
  • COMP3151/9154 - Just the Beginning…

    Posted by Vladimir Tosic 5 years ago.

    Dear COMP3151/9154 students,

    You should get your COMP3151/9154 final marks today. Through your engagement in this course, you have also gained useful knowledge and understanding, as well as software development and analysis skills.

    This course examined a number of issues related to concurrent computing and provided you "Foundations of Concurrency". However, much more remains for you to master in your future professional career. I hope sincerely that this course will be just the beginning of your learning about concurrency and solving concurrent computing problems. Keep on the good work!

    If, during your future learning and problem solving, you believe that I can help you with advice – feel free to contact me.

    I wish you all the best.


    Dr Vladimir Z. TOSIC, 19T2 COMP3151/9154 Lecturer

  • Final Exam - Seat Allocation and Consultations

    Posted by Vladimir Tosic 6 years ago, last modified 6 years ago.

    You can check your seat in the 19T2 COMP3151/9154 Final Exam using the following link: . If there are any problems, report them ASAP to the School Office (but also CC me).

    I can come to UNSW to hold pre-exam consultations this Wednesday 28 August from around 4pm, in front of our lecture theatre (but not in the theatre as it is likely that that there will be another exam there). If you are interested, please email me by Wednesday 2pm (I will not come to UNSW if no student confirms their attendance via email).

  • Final Exam and myExperience Survey

    Posted by Vladimir Tosic 6 years ago.

    The COMP3151/9154 Final Exam will be held on Friday 30 August in the afternoon (at the end of the exam period). The following labs ( 305 on the 3rd floor of J17 Ainsworth ) are booked:
    13:30 - 16:30 bugle
    13:30 - 16:30 horn
    I will talk more about this 2-hour (+reading time) final exam in the last lecture on Monday 12 Aug.

    However, before the final exam there is another very important task for you to complete - the myExperience survey! While I understand that you have very little time these days, this is a crucial survey to help future students in this course, me, any other lecturer who might teach this course in the future, CSE leadership, UNSW leadership and the most important people - you! How does filling in myExperience survey help you when you will pass this course in less than 3 weeks from now and several among you will even graduate? Well, quality of your education matters and we all have to work very hard to continuously improve it. Your feedback in myExperience will help in improving not only this course, but indirectly also other CSE courses that you will take in the future (even after you graduate, you might come back one day to do further study). Thus, I kindly ask you to spend a bit of your really precious time and fill in myExperience (and, later, the cross-university SES survey ). Your feedback is appreciated very much.

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