Revision Problems

These revision problems (unlike the exercises) are not assessed. Use them to test your understanding, to challenge yourself, or whatever floats your boat.

Statically checked printf with GADTS

This first question is more like a traditional practice problem than a revision problem, but I thought it would be good to have this here. Credit to Zoltan for writing this question a couple of years ago.

The `printf` function in C takes a format string, and a variable number of arguments. For example, the following piece of code:

 printf("Hey %s, your age is %d\n","Alice",26);

will print "Hey Alice, your age is 26". In C, this function has the following type signature:

 int printf(const char *format, ...);

The type of the arguments is not checked, you could write `printf("Hey %s\n", 26);`, which would result in a run-time error. There are external tools which can check this, but:

1. the usual problems with external static checkers apply;

2. if you need to write your own function that behaves similarly, you're out of luck.

You can also use the example of string formatting in Python, where it is done using the `%` operator:

`print("Hey %s, your age is %s" % ("Alice", 26))`

This is not statically checked at all. Using GADTs, Haskell allows us to write type-safe string formatting and printf functions. These will be statically checked at compile time, using the type checker, and will never result in a run-time error.

We begin by making the following type definition used to represent strings with formatting arguments like are seen in the argument of printf:

data Fmt :: * -> * where
  End :: Fmt ()
  Lit :: String -> Fmt args -> Fmt args
  Str :: Fmt args -> Fmt (String, args)

An example element of this type is the following:

strExample :: Fmt (String, (String, ()))
strExample = Lit "Hello " $ Str $ Lit " what's your favourite colour?" $ Str $ End

Here, we notice that the type of strExample contains two strings, which is precisely what we need to fill in the formatting gaps in this string.

Task 1: Notice that the definition of Fmt is somewhat incomplete, in that the only kind of formatting we can use is %s. Based on above definitions, write a definition for %d, which we'll call Num similar to Str.

Task 2: Write a function format which takes a format string and arguments to its formatting holes and turns it into a string. This function should have the following type:

format :: Fmt args -> args -> String

Task 3: Use the format function written in part 2 to write a printf function fitting the following type signature:

printf :: Fmt a -> a -> IO ()

Functor, Monad and Applicative Instances:

Consider the following data type definitions. Can lawful functor, applicative or monad instances be implemented for these types? If so, provide implementations, if not give an argument as to why not. If you're really keen, also try and prove that your instances are lawful (this could be quite useful for some of the harder examples here where you may not be sure if you've gotten the right answer):
-- 1
newtype MyInt = MyInt Integer

-- 2 (Either a is the type constructor we're looking at)
data Either a b = Left a | Right b

-- 3 (Prod a is the type constructor we're looking at)
data Prod a b = Prod a b

-- 4 
newtype MyString = MyString String

-- 5 (H1 b is the type constructor we're looking at)
data H1 a b = H1 (a -> b)

-- 6 (H2 b is the type constructor we're looking at)
data H2 b a = H2 (a -> b)

-- 7
newtype Ghost a = Ghost Integer

-- 8
newtype Cont r a = Cont ((a -> r) -> r)

-- 9
data RingF a = Zero | One | Inj a | Plus a a | Times a a | Neg a

-- 10
data Hom a = Hom (a -> a)

For this, recall the functor, applicative and monad laws:

Functor laws:
fmap id x = x -- identity
fmap (f . g) x = fmap f (g x) -- composition
Applicative laws
(pure id <*> v) == v -- Identity
(pure f <*> pure x) == (pure (f x)) -- Homomorphism
(u <*> pure y) == (pure ($ y) <*> u) -- Interchange
(pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w) == (u <*> (v <*> w)) -- Composition
Monad laws:
return a >>= f = f a -- left identity
ma >>= return = ma -- right identity
(ma >>= f) >>= g == ma >>= (\x -> f x >>= g) -- associativity
As a bonus question, use equational reasoning to show that these laws hold for the standard functor/applicative/monad instances for [], Maybe and State s.

Arbitrary Instances:

Recall Bezout's identity from discrete maths which, given 2 integers a and b, gives a pair of integers u and v such that au + bv == gcd(a, b). The way it works is through the extended Euclidean algorithm, but we don't have to worry about that. We'll just trust that the below implementation works.

bezout :: Integral b => b -> b -> (b, b)
bezout a b = let (u, v) = go a b 1 0 0 1
             in if a*u + b*v == 1 then (u, v) else (-u, -v) where
    go r 0 u _ v _ = (u, v)
    go r r' u u' v v' = let q = r `quot` r'
                        in go r' (r - q*r') u' (u - q*u') v' (v - q*v')

Our goal is to use this to implement an Arbitrary instance generating 2 by 2 integer matrices with a determinant of 1. To do this, we'll represent 2 by 2 integer matrices with the following type SL2Z:

data SL2Z = SL2Z Integer Integer Integer Integer deriving (Show, Eq)
SL2Z a b c d == [ a b ]
                [ c d ]

For those of you who have forgotten what a determinant is, here is the definition:

det :: SL2Z -> Integer
det (SL2Z a b c d) = a*d - b*c

Write an Arbitrary instance for SL2Z which generates integer matrices whose determinants are exactly 1.


1) Prove reverse (xs ++ ys) == reverse ys ++ reverse xs using structural induction

2) Prove that map f (xs ++ ys) == map f xs ++ map f ys by structural induction on xs.

3) Show that a Monoid cannot have two different identity elements by equational reasoning.

4) Recall that exponentiation is defined as repeated multiplication. This is a definition which does not rely at all on the specifics of the multiplication operation, and only really uses the associativity of multiplication to work properly. Define an analogous 'exponentiation' operation in an arbitrary monoid which repeatedly applies the monoid operation, then show that in every commutative monoid, exp (x <> y) n = exp x n <> exp y n, by induction on n.

5) Show that for matrices ((0,a),(0,b)) with the usual matrix multiplication, there is a right identity but no left identity.

6) Show that (>>=)/concatMap can be used to implement regular map in the list monad. Then show the same thing for abstract monads and the abstract definition of fmap.

Resource created Sunday 04 August 2024, 06:57:54 PM.

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