There will be no tutorial in week 13. But each project group needs to demonstrate their project part 2 design in the lab.
The Give submission has been set up. Please use the following command to submit your project report:
give cs3211 project_report "your_file.tar"
The locations for project part 2 group presentation in Week 12 are as follows:
18:00-21:00, Mon, 21/05/2018K-K15-151 (Old Main Building 151)
15:00-18:00, Wed, 23/05/2018 K-F23-313 (Mathews 313)
18:00-21:00, Thu, 24/05/2018K-E12-130 (Business School 130)
Also, the assessment guide for the project report has been posted (on the Projects page).
No lecture tomorrow (Thursday, Week 11). You can use this time to prepare for group project presentation next week.
The guide for the project group presentation in Week 12 is available on the Projects page. The information about the venues will be available in next week.
You can use the tutorial time for project part 2.
You can use the Give command to retrieve your mark for the Project Part 1 presentation.
Due to the fire alarm evacuation yesterday, the Wednesday tutorial was not finished. For those affected, please go to the Thursday class this week.
If you cannot make it and have any questions about the tutorial, you can either see me or Hasindu. All tutorial solutions will be available on the course website.
Project 2 is the extension of project 1. Please go to the Projects page for the description of the project.
Quiz marks are available. You can use the give command below to retrieve your result:
The quiz solutions will be discussed in the lecture in Week 10.
The assessment guide for group project presentation in Week 8 is available on the Projects page. Since the Wednesday is a public holiday, the project groups of the Wednesday TLB class can go any one of other three classes, but please let your lab tutor know which class you choose in Week 7 in your TLB class.
Solutions for Tut1-4 are available on the Tutorials Page.
No tute next week. You can use this time for project design.
The 1-hour quiz will be in the Wed. lecture class from 9:10 to 10:10.
Please go to the Projects page for the description of the project.
About the installation of Xilinx on Windows 10, Ram has drafted a guide, which is now available on the Resources page of this website. Joshua Glover suggested that is also useful regarding to the installation.
Task 3 of Lab 1 is due next week (Week 4). The assessment guide is available on the Labs page.