions and comments are being heard and more information will be released in a timely manner by those coordinating this course.

    Even though at this stage I can't be as concrete as I would like to be, I hope at the very least this change in content with the quiz gives you some assurance that you won't have all the work in the course outline dumped on you without adequate time to complete it.

    Please don't hesitate to reach out.

    Thanks \ Raphael

  • Quiz late submissions

    Posted by Paul Hunter Tuesday 11 June 2024, 06:27:18 PM.

    Hi all,

    Because of the way the first quiz was set up, results are now visible and so no extensions are possible.

    As you were not advised of this prior to the first quiz, the policy for your quiz grade will be that the best 8 (of 9) quiz marks will contribute to your overall grade (I.e. you get one "free" quiz). Going forward, there will be no extensions available for quizzes. Exercises and Assignments will have late submission options - details TBA.

    Students with ELP arrangements may have further adjustments- you will be advised of this soon.


  • Friday lecture

    Posted by Paul Hunter Friday 07 June 2024, 02:26:46 AM.

    Hi all,

    Just a quick update with this week's material.

    Because there was a bit more I wanted to cover in Wednesday's lecture, I will finish it off in the first hour or so of Friday's lecture this week. After that, Raphael will walk through a selection of the Practice Problems which have now been added to the course website. Please note, these problems are not assessed - they are intended to help you work through some of the material covered in lectures. Solutions to these will be posted shortly after the Friday lecture.

    The practical exercise for which you will be assessed requires a little bit of setting up, and I will be doing that after tomorrow's lecture, so that the exercise will be released before the weekend.

    Finally, I will be making last year's code/notes available (in the ed workspaces) shortly. While I intend to cover (mostly) the same content as Johannes last year, I am new to live coding and there are areas where I could/should be adding more context to the code. Last year's material has more substantial annotation (though out of context, some might not make sense), so it can serve as a secondary resource. Please note, however, conflicting content should be resolved in favour of this year's offering (i.e. what I say applies this year).


  • Quiz 1 now available

    Posted by Paul Hunter Tuesday 04 June 2024, 11:33:19 AM, last modified Tuesday 04 June 2024, 11:33:52 AM.

    Hi all,

    The first quiz is now available on the course website under Activities .

    It is due at 6pm on Tuesday June 11 2024 . There will be a bit of an overlap with the second quiz.

    You are encouraged to use Haskell to check/test your answers! You can make multiple submissions.

    I will be releasing practical exercises soon, though possibly until later tonight. The due date for these will also be adjusted accordingly.


  • Quick announcement

    Posted by Paul Hunter Saturday 01 June 2024, 10:07:46 AM.

    Hi all,

    My apologies, but due to a family emergency there will be a delay on the release of the first quiz and exercise set (and end of lecture recording).


  • Quick announcement

    Posted by Paul Hunter Saturday 01 June 2024, 10:07:46 AM.

    Hi all,

    My apologies, but due to a family emergency there will be a delay on the release of the first quiz and exercise set (and end of lecture recording).


  • COMP3141 livestreaming arrangements

    Posted by Paul Hunter Wednesday 29 May 2024, 10:54:27 AM.

    Hi all,

    COMP3141 is currently set up to be livestreamed through echo360. To access the livestream, go to Lecture recordings from the course website and select the current lecture. This stream is what is recorded.

    I have enabled chat in ed here . I suggest using this platform to post questions/comments during the lecture as this will be the forum I will monitor during lectures.


  • Welcome to COMP3141

    Posted by Paul Hunter Wednesday 29 May 2024, 04:20:24 AM, last modified Wednesday 29 May 2024, 04:40:34 AM.

    Hi all,

    Welcome to COMP3141 Software System Design and Implementation (which shall just be known as COMP3141). This is just a brief announcement to introduce you to various aspects of the course: the website, the learning interfaces, and the staff (for the moment it is me and Raphael).

    I encourage you to familiarise yourself with the course website:

    as it provides the starting point for all aspects of the course.

    Lectures begin today at 11am in Burrows Theatre. Lectures will be livestreamed on echo360 and also recorded, and the recording will be available from the course website shortly after the lecture finishes.

    There are no tutorials for this course. I am currently in the process of arranging Help sessions - details of these will be available when I know them.

    You will shortly receive an email inviting you to join the course forum on ed. The course forums also provide a platform to ask questions and discuss the course material.

    Looking forward to meeting you later today

    Paul Hunter
    (Lecturer in Charge)

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