
  • myExperience Survey

    Posted by Rachid Hamadi 7 years ago.

    This is a gentle reminder, for those of you who did not yet give their feedback about the course through myExperience, that the due date and time are Thursday 7 June 2018 @ 11:55pm.

    Please do provide us with your feedback which is important to us before the deadline.

    Thank you for your time and for those who already gave their feedback and I wish all of you all the best in your final exams.

  • Final Exam Seating Allocations

    Posted by Rachid Hamadi 7 years ago.

    Please log in with your zID/aPass to the following link to check your seat and time:

    Students who have not given any preference have been randomly allocated to a time.

    Students in the afternoon exam, can only see their corralling room. They will be told their lab seat when they turn up at the corralling room.

  • Quizzes Answers

    Posted by Rachid Hamadi 7 years ago.

    As discussed in our last lecture, please find Quizzes Answers under Lectures>Week 12.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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