
  • Lab marks finalized

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 5 years ago.

    Lab marks have now been updated on SMS. Please contact your demonstrator as well as the LiC if any appear to be incorrectly recorded. Thanks.

  • COMP322/9222 FINAL EXAMS

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 5 years ago.

    As mentioned in the final lecture, the exams will be held in the Tabla, Bongo, Oud and Drum labs on the ground floor and basement of K17 next week on Tuesday 3 November commencing at 1:15 pm . Please be there on time so that we can start the exams on time. I expect you will be finished by about 5:15 pm on the day.

    Exam seating will be allocated on the day, so please check the class and room lists posted near the above labs and in the ground floor foyer on the day from 1pm on.

  • Lab 1 - 4 catchup marking session

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 5 years ago, last modified 5 years ago.

    Some students have told me they finished Labs 1-4 but were unable to have them marked off during the final marking session in Week 7. The demonstrators and I have organized ourselves to mark the outstanding Lab 1-4 efforts in the OUD lab (next door to Lyre) this Wednesday commencing at the usual lecture time of 2pm. Please ensure that you arrive at 2pm to have your labs marked off.

    In order to manage the load, please ensure you have the following items ready for checking for each of the labs you want marked off. Raise your hand when you are ready to be marked off for any one of the labs. We will mark your lab and provide feedback on the mark we have given you. You may then prepare yourself to have the next lab marked off.

    For Lab 1 : have Part 5 loaded and running on the board and the code for Part 5 ready for inspection.

    For Lab 2 : have your simulation from Part 2.2 ready - ensure it covers all 16 possible inputs; have the code for Parts 4 and 5 ready for inspection

    For Lab 3 : for Part 2, have the RTL viewer setup as in 2.2 and the simulation of 2.3 ready; have the simulation of 4.4, as depicted in Figure 6 ready for Part 4; demonstrate Part 5 on the board and have the code ready for inspection

    For Lab 4 : have your code for Parts 1 & 2 ready for inspection; discuss the relative speed of the designs from Parts 1 & 2; provide your block diagram for Part 4, demo your design on the board and provide your code for inspection

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