
  • Welcome to COMP3153/9153

    Posted by Paul Hunter Sunday 08 September 2024, 09:07:28 PM.

    Hi all,

    Welcome to COMP3153/9153 - Algorithmic Verification. This is just a brief announcement to introduce you to various aspects of the course: the website, the learning interfaces, and the staff.

    This term COMP3153/9153 will be fully face-to-face for all learning aspects. I encourage you to familiarise yourself with the course website:

    as it provides the starting point for all aspects of the course. I am still in the process of populating the website - please check for content closer to tomorrow's lecture.

    Lectures begin on Monday (September 9) [i.e. tomorrow] at 14:00 in O'Shane G05. Details of the lectures can be found on the course website once you have logged in to webCMS. Lectures will be recorded, and the recording will be available shortly after the lecture finishes. No assurance is made about the quality/completeness of the recording - so the only way to ensure you have best lecture experience is to attend the lectures!

    Tutorials begin in Week 1 - for this first week please come along to the start of least one tutorial (see webCMS for the tutorial details) as I will be clarifying how assessments and tutorials will work through the term, and setting you all up for the main assessments. Mark Raya will be the tutor for the remaining tutorials this term.

    The course will be using the ed platform for course discussion. You should shortly be receiving an email inviting you to join the ed forum for this course.

    The course will also be using the formatif platform for weekly assessment tasks. Details will follow in the first lecture and in the subsequent tutorials.

    Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow,

    Paul Hunter
    (Lecturer in Charge)

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!

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